The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 438

Chapter 438 - That Person Is Mr Su

President Chen was swiftly driving to the seafood market. After parking, he straightened his attire and entered the bustling scene.

”Load up the King crabs first,” he directed the workers.

“Handle that bluefin tuna with care; it cost me over two million. Get it into the freezer quickly and make sure the ice doesn't melt off its surface.”

“Easy does it with those Veron Oysters!”

“And don't forget to pump extra oxygen into the Australian abalones.”

A man who appeared to be the boss stood at the entrance of a vast wholesale seafood market, overseeing the laborers. The seafood, all imported, were destined for upscale restaurants. Their value was astronomical; losing even one would be a significant financial blow. That's why the boss made it a point to be present for every delivery.

As he scrutinized the workers with a critical eye, footsteps approached from behind, and a hand landed on his shoulder. The boss, slightly annoyed, spun around. “Who's there?”

Recognizing the visitor, his expression softened.

“President Chen, what brings you here? Which seafood are you craving today? You should've called me; I would've delivered it to you. This market isn't the cleanest place for someone like you to visit,” the boss said with urgency.

In Eastsea, every prominent businessperson sought to curry favor with President Chen. Securing loans often depended on his goodwill. Although President Chen was fond of seafood, he had been cautious due to his age and health concerns, particularly the risk of gout. However, since taking Su Ming's Body-stretching Pill, his health had improved, and he had resumed indulging in his favorite delicacies.

Lately, President Chen had been frequently requesting seafood from this boss, who had consistently refused to accept payment. Previously, Boss Chen might have taken advantage of such generosity, but his interactions with Su Ming had changed his perspective. He now knew that even the most influential individuals, like Su Ming, paid their way, and so he too insisted on doing the same.

“Soong, I'm not here to buy seafood this time,” President Chen said with a chuckle. “There's no need for the workers to continue unloading. Have them reload the goods and take them over to the barbecue street.”

Upon hearing President Chen's directive, the boss didn't hesitate for a moment.

He spun around and bellowed, “Load the goods we just unloaded back onto the truck and take them to Barbeque Street.”

The employees were dumbfounded.

They wondered, is President Chen planning to grill these luxurious seafood items?

The tuna alone cost over two million yuan.

There weren't many in Eastsea City who could afford such delicacies.

But they had no choice but to obey their boss's command.

They followed orders, albeit with a sense of bewilderment.

Boss Soong was equally puzzled.

President Chen had ordered the seafood to be delivered to Barbeque Street, yet there were no upscale restaurants there.

And even if there were, Boss Soong's supply could easily stock several Eastsea restaurants for a fortnight.

The seafood was typically fetched as needed by the restaurants, which lacked the proper facilities to keep it fresh.

“President Chen, what's this all about?” Boss Soong inquired cautiously.

President Chen, hands clasped behind his back, shook his head with a hint of intrigue and said, “Today, someone has extended a dinner invitation to everyone.”

Boss Soong was perplexed by this unconventional invitation.

Seeing Boss Soong's baffled look, President Chen chuckled.

He added, “A Young Master Jin from H Country has arrived in Eastsea, have you heard?”

Boss Soong paused, then replied, “Young Master Jin? Yes, I'm aware of him—he's quite the miser!”

President Chen confirmed, “That's right, it's him. He's been convinced to host a meal for everyone, and he's agreed. He's offering a complimentary feast to all on Barbeque Street. He even complained that the street's fare wasn't fancy enough, which is why I've come to procure some premium seafood.”

Boss Soong was flabbergasted.

He found it hard to believe President Chen's words.

Why would President Chen spout such nonsense at this hour?

Could the frugal Young Master Jin really be treating the whole street to a meal?

It seemed utterly implausible!

He was more inclined to believe in an imminent apocalypse than in this tale!

Moreover, President Chen's standing was every bit as distinguished as Young Master Jin's.

And by traditional standards, President Chen was even Young Master Jin's elder.

How could he possibly take orders from Young Master Jin?

President Chen smiled and asked, “What's the matter? Don't you trust me?”

Boss Soong vigorously shook his head, replying, “I can't believe it. How could this be possible? President Chen, Young Master Jin's reputation for penny-pinching is well-known. Who could possibly get him to foot the bill for a meal?”

President Chen's gaze was filled with admiration as he responded, “While others may not be able to, there is one person who can.”

Upon hearing this, Boss Soong's curiosity was piqued about who could be so influential.

From what he knew, there was only one person in Eastsea whom President Chen would hold in such high esteem and eagerly assist.

With caution, Boss Soong inquired, “Could the person you're referring to be Mr. Su?”

“You're sharp. Do you believe me now?”

Boss Soong was ecstatic, “I believe you!”

It was indeed the legendary Mr. Su!

Who else in all of Eastsea could achieve such a feat besides Mr. Su?

President Chen gave Boss Soong's shoulder a reassuring pat: “Rest assured, Young Master Jin is picking up the tab tonight. Make sure to prepare the bill and mark up the prices by 10%. That way, you'll earn a bit extra.”

Overwhelmed with excitement, Boss Soong exclaimed, “Got it!”

He quickly pulled out his phone and started dialing numbers.

“Get the goods over to BBQ Street immediately. What? You've already reached and started unloading? Stop selling the goods to them.”

“Any empty trucks in the warehouse? What's that? The trucks are loaded with mackerel? Dump those worthless fish in the sewer. No, I'm not drunk. Get all the empty trucks to the wholesale market, now!”

“CEO Liu, do you have any trucks available? I'll pay double the rate. Send your fleet to the wholesale market immediately!”

Boss Soong was nearly delirious with joy.

This time, he would be able to clear out his inventory.

Before long, a fleet of trucks arrived from afar, all equipped for transporting seafood, complete with refrigerated storage.

Boss Soong announced that the workers' pay for the day would be quintupled, then directed them to transfer all the seafood from the warehouse onto the trucks.

The workers, thrilled by the news, worked both swiftly and efficiently.

In no time at all, the goods were fully loaded.

Then, the entire convoy headed straight for BBQ Street.

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