The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 6: Chapter 14

Book 6: Chapter 14

Tafels expression darkened as she waved her hand, removing her phoenix flames from existence. Although it couldnt move or show any reactions to outside stimulus, Tafel swear she heard a breath of relief escape from the red ant pupas unmoving body; after all, the heat source underneath it had just vanished.

Vur blinked and raised his head, looking up at Tafel. Whyd you stop?

If I knew you were going to use my flames to cook the pupa, I wouldnt have started in the first place, Tafel said. She looked around, and the surrounding ants stopped buzzing. It was a strange sound to hear since she always associated buzzing with bees, but the sheer amount of ant legs and mandibles grinding against more legs and mandibles droned much louder than any bee she had ever heard. Did you really trade away a diamond for a meal?

Vur glanced around, but there really werent any phoenix flames left for him to roast the pupa in his hand. He considered using some of his own flames on it, but he liked the taste produced when cooking meat using Tafels flames. The smokey flavor was a bit spicier. Vur looked up at Tafel, and judging by the look on her face, he determined the question she had asked wasnt a rhetorical one. Did he trade a diamond for a meal? It wasnt his fault he thought it was rhetorical; the answer was obvious. Yes.

Tafel extended her arms and grabbed the pupa, gently but firmly removing it from Vurs grasp, though his fingers did latch on pretty tightly as the pupa slid out from underneath. We are not going to eat the pupa.

Vur blinked. Were not going to eat the pupa?

No, Tafel said and shook her head. She glanced at Kim Hajun, who was wrapping the Heart of Fire in a handkerchief. Tafel tucked the pupa underneath her left armpit and placed her hands on her hips.

Vur tilted his head. Why not?

Tafel gestured towards the pupa with her right hand. Other than the fact it looked like more like a statue than a living creature, the ant pupa looked like a dog-sized ant with wings. This can conquer empires.

So? Vur asked. I can conquer empires too.

Tafel turned her head towards Kim Hajun. I dont know much about the prices of objects here, but how many meals would you be able to buy with the money youd get from selling this?

Kim Hajun pocketed the wrapped Heart of Fire. If you were to use all the money from selling the pupa to purchase meals, youd never go hungry for the rest of your life. In the tower, food is cheap.

Unless you want to eat princess ant pupas for lunch every day, Lindyss said.

Of course, Kim Hajun said, nodding at Lindyss. The same can be said if you want to eat palaces and enchanted weapons. He looked at Vur, who was still eyeing the pupa underneath Tafels arm. I appreciate your willingness to part with the Heart of Fire. If youre looking for a place to enjoy delicacies, theres a group of individuals whove established a headquarters on the thirty-seventh floor of the tower. They call themselves the Gluttonous Gourmets, and theyre people whore also willing to eat strategic resources like that pupa. I think youd get along well with them.

Arent you a newcomer to the tower like us? Erin asked, the fairy queen narrowing her eyes at Kim Hajun. Where exactly do you get your information from? Are you part of an organization?

A faint smile appeared on Kim Hajuns lips. An organization? he asked. Theres one Im interested in joining, but Im currently a free man. As for where I obtain my information from, do you know what prophetic dreams are?

You can see the future? Lindyss asked and raised an eyebrow. I suppose that explains a few things. She gave Kim Hajun a once-over, staring at the top of his head down to the tips of his toes.

Goosebumps appeared on Kim Hajuns skin, and he cleared his throat. Well, I rushed here to obtain this pupa, and I didnt have time to gather any ant honey. We mightve been given three days, but thats a trap the tower set to lower peoples guards. If you dont finish the honey gathering during the first day, youll fail.

Tafel glanced at Lindyss. Do you want to give him a jar? Apparently, the pupa was worth much more than the Heart of Fire. Throwing in a jar of any honey wouldnt make their balances even, but it certainly wouldnt hurt, not with all the honey Vur had collected in an ant-friendly manner.

Alright, Lindyss said. A hand emerged vertically out of her shadow with a jar in its grasp. The shadowy hand moved through the ground, leaving a trail of darkness on the ground. It approached Kim Hajun and held the jar out at knee level.

Kim Hajun blinked before bending over to retrieve the jar. That certainly saves me some time, he said and nodded at Lindyss. He brought the jar up to his face and inspected the amber liquid inside. Do you perhaps have an extra three jars? I know some individuals whore willing to exchange some items for some.

Know them through your dreams? Erin asked. She was still staring at Kim Hajun.

More precisely, I know them through one very long dream, Kim Hajun said and tilted his head to look upwards despite the ceiling of the cavern having nothing on it. He seemed to be staring past the rocky layer as if he could see the upper floors of the tower hidden behind it. It feels almost like Ive climbed the tower before.

Were we in your dream too? Erin nudged Lindyss head and whispered, See? People do dream about you!

What are you going on about? Lindyss asked with a dark expression.

Do you remember that conversation we had back then, Erin asked while nodding her head. Yeah? Yeah? Well, Im right.

If I had to remember every conversation Ive had with you, there wouldnt be any space in my head for anything else, Lindyss said and rolled her eyes before looking at Kim Hajun. Anyway, you need three more jars, right? Three shadowy hands emerged from below, each holding a jar of ant honey.

Kim Hajun bent down to grab a jar, but the shadowy hand retreated, keeping the glass just out of reach. Kim Hajun looked up, and Lindyss raised an eyebrow at him. You didnt think those would be free as well, right? Pay up.

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