The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 6: Chapter 35

Book 6: Chapter 35

Gaegukja Yeol let out a sigh as her feet touched the ground. She had just spent the last few hours exploring the elven grotto Vurs group had just taken over. Its official, she said, speaking to the group of people relaxing while sitting around a campfire and eating from a tray of assorted fruits. Your current residence is better than our clans official residence.

Tafel raised her head. Better how? the demon asked. More space?

Gaegukja Yeol shook her head. It requires geums to unlock functions within a residence, the flaming woman said. She pointed up at the sky where clouds hung in the air. A lot of functions, like having an adjustable weather system or a sun that sets and rises every day at customizable times, are meant to improve ones quality of life, and to save on geums, a lot of clans and guilds cut costs where they can.

So, what youre saying is the elves who lived here spent a lot of money? Stella asked. She nodded. No wonder why Vur was attracted to their residence. In the end, losing their territory is their own faults for making too amazing of a place.

Gaegukja Yeol couldnt help but glance at Vur. He wasnt paying her any attention; he was too focused on eating a tray of golden fruits that Gaegukja Yeol recognized as Fruits of Knowledge, a luxury item grown by elves. Yes, well, its understandable the elves purchased everything to make their territory self sufficient considering how xenophobic they are, the flaming woman said. Everything youd normally have to leave your residence for like accepting a new mission or using a transportation tunnel, you can do it here with the gnarled tablet by the pond outside.

Upon hearing Gaegukja Yeols words, Vur raised his head. We can do anything without having to leave this place? he asked. Can we find Mary?

If youre looking for someone, its possible to issue a mission through the tower, Deowi said. And with that gnarled tablet, you can issue that mission from here. As for whether or not your mission will succeed, that depends on how easy it is to find the person youre looking for. Deowi looked around and rubbed his chin. So, where am I staying? Which tree here is mine?

Vur blinked and turned towards Lindyss. The cursed elfs expression darkened. Are you looking at me like that because you expect me to manage this place?

Vur nodded without any hesitation.

Lindyss took in a deep breath before letting out a sigh. What else should she have expected? Since Vur and Tafel saw her as their Auntie, it only made sense shed have responsibility heaped onto her by them. If she wanted to escape taking care of these brats for the rest of her life, shed have to change the relationship between them. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Tafel and Vur. Then again, being the aunt of a dragon and a phoenix had its perks. The cursed elf looked at Gaegukja Yeol and Deowi. You want to cling to Vurs thigh, so he can carry you up the tower, right?

Gaegukja Yeol lowered her head to stare at the ground. I wouldnt put it that way.

Yes, absolutely, Deowi said at the same time as his sister. The two flaming people exchanged glances with each other before Deowi nodded and looked at Lindyss. Were helping each other, but Vur will probably end up helping us more than we can possibly help him.

Lindyss nodded in return. In that case, earn your keep, she said. Map out the entire residence, and label the residential trees, so they have addresses on both their trunks and the map.

Is there anything I can do to help? a gruff voice asked from the side.

Lindyss turned her head to look at Kax, the red-haired man who had been following behind silently this whole time. Lindyss observed Kax from head to toe. You can check the doors, windows, and other entrances to all the residential trees in the area. Go with Deowi.

Yes, maam, Kax said and nodded. What am I checking for? Making sure they work?

Something like that, Lindyss said and smiled. Youre going to be looking for traps.

Thats not something Im skilled in, but Ill do my best, Kax said and nodded again. Ill get started right away. When Im done checking for traps, can I have my own tree as well?

Sure, Lindyss said, the smile on her face fading. Youre not one for jokes, are you?

How many times do I have to tell you? Erin asked before Kax could respond. Your sense of humor is twisted and wrong. The only people that get it are brainless skeletons whove been dead for over a century.

Erin? Lindyss asked.

Ill be quiet; please, dont hurt me, Erin said, speaking quickly. Forget I said anything. The fairy queen scooted over to Stella and swapped places with her.

You know, Tafel said, her gaze hovering between Lindyss and Erin, I heard its bad luck to mistreat fairies.

I bet a fairy told you that too, Lindyss said and snorted. She reached over and pinched Vurs cheek, almost causing a drop of fruit juice to fall out of his mouth. Let me guess, you also want me to issue that mission to find Mary for you.

Vur leaned his head to the side, freeing his cheek from Lindyss grasp. Youll do that too? he asked and picked up another Fruit of Knowledge. Thats great.

A wry smile appeared on Lindyss lips. While Im at it, should I end world hunger and poverty too?

Vur furrowed his brow and tilted his head. That sounds like a lot of work, he said. But if thats what you want to do, I wont stop you.

It was a joke, Tafel said.

A bad one, Erin added. Besides, you dont want her fixing world hunger and poverty. Shell turn everyone into a skeleton and say shes done.

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