The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 285 - Kinky Day

Chapter 285 - Kinky Day

They might be already making a loud noise and Violet didn't want him to leave. That's why she ready all of the straps on. She tied him on the bed and snuggled with him. He didn't move as he was patient. He also looked puzzled on why they were doing such things.

"Let me rest a bit. It's been a while since we last had sex."

"When was the last time?" He asked.

"That was seven months or more. We had sex when I was pregnant with our Kal."

"Kal?" he creased his brows.

"Yes, our baby boy."

"I want to see him." He said seriously.

"No." She shook her head. "I can't let them have our baby. Never." She pushed herself up and walked toward the table to get some water. "If you weren't under their control, I would let you. It's better to be safe than sorry." She sipped on the water and then she approached him and let him have it. Then, she kissed him passionately.

"My sister, do you know her?" He asked.

"Uhuh, I did." She smiled. "Hannah Grace just looked like you, Victor. She's happy but sad at the same time." She drank on the glass as she finished every drop of it. Then, she straddled him.

"She doesn't look like me." He said.

She scoffed and shook her head.

"No. The two of you have similarities. Both of you have a killer instinct that's why the Charles Empire is controlling you to have her."

"Is she safe?"

"Of course," She nodded. "She's been safe ever since she was little."

"Remove these cuffs." He commanded.

"No." She smirked at him as she moved down and kissed his abdomen. "I will make this your memorable one."

Violet and Victor did all of the kinky stuff all day and had a break to eat and relax. But mostly, Victor was the one who was so tired and his head was aching. He fell asleep deep in the hotel and realized that it was midnight when he felt someone inside the room. He opened his eyes to find a Butler from the Charles Empire. He bowed at him.

"We were worried, Sir Victor. Would you like anything?"

"No." He reached his head as he sat up and looked around. "Where's the woman?" He asked.

"She already left, I think. We've been here for three hours now." Butler said as he approached him with the medicine. "I bet your head was aching a lot."

Victor just had a dream of that lady in purple highlights. Then, she was pregnant and he listened to the lady's stomach. Her face was a blur and she laughed and spoke the same as the woman that he just slept with today.

"Did you get her name?" He asked. "If you impregnate the woman, the Empire will support her."

"Her name is Vi." He said. "I don't know her last name." He took the pillow and then the Butler turned back to get him water. He slid the pill under the pillow and he acted as he drank it. "There's no way that I could make her pregnant. She's infertile and we use condoms." He partially lied.

"Hmm, I see. Did she say that to you?" The Butler asked again.

"Yes," he said. "I don't want to have kids. She's just some random woman." He reached the robe that the Butler gave as he put it on and he slowly slipped off from the bed and wrapped it around his body. "I'm going to take a bath." He said as he walked toward the bathroom. Somehow, he felt like his lower part had been used. He turned on the shower as he sneered after remembering how wild the lady was.


Johanna watched as Violet was hummed while she's reading a few documents from the tablet. Everyone sat down in front of the table and she put it away.

"I'm starving," Violet said.

"You look blooming rather than gloomy," Johanna commented at her. Violet smiled at her up to her ears.

"I am?"

"Yes, what makes your mood like that?" She asked.

"Well, I just fuck your brother." She said bluntly that Johanna stared at her, puzzled, and blinked three times.


"I did it with your brother all day and afternoon. That's why I'm in a good mood. Don't worry. We are married." She said as she raised her ring.

"You said that you do it with my brother. How?"

"Well, we booked a hotel and we strip~~"

"Geez," Viper exclaimed as Karmina laughed.

"What I mean is how you convinced him?"

"I seduced him, enough." Violet laughed as Johanna still felt a little surprised.

"He was supposed to have erectile dysfunction." Johanna raised her brows.

"Darling, he had that when it was a different woman. I cursed his lower part to only get aroused in front of me."

"Oh, please. This is making my appetite crash." Leon grumbled.

"That's a fun conversation." Henry laughed.

"Alright, let's take a break from that conversation," Karmina said. "Let's say grace."

They pray first before having the first bite of their meal. Johanna was still overthinking while eating.

"But the Charles Empire didn't put a bug on him, right?"

"Yes," Violet answered. "He's clean. Even his prosthetic leg."

"Okay," She shrugged. "It's just perverted if the Charles Empire watched him fu~~" Karmina cleared her throat. "If he had sex with an opposite sex."

"Don't worry. We are alone." Violet winked at her and she finished her soup. "I'm done. I'm gonna check on my baby."

"We aren't in the first course yet," Karmina told her.

"I'm really tired." Violet smiled. "I will eat if I'm hungry."

"Wow, your energy was drained." Connor teased as he laughed.

"You got it." Violet snapped his fingers and pointed at Connor. Then, she stood and left.

Johanna stared down at her food and looked at Connor. He was currently busy cutting the kebab beef so she could digest it properly. There were lots of questions in her head and she wished that she would get closer to her brother.

"Darling, you need to eat more veggies, okay?" Karmina reminded Johanna. She nodded her head and watched as her man put broccoli, carrots, and lettuce on the sides of the meat.

After dinner, they had a family talk on the patio as they drank wine and enjoyed the beautiful garden with lots of Christmas lights. Johanna was also enjoying Connor's warmth. She then looked at Harvey who was doing the same to his wife as they whispered at each other. She turned her head a little to Connor as he met her cheeks with his lips.



"Can you change your name?"

"Babe," he frowned at her. "I'm already getting used to that."

"I was just thinking." She said. "And Violet just fuck my brother…"

"They are married." He whispered.

"I can't stop but to overthink. It's obvious that the Charles Empire is monitoring his every move."

"Don't worry about it. Viper and Violet cleaned it up, even the cameras in that hotel."

"I bet that she's meeting him again."

"Yeah, probably." She shrugged. "Are you jealous?" He asked and held her tummy.

"I'm jealous that she got to speak and have a face-to-face with my brother but I can't."

Connor sighed and shook his head.

"You can't face him yet. You knew why." He patted her head. "Do you want to go back to our room?"

"Yes, let's do that." She decided. "They left quietly while the others were busy playing poker."

They went to the second floor and she again complained about the long stairs. When they reached their bedroom. He prepared the bathroom for her and she made sure that the floor wasn't wet. He needs to have someone put carpets everywhere in these tiles.

"Love, you can wash now."

He stayed with her while she's washing. He got turned on but he remained impassive and assisted her with other things. He noticed the while stretch marks on her belly and butts but it was adorable everywhere.

"Yeah, you are still hot, Mama." He said in a different twang.

"Stop that." She hissed at him as she put her robe on. He followed her to her dresser as he pulled the chair. Then, she sanitized her hand and started with her skincare routine while he took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and finally, went to bed with her. He relaxes beside her. He was about to sleep when suddenly she slid his hand to his half-hard manhood.

He opened his eyes and looked down at her with those adorable kitty eyes.

"Oh no." He grumbled.

"Yes, I want you."

"Okay," he breathed in and out. He's getting excited and so was his lower part.

"Remember that we have that vibrating wand?" She blinked at him. "I want it while you are spooning me."

"Okay, got it!" He quickly jumped off the bed and went to the closet. He rummaged through their private box and took it out. He sanitized it and quickly went back to her. He tested the battery, and he grinned.

"I'm so horny." She whispered.

"Wow," he was amazed at her.

"I was horny last night, but you were asleep."

"You should wake me up next time." He kissed her lips. "Babe, you are making my day complete.. You always do."

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