The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 9

My Villains Episode 009

3. Elemental Mage (4)

Looking down at my naked body, the annoyance was relieved in one shot.


When I was a sergeant at the end of my life, when I ate and went to the gym, my body wasn’t better than this.

I thought the blood knight had a skinny, elongated body shape, but when I took it off, it was like a gymnast.

He seemed to be in his late 180s as well.

He was tall even by modern standards, but in this world, he was no different from a giant.

Come to think of it, I came from the pier to the inn, and most of the people seemed to be a head shorter than me.

After groping for a while, I took off my pants.

“… and Mr.”

I’ve been paying attention to some extent when I’m urinating on my stomach, but I’m speechless.

While struggling with such pride and happiness, I suddenly had a chilling thought.

What if the thing I raised right before I fell asleep on Earth was not a male blood knight, but a different character?

If I had woken up as a white-haired old necromancer, a tough male martial artist, or a female character–just imagining it was horrifying. I felt grateful for the body I was given now. After washing, Ellen helped wash up. All I could say was that he helped me while he went into the conical tent and washed himself.

Still, the atmosphere in the city was so vicious that I had to be extra careful. Moreover, El Ren, whose half was a wizard who could not even use magic, was even more dangerous.

The next place we headed was the guest room… which was really the worst. I wondered if I could even call it a guest room.

First of all, you could stay in a shared room for three pennies and a four-person room for eight pennies. There were only two types of rooms. Since the price was three times higher, we opted for a cheap shared room.

I was the type of person who prided myself on not being picky about lodging and sleeping, and Ellen said it didn’t matter since she had been traveling for two months already.

When I heard that many people shared a room, I thought of the dormitories I stayed in during my travels in Europe.

It was not a bad experience to hang out with young people from all over the world.

I thought that this inn would also be a good opportunity to make connections with strangers in another world and gain various information.

…why did I think of such an asshole?

Reality was the worst. In the large shared room, there were about a dozen low beds wrapped in blankets, such as straw and scraps of fabric. Just pick one of them and lay down to sleep.

The mice running on the roof, the centipede as thick as my thumb, the stinky straw and the damp blanket were like dogs, but the most annoying were the other guests.

As if the innkeeper couldn’t count, he let in six or seven more guests even when the beds were full.

The ones who came in later also found it funny that if there were no beds, they would have to go out and argue with the innkeeper, but they just lay down on the floor. I thought they were crazy people.

Of the guests, thankfully, only about half washed themselves properly, and the rest gave off a terrible stench.

Among them, a couple of mercenaries lay in bed like real street homeless people or beggars.

I really wanted to kick his butt.

And as it should be, this crazy inn was a mixed stay.

Ellen was very worried, but Pom wearing a brown robe was clearly a wizard, so everyone avoided them. fortunately it was

I lay down on the bed like that, but without realizing it, curses come out.


It’s a truly depressing night that brings tears to my eyes. Should I say it was similar to the first night at the training center? No, it seemed worse than that.

Ellen, wrapped in a blanket while curled up in a corner, continues to toss and turn as if the seat is not comfortable. At first glance, there was also a sound that seemed to be sniffling.

Well, it was scary because I fell in an unfamiliar place in a state that was no different from a bare body.

In addition, in the scenario, the guy was framed and chased. Perhaps his harsh attitude was also an unreasonable defense mechanism to cover up his weak side.

The sniffles got a little louder, and a small stir was added.

I wanted to comfort him, but in my experience, it’s best to leave him alone at times like this.

…It wasn’t just because it was annoying and tiring.


Anyway, I thought I had already peeled off the pods for the new world, but I realized it again while staying at this inn.

This world was a shitty place beyond my imagination.

The next morning I was surprised for three reasons.

One was because of the fact that I had one of the best nights of my life.


I stretched out with a loud groan. What is this crazy refreshment Even just before bedtime, I felt like my head would explode from stress, but it was so refreshing and refreshing as if I put my brain in the washing machine and then put it back in.

My body felt light as if I could fly. Considering the amount of blood shed the day before and the poor diet, it was a healthy body without any context.

The second thing that surprised me was the fact that both I and Ellen were safe.

Looking out the window, the sun was already rising in the middle of the sky. Ellen, too, must have been tired and had been sleeping soundly until now. Even the weapons and bags were intact.

Something rather shocking? Could it be that I misunderstood something about this world?

I found out later that there had been a massive public execution a few days ago. He hanged all those who caused disturbances in the city or committed robbery.

Thanks to this, it is said that crime has decreased considerably despite the fact that there are not many guards patrolling the streets.

It might be a temporary effect, but for me it was something I was grateful for. A moment of silence for dead criminals.

The last thing that surprised me… was a dream I had last night.

