The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 435

Chapter 435 - The Show Has Begun!

To expedite the mission, the System will grant you an Obedient Consent Pill. Once you select a target and use it on them, they will willingly comply with any request you make, no matter what it is. The effect lasts for two hours.

Su Ming was momentarily taken aback by the notification that echoed in his mind.

The special mission he had unlocked while harvesting the Excellent Banana was now activated!

The most impressive part was the Obedient Consent Pill provided by the System.

With this pill, any target he chose would acquiesce to his demands.

The potential of this feature was immense.

Su Ming had already intended to give the individual from H Country and the middle-aged woman a piece of his mind.

Now, with the System's mission in play, he could not only give them a well-deserved lesson but also secure the mission rewards and unlock the special item he had coveted for so long.

It was a win-win situation.

With a slight smile, Su Ming rose to his feet and made his way toward Young Master Jin.

Xiao Ke'er blinked in surprise, then let out a chuckle.

She seemed to have a hunch about Su Ming's intentions.

Those around them were taken aback.

Was this young man about to confront Young Master Jin?

They certainly yearned for someone to put that man in his place, to alleviate the frustration simmering within them.

Despite Young Master Jin's reprehensible behavior, he was, after all, a foreigner.

Should the situation spiral out of control, the one who reprimanded Young Master Jin might not fare well.

At that moment, a diner furrowed his brow and murmured to his companion, “Brother, doesn't this guy look somewhat familiar?”

“I was thinking the same thing. He looks familiar.”

“Remember that video that went viral online a few days ago?”

“That's the guy who's adept at duping people, right?”

“We're in for quite the spectacle soon!”

The crowd quickly realized that the unfolding events were bound to be entertaining.

As Su Ming approached, the middle-aged woman's expression soured.

Eyeing Su Ming cautiously, she demanded, “Who are you? What do you want?”

With a beaming smile, Su Ming replied, “I've always held H Country in high regard and wanted to befriend its people. Unfortunately, I've lacked the funds to do so. Observing Young Master Jin's luxurious attire, it's clear he's no ordinary individual. I'd like to befriend him.”

The middle-aged woman gave Su Ming a scornful look and said with a sneer, “And who do you think you are? You don't have the credentials to associate with our Young Master Jin.”

But before she could finish, Young Master Jin gestured dismissively and said, “It's fine.”

Hearing this, the woman immediately turned, bowed deeply, and took on the demeanor of a servant once more, saying, “Yes, sir!”

She then faced Su Ming and remarked, “Kid, you're in luck today. Chatting with Young Master Jin is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you.”

Su Ming just smiled and took a seat across from Young Master Jin.

The onlookers quickly caught on to Su Ming's strategy.

With a beaming smile, Su Ming inquired, “Young Master Jin, with your striking looks and exceptional presence, I've never encountered anyone as impressive as you. You must be in big business, am I right?”

Young Master Jin, clearly flattered, replied eagerly, “That's right.”

He thought that the people from the imperial court were overly deferential to foreigners, as if they were subservient to them.

Su Ming continued his flattery: “Young Master Jin, you're truly remarkable. What line of business are you in?”

With a scoff, Young Master Jin gave Su Ming a mocking glance and said, “Even if I explained it to you, you wouldn't grasp it. Our family's corporation is vast and the intricacies are beyond your understanding.”

Undeterred, Su Ming pressed on, “I'm simply curious, Young Master Jin. I admit my ignorance. Please, enlighten me about your company; I'd love to learn more.”

Convinced of his own grandeur, Young Master Jin nodded in agreement.

He had been pondering how to boast about his status, and here was his chance!


“I must make a commanding entrance and awe all of you from the imperial court. I'll show you the might of H Country!”

“It's nothing extraordinary. My family merely manages a conglomerate in H Country valued at 100 billion.”

“We just conduct business with a few presidents from Western countries, that's all.”

“It's hardly worth mentioning,” Young Master Jin said, feigning humility, but his face betrayed an unmistakable air of superiority.

He believed himself to be the most formidable person around.

No one could hold a candle to him!

“You're that impressive? Good heavens! A conglomerate worth hundreds of billions! And here I am, barely making a few hundred dollars a month,” Su Ming exclaimed, feigning astonishment.

Upon witnessing the scene, Xiao Ke'er couldn't resist covering her mouth with her hand, concealing the smirk that was forming.

The bystanders near Su Ming all looked away.

They weren't under the impression that Su Ming was complimenting Young Master Jin, nor did they believe Su Ming was undermining the national pride of the imperial court.

Their gazes shifted because they didn't want Young Master Jin to catch them laughing.

Su Ming was making a mockery of Young Master Jin, who, oblivious, had no clue.

“You're aware, that's good. Those figures will always be beyond your reach,” Young Master Jin declared haughtily.

Su Ming, with a smile, responded, “Indeed! I can't even fathom possessing such a vast amount of money.”

“It never ceases to amaze me how well you people from the imperial court understand your own limitations,” Young Master Jin remarked with disdain.

At that moment, Su Ming slipped his hand into his pocket.

Inside, he clutched a spherical object tightly.

“Host, please select your target,” the System instructed in Su Ming's mind.

“I choose Young Master Jin,” Su Ming thought back.

“The Consent Pill has been deployed, targeting Jin Shengcan! The Consent Pill is valid for two hours.”

“The countdown begins,” Su Ming heard the voice in his mind announce.

A slight grin played on Su Ming's lips. His scheme was about to unfold.

“Young Master Jin, I have a rather bold request.”

“I'm just a regular guy from the imperial court. My wallet's thin, and today, I'm out dining with my girlfriend, hesitant to order too much.”

“Young Master Jin, could you lend a hand?” Su Ming asked, his smile unwavering.

“What are you implying? You expect Young Master Jin to foot the bill for you? Who do you think you are?” The middle-aged woman beside Young Master Jin retorted, hands on her hips, pointing accusingly at Su Ming.

But before she could continue, Young Master Jin confidently slapped his chest and declared, “No problem at all. Order whatever you like, it's on me!”

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