The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 6: Chapter 29

Book 6: Chapter 29

Kax Ammer frowned. After the fog that had been binding him had been lifted, he followed Vurs group from behind, but they stepped through a tunnel in the wall and vanished when the entrance closed up. Kax went up to the wall and tapped it; he bumped his root bracelet against the surface; he tried speaking to the wall; nothing worked. Despite that, Kax still had a solution to find Vur. Kax took a seat in the middle of the tunnel where Vurs group had disappeared. Eventually, theyd have to come back, so hed wait for them.

Kax rubbed the skin-thin bracelet on his left arm with his right thumb. A small, gnarled pattern lit up with an amber glow, and an object appeared on top of Kaxs left palm. He stared at it. The inventory function had cost him the clear reward granted for passing the admission exam, but, to him, it was worth the price. With it, he could store his most precious items into the bracelet and not worry about them being lost, damaged, or stolen. He could live with peace of mind knowing everything precious to him was safe.

Looking at a photo?

The amber glow on Kaxs wrist vanished, and the rectangular piece of paper that was barely the size of his palm disappeared as well. Kax raised his head, and his eyes narrowed. Kim Hajun, Kax recognized him.

Upon seeing Kax wasnt going to reply, Kim Hajun shrugged and pointed behind himself in the direction he had come from. Are you waiting for Vurs group?

Kax remained silent. Kim Hajun stared at Kax, his fist clenching by his thigh out of the red-haired mans view. The two men locked eyes with each other, one standing, one sitting. Tiny beads of sweat, so small they were nearly invisible, appeared on Kim Hajuns brow.

A rumbling sound broke the silence. The wall of the tunnel had rolled open, causing familiar, sun-like glows to flood out. Deowi and Gaegukja Yeol appeared with Vurs group trailing behind them. Oh, hey, Tafel said. Were the two of you waiting for us?

Theyre probably here for Lindyss and Yeol, Stella said.

I know that, Tafel said and rolled her eyes. But do you think either of those two will break the ice?

Kim Hajun cleared his throat and put on his best business smile. He approached the group and nodded at Deowi before making eye contact with Gaegukja Yeol. Hello, he said and offered a card to the flaming woman. A gift. Rip it if youre ever in danger.

A drawing of Hyeonnam Tokki? You even drew him wearing his fur coat jacket. Gaegukja Yeol said, a faint smile appearing on her lips. She somewhat doubted the effectiveness of the gift, but it was the thought that mattered, and it also helped that it was a cute drawing. Thank you.

The corners of Kim Hajuns lips curved upwards slightly. Im afraid Im also here to deliver a bit of disappointing news. Ive decided against joining the Extreme Heat Clan because Im not qualified yet. I wish to join your clan, but I want to be strong enough for the relationship between us to be one of equals and not of mentor and mentee.

She heard your heartfelt confession in the ant tunnel by the way, Stella said, poking her head out of Vurs chest.

Kim Hajuns face flushed red, and he stared down at his feet, averting his gaze from Gaegukja Yeol. You heard that, huh? he mumbled. He pursed his lips while taking in a deep breath with his nose. He exhaled through his mouth, blowing as if he were trying to put out the candles on a birthday cake. Kim Hajun raised his head and made eye contact with Gaegukja Yeol once more. Ill see you at the Hwasan Lava Baths. Wait for me; I wont take long.

So bold, Stella said. But I suppose his straightforwardness is the only thing hes got going for him. Hes not particularly strong nor handsome.

Deowi cleared his throat. Yeol, he said. Do you want me to scare this guy away for you?

Gaegukja Yeol shook her head. No, she said, not looking at her brother. She smiled at Kim Hajun. I cant promise Ill be there when you arrive, but Ill do my best to stay in the area.

Kim Hajuns lips contorted upwards as he almost couldnt control his smile from breaking out. Great, he said and nodded. Thats great to hear. You seem a bit busy, and I dont want to hold you up for too long, so Ill be going now? He pointed his finger towards the tunnel and raised an eyebrow.

Right, Gaegukja Yeol said and nodded. She raised one arm. Bye.

Bye, Kim Hajun said, raising his hand and turning around before sliding his hand into his pocket. He took in a deep breath and straightened his posture as he walked away. When he was almost past the bend of the tunnel, he couldnt help but turn his head back. A grin appeared on his face when he saw Gaegukja Yeol was still looking at him, and the two waved at each other once more while mouthing goodbyes before Kim Hajun left.

So, youre into pretty boys, Deowi said, raising an eyebrow at his sister. No wonder why you always rejected your previous suitors advances. They were butt-ugly.

And what are you here for? Gaegukja Yeol asked, turning towards Kax Ammer. The smile on her face had disappeared.

Kax Ammer climbed to his feet, his figure towering over Deowis by a head. He extended out his left fist. Kax wishes to join the Extreme Heat Clan.

Deowi glanced up and down at Kax, examining the man from head to toe. Alright, he said and bumped fists with Kax. An amber glow appeared on both their root bracelets, briefly intertwining above their fists. We were about to do some tedious work, so having free labor will help.

Thank you, Kax Ammer said and grinned. Kax will do his best.

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