The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 404

Chapter 404 - Trap!

Although the merchant selling the jade was somewhat unscrupulous, the stone itself was invaluable.

If someone falls in love with a stone, even if it's riddled with flaws and impurities, to them, it's a treasure beyond price.

Conversely, if someone dislikes a stone, it could be the finest jade and still hold no value to them.

Lee Zhanmu observed this and thought himself quite impressive.

His actions immediately intimidated everyone around him.

He straightened his clothes with pride, surveyed the room, and then announced loudly, “All of you are prominent figures in Eastsea. I have news to share. I'm planning to start a company here, and we may have many opportunities to collaborate in the future.”

“Once my company goes public, I'll host a dinner for all of you.”

“Rest assured. Though Eastsea's environment and amenities may seem modest compared to International Street, as long as you partner with me, I guarantee we'll make it onto the global stage.”

Lee Zhanmu smiled, his expression one of sheer arrogance.

He carried himself with an air of superiority, as if his presence was a blessing to Eastsea.

His words caused the brows of those around him to furrow.

What was he implying?

Was he belittling Eastsea? If he disdained Eastsea, he had no business staying there.

Eastsea was a top-tier city in the nation, with a highly developed economy and politics, certainly on par with International Street.

If he preferred International Street, he should go back to his own country.

He shouldn't assume he belonged to the imperial court simply because he had its bloodline.

Su Ming's brow also creased as he listened.

Eastsea was Li Ming's hometown. How dare this foreigner speak ill of it?

His pursuit of Xiao Ke'er had already irked Su Ming, and now he had the audacity to insult Su Ming's hometown. This foreigner was crossing the line. Su Ming felt the urge to set him straight.

Despite his inner thoughts, Su Ming's face betrayed a look of pleasant surprise. He said, “Mr. Lee, you're truly formidable. We look forward to your assistance in the future.”

“It's nothing,” Lee Zhanmu replied, basking in Su Ming's adulation.

He believed himself to be the most luminous star of the day.

Back home, he often kept up with news from the imperial court. The reports depicted its people as unable to get enough food, lacking warm clothing, and holding foreign countries in high esteem.

He had come to realize that it was indeed true.

As a foreigner and a wealthy individual, he believed himself to be quite formidable.

Lee Zhanmu was swelling with pride, yet the bosses around him, Old Master Tang, Old Master Xiao, and Xiao Ke'er, were all struggling to keep their expressions neutral.

They were all too familiar with Su Ming's character.

Given Su Ming's standing, it was out of the question for him to fawn over a foreigner.

Su Ming's comments were surely a sign that he had laid a trap for the unsuspecting foreigner.

The crowd was brimming with anticipation and curiosity, eager to witness how Su Ming would outwit the foreigner.

With a sly grin, Su Ming inquired, “Starting a company must cost a pretty penny, doesn't it?”

Lee Zhanmu boasted, “I spent only a few tens of millions of yuan.”

Su Ming prodded further, “The process of converting foreign currency to local currency is quite cumbersome, isn't it?”

“No problem. I secured a loan from President Chen,” Lee Zhanmu responded.

“Aha,” Su Ming feigned a moment of clarity.

The onlookers perked up at this revelation.

The self-satisfied Lee Zhanmu spilled the beans. The funds for his company had come from a loan.

Had he sought a loan from any other bank, his situation wouldn't be so dire.

But to borrow from Tianhua Bank—was he unaware that President Chen was Mr. Su's underling?

“That's a hefty sum. It must have been quite the challenge to secure that loan from the bank, right?” Su Ming asked, still smiling as he pulled out his phone.

“For you, perhaps, but for me, it was a walk in the park. The moment I arrived, the bank staff rushed to process my loan. Even President Chen didn't dare utter an extra word,” Lee Zhanmu declared with an air of superiority.

Lee Zhanmu's arrogance knew no bounds; he disdained everyone.

Su Ming nodded, unlocked his phone, and sent a message to President Chen: “Cancel Lee Zhanmu's loan.”

With feigned admiration, Su Ming praised, “You are truly impressive. For us mere mortals, obtaining a loan is quite the ordeal.”

Upon hearing Su Ming's words, Lee Zhanmu was overjoyed. He believed his power and cunning to be unmatched by anyone from the imperial court.

President Chen was in his office, sipping tea, when his phone suddenly vibrated with an incoming text message. He furrowed his brow, puzzled, as text messaging had become almost obsolete in this age of rapid technological advancement. Could it be a scam?

With a nonchalant expression, President Chen picked up his phone and examined the message closely. To his surprise, it was from Mr. Su! He quickly opened the message, scrutinizing each word to ensure he didn't misinterpret anything.

Having read the message, President Chen didn't hesitate to act on Su Ming's request, harboring not a shred of doubt. For him, Mr. Su's commands were to be executed without delay. There was no need to question Mr. Su's motives; following his directives was always the right move.

Without wasting a moment, President Chen pulled out his phone and called Lee Zhanmu.

Meanwhile, Lee Zhanmu was boasting, “My company is formidable and will soon lead the industry.”

Just then, his phone rang. Lee Zhanmu saw the caller ID and smirked with conceit. Receiving a call from President Chen, the head of Eastsea's largest bank, was an opportunity to flaunt his status, especially since he was in higher standing than many others there.

Lee Zhanmu believed that President Chen, following the approval of a substantial loan, was reaching out to propose an investment in his company. He anticipated deference from President Chen, who would surely seek to ingratiate himself if Lee Zhanmu played hard to get, thereby elevating his own status even further.

Thrilled by this prospect, Lee Zhanmu cleared his throat and announced, “I'm swamped every day. See, President Chen is calling me. Excuse me, I need to take this call.”

He set his phone on the table for all to see, tapped the answer button with a smug look, and switched on the speakerphone.

He would soon come to regret this decision.

Yet, oblivious to the impending outcome, Lee Zhanmu remained smug. He coughed, straightened his posture, and answered, “President Chen, what can I do for you?”

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