The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 6: Chapter 5

Book 6: Chapter 5

A bed befitting a dragon, Lindyss said upon stepping through Tafels portal. She raised an eyebrow and looked around at the dragon-sized furniture within the dragon-sized room. Ed Edward really went all out when he made this place for you, huh? Its funny how a man gets saved by a religion I created and someone else gets all the credit.

Vur blinked. Ed Edward had gifted him the mansion out of gratitude for a chance to live on after dying. It really didnt seem fair that Ed hadnt given Lindyss anything even though she was responsible for bringing the dead back to life. A furrow appeared on Vurs brow, and he gestured towards the ground, which was the surface of the bed. Do you want my bed?

What. No, Lindyss said, her nose wrinkling. She narrowed her eyes at the red portal which was pulsing in the air by Vurs pillow. A frown appeared on her face. Is that the entrance to the tower?

It should be, Tafel said and glanced down at the set of rabbit bones in her arms. Right, Hyeonnam Tokki?

Yeah, the skeletal rabbit said. It wasnt quite sure how it was speaking. In fact, it still hadnt figure out how it was still even alive with only a skeleton supporting it. Or was it even alive?

Our guide looks a little bit out of it, Lindyss said.

A sunlike rune lit up on Vurs shoulder, and Sheryls voice rang out of it. The poor thing is probably scared of you because you ate him. Her?

Hes a him, Vur said. He stared at the skeletal rabbit which was blankly looking off into space. Dont worry, Hyeonnam. Theres no need to be scared of us; we wont eat you again.

Cant or wont? Sheryl asked.

Dont be ridiculous, Stella said. She was inside of Vurs body, so only her voice could be heard echoing out of the tattoo on Vurs chest. If Vur really wanted to, he could still snack on the rabbits bones.

If our guide doesnt start guiding, Ill snack on his bones, Lindyss said. Even though she had a feeling the trip she was going on this time was going to take a while, she still wanted to get through it faster. Lindyss flicked her finger, and a blob of black mana smacked and sank into the back of the rabbits skull.

Hyeonnam Tokki stiffened, his little legs extending straight out, his tall boots nearly falling off his limbs. He wriggled and hopped out of Tafels grasp, landing on the bed without making a sound. He was too light to even crinkle the blanket. His skeletal legs flashed as he bounced over to the ominous, red portal. Greetings, intrepid travelers, Hyeonnam Tokki said and bowed, tipping his cowboy hat at the trio. Ill be your guide to the tower. Please enter the spatial rift by my side. Once all of you step through, dont move around; Ill be there shortly. If I enter before you, the rift will close. Make sure you have everything you need with you; if youre weak, chances are, you might wont be coming back at all.

Tafel furrowed her brow and glanced at Lindyss. What exactly did you do to him just now?

The cursed elf crossed her arms over her chest. I dont feel like explaining.

Are the three? Hyeonnam Tokki stopped speaking and stared at Vur. Exactly how many, actually, never mind. Are the three of you prepared to enter the tower, the fabled land where strength and riches await?

Is it really fabled if we havent heard about it before? Tafel asked and raised an eyebrow.

Hyeonnam Tokki shrugged. Its fabled in dimensions where people have been able to establish a home rift. The skeletal rabbit stood on its hindlegs and shrugged. Im not saying the people of your world are weak, but its not the towers fault for not making its presence known here.

Tafels brow furrowed. Are you saying were weak?

No, no, Hyeonnam Tokki said and shook his little head. The people whove entered the tower in the past from your dimension were weak individuals. The three of you are the strongest beings Ive ever met; after all, no ones ever been able to eat me before. Even without my assistance, I guarantee youll make it to the highest echelons of the tower.

See? Lindyss asked. I knew eating it wouldnt be a problem. We wouldve been fine without a rabbit guide.

You could be making him say that, Tafel said and rolled her eyes, unable to forget about the blob of mana Lindyss had flung into what seemed like the rabbit skeletons brain. Alright, everythings in order? Were all good to go?

Vur grunted in response, and Lindyss nodded. A fairy crawled out of Lindyss robe; her hair was disheveled and a riverbed of dried drool was imprinted across half her face from the corner of her mouth to her ear. What? Whats going on? the fairy asked and looked around. Where are we?

Hi, Erin, Vur said. Youre coming with us?

Does Erin Koller ever back down from a challenge? the fairy asked while yawning. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes that the yawn had squeezed out before blinking a few times. Of course, Im going with you. She looked around again. Where are we going?

On a typical Vur and Tafel adventure, Lindyss said and took a step towards the red portal.

Oh, Erin said and flitted her way over to Lindyss shoulder. She took a seat and crossed her arms before glancing at Vur. So, were chaperoning again? Erin blinked as Lindyss stepped through the portal. The other side was pitch black with only a faint white light in the distance. Right. What should I prepare?

Vur and Tafel stepped through the portal as well, arriving by Lindyss side. As Hyeonnam Tokki hopped in behind them, the red portal shrank and winked out of existence, leaving the party stranded in the darkness.

Its too late for preparations; we cant go back now, Lindyss said, causing Erin to whip her head around to look at the cursed elfs face. It was dark, but thanks to the light up ahead, it was still possible for the group to see glimpses of each others features. Lindyss placed a finger against Erins cheek and pushed the fairy queens head, forcing it to look ahead instead of at the elfs face. Im joking. Ive already prepared everything you need for you.

Erin frowned. What if I didnt want to come with you guys?

Lindyss snorted. As if youd ever volunteer to be alone, she said. She glanced behind herself and snapped her fingers twice at the skeletal rabbit standing by Vurs feet. Guide? Hello? Do some guiding.

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