The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 6: Chapter 26

Book 6: Chapter 26

Kim Hajun opened his eyes. The silken fog that had bound him was lifting. Like smoke, it drifted upwards, the whole white mass rising at once. People gasped and exclaimed as they were set free, the whole-body immobilization uncomfortable for the ones whove never felt it before. Kim Hajun scanned the crowd, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. He recalled the first time he had been trapped by Geomis silk within his so-called prophetic dream; the silk was counterintuitive to escape from. The more one struggled, the tighter theyd be bound.

Unfortunately, Kim Hajun didnt get to see Geomi, the cause of the fogs descent. Instead, he saw Vurs group standing together with Deowi and Yeol. The two members of the fire spirit race were sticking awfully close to the half-naked variable, and Kim Hajun clenched his hand as he walked over. Within Vurs arms, there were three large? Kim Hajun really wanted to describe the objects as chicken drumsticks, but they were green with red spots, and from the upper portions, green fluid flowed down. Somehow, they reminded Kim Hajun of Geomis legs, but he mustve been mistaken. It didnt make any sense for the guardian of the first floors legs to be in a newcomers possession.

Kim Hajun increased the pace of his footsteps. Although he was planning on joining the Iron Sword Society during his time clearing the lower floors of the tower, it was more important to investigate the variable that could warp the whole timeline of the tower. He could always join the society later; it wasnt like the recruitment area ran away. People were joining the tower all the time; as such, the recruitment area was open every hour of every day.

As Kim Hajun got closer to Vurs group, the room became more animated. After the guardian left, the newcomers and staff alike chatted with one another. Kim Hajun directed his attention ahead, filtering out unfamiliar voices. His efforts werent wasted; a familiar, boisterous voice caught his attention. Forget about the Extreme Heat Clan, the voice said. Well disband it!

Kim Hajuns expression darkened, and his footsteps hurried even faster. He raised an arm as he approached Vurs group. Hello, Kim Hajun said and slowed his pace once he was in talking distance. We seem to be meeting quite often. Even after he had spent such a long time to properly digest the Heart of Fire, he somehow bumped into Vurs group once again. Either they moved really slowly, or they were messing with him. What were the chances of bumping into the same three variables repeatedly when nothing else in the world had changed? When Keulonoseu had used his ability to send Kim Hajun back in time, perhaps these three variables were caught up in it as well.

Oh, hey, its you, Deowi said upon seeing the newcomer. His red eyes lit up. Did you want to join the Extreme Heat Clan? Im sorry, but I dont think were recruiting anymore.

We are not disbanding the Extreme Heat Clan, Gaegukja Yeol said and glared at Deowi. Her flaming red eyes were burning so bright, Kim Hajun swore he could feel the heat from them radiating onto his cheek. It was your stupid decision to say youd personally help Vur if you lost against him, so only you should suffer from the consequences of your actions. She turned towards Kim Hajun. If you want to join the Extreme Heat Clan, youre welcome to apply.

Before Kim Hajun could respond, Gaegukja Yeol had already turned back towards her older brother. Deowi was scratching his head with an awkward expression on his face. Are you sure you dont want to disband the clan? Youre always stressing about it so much; there isnt a night youre not complaining about something.

Im an easily stressed person, Gaegukja Yeol said and placed her hands on her hips. If the clan wasnt around to cause me anxiety, Id still find something else to complain about at night.

Well, I want to disband the clan, alright? Deowi asked. Its too much work to manage, and I have to be on my best behavior at all times. Do you know how many times Ive wanted to jump someone but held back because I didnt want our clans reputation to be damaged?

Hey, Tafel said, a gloomy expression on her face. We dont want a reputation of violence either.

You dont? Lindyss asked, raising an eyebrow. She looked over Vur and nodded. Right. The two of you dont do pedestrian violence. You conquer nations; I forgot.

See? Deowi asked. They dont care if I knock the lights out of people who lowball or undercut me.

Gaegukja Yeol took in a deep breath through her nose. Are you seriously considering this?

Deowi placed both hands on his sisters shoulders. If Vurs group will have me, I will leave the clan.

Kim Hajuns eyes bulged upon hearing Deowis sentence. A loud ringing filled his ears, and the edges of his vision faded into orange.

You, Gaegukja Yeol said, her voice practically a growl as she drew out the word. Her flames crackled with low pops as her body trembled. And you think Im going to manage the clan in your absence?

Why manage it? Deowi asked. Just give it up. Chase your own dreams.

Conquering the tower is my dream, Gaegukja Yeol said. And weve almost achieved it. Weve made it to the eighty-third floor together. Were rising rapidly in the weekly clan rankings. Just the other week, three sponsorship deals came in. Gaegukja Yeol bit her lower lip. Why are you giving up everything now?

Its very simple, Deowi said, nodding his head. I cant be the leader of a clan where Im not the strongest person.

You dont even act like the leader, Gaegukja Yeol said. Youre always goofing off or sleeping when youre not climbing the tower.

And I can do that because Im the strongest person there, Deowi said. Since youre adamant about accepting Vur under our wings, the only thing I can do is resign and join Vurs group, and if Vurs group happens to join the clan, then Ill rejoin and simply be a member.

Gaegukja Yeol took in a deep breath. Deowi, did you know?

Know what?

I hate you.

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