We took our seats at a table in the far corner of the inn hall. I asked Ellen, who was eating oatmeal with her small mouth eagerly munching.

“Hey, has anything really changed?”

“Because there is none.”

“It couldn’t have been… Seeing Ellen’s gnarled face, it didn’t look like she was lying. It’s only been a day since we met, but I don’t think he’s a guy who can act so casually.

“That’s strange…

” “Don’t talk and eat. Can you eat all of them?”

“Oh, of course not. Can I eat twice as much of this?”

Saying that, I drank the bowl of oat porridge and ate the grilled fish. I bought three fish the size of my forearm, but it’s already the last one.

Oh, I bought the grilled fish from a street vendor on the port side. It’s two pennies per pig, which is expensive, but compared to other foodstuffs, it’s practically free.

The port is blocked, so the nets cannot be released, but fishing is possible, so the supply continues, albeit less.

The meals provided at the inn were small in quantity and expensive, so each person ordered a bowl of oat porridge. But that alone is four pennies. pestilence.

The reason why I worked hard to fill my stomach with such a tasteless meal was because I planned to check myself for the day.

I wanted to check my physical condition, such as physical strength and strength, as well as my skills.

At the same time, I was thinking of checking Ellen’s condition as well

“Okay, so shut up and eat it.”

Speaking of dreams again, what I saw in my dream last night was a character sheet.

Even now, when I close my eyes, the character sheet comes to mind. But that was only to check my condition, not to be able to distribute points.

But the window I saw in my dream was different. I was able to distribute points by moving my hands.

And the character sheet was divided into tab I and tab I as a whole. It reminded me of my sheet in tab I and Ellen’s in tab H.

In short, in my dream, I was able to distribute not only mine, but also Ellen’s skill stat points!

Naturally, I distributed all points as much as possible.

Phoenix did not have a separate score. So, after killing the pirates and reaching level 11, 1 skill point and 5 stat points were all.

With it, I strengthened my passive skill, Flowing Blood, and raised my health by 2.

His stat score was 5 points, but the reason he only raised his health by 2 was because of the Dark World’s stat system.

In the Dark World, the stat points required to enhance stats are different for each section. For example, if the stat is 10 or less, the stat score for enhancement is 1 point. However, you need 2 stat points in your teens, 3 points in your 20s, 4 points in your 30s, and 5 stat points in your 40s.

So, my current stats are Strength 20, Dexterity 16, Health 18, Magic 1, excluding item effects.

In reality, 30 points for strength, 22 points for agility, 26 points for health, and 1 point for horsepower were invested. One extra point left.

The uniquely low magic power was due to the characteristics of the blood knight class.

The energy that forms the basis of a blood knight is ‘blood energy’.

As its name suggests, it is an aura imbued with blood, so it is affected by both health and magical power.

To be precise, the amount of blood was 25% of health points plus 100% of magic points.

In other words, my current blood qi is 5 points.

It’s 5 points, so it looks very low, but ‘Blood Blade’ and ‘Blood Shield’ require only 1 blood to use, and ‘Thirst’ is only 2.

Even with 5 points, there is no big obstacle in using the skill. For this reason, the importance of magical power is relatively low for low-level blood knights.

There are no skills with magic coefficients yet, and if you work hard to increase your survivability and health, your blood pressure will increase.

Anyway, currently I have improved my health by 2 points, but I don’t feel it right now.

I’m in great shape, but I have no way of knowing if it’s because I’ve been resting or if it’s because my health score has gone up.

Ellen, on the other hand,

had a huge level of numerical change.

As I confirmed in my dream, Ellen was currently level 12. The remaining skill points were 11 points and the stat points were 35 points, and I distributed all the points after much thought.

As for the skills, I invested 3 points in ‘Flame Arrow’, 1 point in ‘Burning Weapon’, 3 points in ‘Cold Air Spray’, 3 points in ‘Wind Fist’, and 1 point in ‘Dance Spirit’.

The reason why I chose the 3 elements of fire and cold wind is that it is a stable combination with high versatility and can exert power continuously during and after growth.

The boss battle PK wide area damage and single damage were all good, and the survivability was a particularly good combination.

As for the stats, I invested 7 points in strength, 9 points in agility, 10 points in health, and 9 points in horsepower. As a result, it became 10 Strength, 13 Agility, 15 Health, and 23 Magic Power. It was evenly distributed without any redundancy.

In numerical terms, his strength more than doubled and his agility nearly doubled. My health has also improved a lot.

At this level, it should show almost a change in the level of metamorphosis….

Why is there no change? Could it be that it was just a dream?

Perhaps feeling my gaze, Ellen licked her white cheeks with blue veins and slightly frowned.

“What do you keep looking at?”

“uh? Oh no.”

I suddenly felt impatient, but decided to wait a bit.

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