The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 6: Chapter 3

Book 6: Chapter 3

So, Tafel said and glanced at Vur. In front of them, on the bed, the rabbit was staring up at them with its eyes wide and its front paws pressed together. Do you believe what its saying?

Vur shrugged. It doesnt seem like its lying, he said and picked the rabbit up. He moved it over as if he were moving a stuffed animal and peered at the portal that had been behind it. Vur stuck his right hand through the portal and wiggled his arm around. After a bit, he pulled his hand out, and it was completely unharmed. The portals safe.

Tafel nodded. Entering a portal and getting stuck in another place does sound like Mary would do; she does get lost quite easily, the demon said and scratched her head. However, that wasnt what I was uncertain about. Do you really think this tower has the ability to make someone stronger than a dragon?

Vur shrugged again. Ive never heard about the tower before, he said and picked up the rabbit again. It seemed to have learned it couldnt escape, so it didnt even try to resist Vurs hands. Why dont we ask Grimmy?

Thats not a bad idea, Tafel said. If anyone would know anything about something like this, itd be a cursed dragon, huh? After all, cursed dragons were the ones who poked their noses into other peoples business all the time in the name of sealing calamities. At leastto Tafelthats the impression she had obtained after visiting the evil-sealing tower.

Vur nodded. Portal? he asked.

Grimmy is at the roost, right? Tafel asked as her horns glowed silver. Seconds later, a portal materialized in the air beside her, the little window in space revealing four sunbathing dragons: two silver and two black. They all raised their heads at the same time, staring at the sudden intrusion. Upon seeing who had opened the portal three of the dragons put their heads back down while the fourth one, Ramon, waved at Tafel.

The baby holy dragon climbed to his feet and scampered over to the portal before Tafel and Vur could even pass through. Hi! What are you two doing? Anything fun or interesting? Its so boring here.

Hello, Ramon, Tafel said and nodded at the holy dragon as she exited the portal. When Vur passed exited with the rabbit in his grasp, Ramons eyes lit up.

Is that rabbit for me? Ramon asked and licked his lips.

You like rabbits? Vur asked and held the rabbit out towards Ramon. It went completely stiff upon realizing where it had been brought.

He likes biting their tails off, Gloria said from her sunbathing spot by her parents.

Vur glanced at Ramon, and the holy dragon bobbed its head up and down. I do, Ramon said. His eyes shifted down to look at the rabbit. Can I?

If it misbehaves, Vur said and brought the rabbit closer to his own body much to Ramons dismay. This was a special rabbit from the tower. What if it didnt agree with Ramons stomach? As a responsible adult, Vur had to eat the things in the tower first to make sure they were safe for consumption before feeding them to his baby cousin.

Tafel cleared her throat and approached Grimmy with slow steps. Grimmy? she asked and held the torn black envelope up in front of herself. Do you know anything about the tower? Its supposed to be a place where someone can become stronger than a dragon if they can complete the towers tasks. It opens up rifts to multiple dimensions to populate itself with the residents of those dimensions, and Vur received an invitation to enter.

Hmm. Grimmy tapped his claws on the ground of the valley as his forehead scrunched up. A tower that opens rifts to other dimensions. After thinking for a bit, he shook his head. Nope. Ive never heard about it, but Ive heard about dimensional rifts opening before. When people fall through them, they never return. Ive always wanted to know what was inside of one. Maybe the two are related.

Tafel frowned and turned to look at the rabbit. If we enter the tower, can we leave whenever we want?

If, if youre capable enough, the rabbit said through chattering teeth. Ramons gaze had never left the rabbit despite Vur refusing to let the holy dragon chomp its tail off. If youre strong and the tower acknowledges you, it wont be difficult to establish a connection between the tower and your home dimension that you can use whenever you want.

Upon hearing that, Tafels frown deepened. Mary is strong. Wheres her portal home?

The rabbit blinked. Maybe shes not as strong as you think? Or! Or she, uh, doesnt want to go home. Yes, that must be it. The rabbits head bobbed up and down, and Tafel stopped glaring at it.

Sounds like the two of you are planning on entering the tower, Grimmy said and raised an eyebrow. Can you take another person with you?

The, the entrance isnt big enough to accommodate a dragon, the rabbit said in an extremely small voice.

That doesnt matter, Grimmy said and snorted. Besides, I wasnt talking about myself. His gaze shifted onto Vur. If youre going, take Lindyss with you. If she doesnt want to go, tell her I told her to.

Vur nodded. Okay.

If were bringing Auntie Lindyss, should we invite Alice and Mr. Skelly as well? Tafel asked. Theyre a part of our party after all. She frowned. Then again, theyre still on their honeymoon, right? They did just get married. I think Ill just ask them. Another portal appeared beside the first one that hadnt closed. Soft music and low giggles sounded out the moment she did. It was hard to see, but flickers of candlelight lit up some portions of Tafels face. Less than a second later, the portal closed faster than Vur had seen Tafel close a portal before. Nope. Theyre busy.

Are you sure? the rabbit asked. You didnt even

Tafel glared at the rabbit and enunciated each word as she spoke. They are busy.

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