The Ancient Genes

Chapter 555 - The End Of The Fight

Chapter 555: The End Of The Fight

Lear looked at Mr. Cool who seemed to have suddenly changed somehow. Even though other couldn't detect the spirit energy Lear was different from them. He was Max's follower and had experience the feeling of Higher grade energy first hand as that was what had acted upon their body to give a boost to their strength after they had accepted allegiance with Max.

Hence, he could tell there was something mysterious here and unlike other people he could actually feel a superior presence around which seemed to be releasing some kind of pressure and would immediately suppress Lear's mana and seal his movement if he dared to absorb it.

"Its show time," Mr. Cool said with a smile. It was clear that the pose and the look he currently had on his face was time to be caught on camera and broadcasted outside.

Lear really hoped they wouldn't show this irritating guy outside.


Mr. Cool's figure suddenly flashed and he disappeared. But that wasn't the end as his body disappeared again after appearing in a different place for a second. He began to flash all around the Commanding Beast and people couldn't keep track of him at all. He was too fast. By the time they looked at him, he was gone leaving behind a bloody cut on the Commanding Beast's body.

The Commanding Beast let out painful and swung its claws towards Mr. Cool.

But his body flashed again and this time, he rushed towards the incoming claws but as it was about hit him, he disappeared and appeared on its arm and stabbed his sword deep into its hand.

And then with the speed of light, he rushed up the beast's arm while pulling the sword along and drawing a bloody line all the way up to his neck.


Blood spurted all around as Mr. Cool shot of its neck after leaving a huge cut on it. It was deep enough to let the people see its inside.

This really stupefied people, they didn't even manage to properly catch a look at the even and the next thing they saw was the Blood Eating Bat with its head almost sliced off.

What did it mean if you can't even keep your opponent within your sight?

It meant death!

Speed was really an important factor in a battle after all.

But what was really terrifying her right now was that even the Commanding Beast couldn't maintain its eyes on Mr. Cool. He had clearly overpowered it in terms of speed to the point where it almost got its head sliced off.

The Competition was really surprising this time..

First Max had savagely thrashed that thing and now this guy whom no one expected to anything but just be a show off and praise himself actually did something worthy of respect. They wouldn't be able to retort to his narcissist comments anymore. They were sure he would rub it into them once the competition was over.

They didn't know that Mr. Cool and Max came from the same ancestor. Even if he was a bit weaker currently, it didn't mean he really didn't have anything when the two were the descendants of the Human God. The intent to fight was hidden deep within their genes. A people on the same level as them could ask them anything but a fight.

When Mr. Cool finally landed on the ground and kept his blade back in the scabbard people couldn't help but suck a cold deep breath in. The Commanding Beast had turned into a bloodied piece of art. One probably couldn't even count how many cuts were left on its body and the one on the neck really made people feel a chill.

But it seemed that the stock of surprises had yet to end, that thing didn't go down. It indeed staggered a bit but then slowly turned around towards Mr. Cool while glaring it with its remaining blood red eye.

People really were dumbfounded. It seemed to have turned into a fricking immortal. They even started to doubt that if it was a phoenix under a bat's skin.

On the other hand, Mr. Cool had completely exhausted himself with that last move of his. He stood there with his back against the beast giving a victory pose. He had totally expected a victory. He was so confident that he didn't even turn around to give it a second look.

Luckily for him, Lear had his eyes open. The moment he saw that the thing hadn't gone, he immediately raised his forehead which and struck the back of Mr. Cool's head.


Mr. Cool clearly hadn't expected that and his guard was totally down against Lear. Hence, he almost blacked out for a second at the impact and ended up crashing on the ground face first with Lear on his back and the moment they did, the Commanding Beast's claw went over them blowing furious winds.

If it wasn't for Lear's quick action, the two would probably be out of here now.

"Run!" Lear screamed in the Narcissist's ear as the Beast once again raise its claw and it came crashing down on them.

Mr. Cool felt his ears bled due to Lear's scream but with greater danger coming down on them, he decided to ignore it for a bit and immediately rolled towards the side barely dodging the attack before getting up and running away.

"Damn it! I planned it all this time to get a perfect finish hoping to make all the ladies out there go crazy with my heroic actions but these thing, it screwed all my plans!" Mr. Cool cursed as he retreated away and Lear who was on his back couldn't believe the crazy guy's words at all.

"What the hell? You planned all of this? Does that mean you have been holding back all this while?" Lear asked as his face turned dark.

"What are you talking about? Why would I do that? Look at this handsome face? Do I look like this kind of a person to you?" Mr. Cool asked with a smile as his earlier cursing face was immediately replaced with a happy to go one.

"Then what was that mumbling earlier?" Lear couldn't help but ask.

"That was just me talking to myself. Don't pay attention to it," Mr. Cool said as he let out a laugh.

But Lear's face turned even nastier. He realized that the guy was lying. He was clearly playing it around.


A loud noise came from behind Mr. Cool turned his head to see that the Commanding Beast had finally went down on its feet. It was expected. After all, a blow at that level had to be fatal.

But this tenacious bat still continued to swing its claw around in fury.

Everyone immediately stopped and refrained themselves from further going in.

It was clear that even if they didn't do anything, it probably wouldn't survive on its own for long.

But it was a million points.

The rules stated that a person killing a beast on his own would earn all the points. Then there was another clause which said that if your actions led to the death of a beast (not including a beast being killed by another participant) then the 50% points for such a death would be awarded to that person.

And when it came to team battle 65% of the points would be distributed to the team members evenly while the remaining 35% would go to the person who would dealt the life ending blow. It could be said that it was a bit logical as a dying beast was the more threatening than an alive one and you definitely wouldn't want to be caught in its last struggle.

The people looked at each other and no one moved. Some didn't think it was worth it to take the risk while some felt that it was better to let it die own its own like that and the points would be then evenly distributed between every Academy as it really had been from everyone's effort and single person taking a huge chunk away from it would be really leave an ugly mark at it.

But suddenly, a figure moved.

It was Melan from Trinity.

The guy was barely involved in the fight honestly but he somehow still looked like as if he was barely alive.

Lear suddenly remembered that the guy hadn't gathered on Ren's call and had suffered the Commanding Beast's Mana explosion on his own. No wonder he was in an even worse condition than them.

"Die!" Melan screamed in anger as his spear pierced into the Commanding Beast's chest right near the area where the Golem's spike had pierced through.


The Commanding Beast let out a wail but its claws immediately came and caught a hold of him.


But lightning originated from his body and it send a jolt through the commanding Beast.

The hands which were about to crush Melan suddenly lost their grip and began to fell towards the ground.

People couldn't help but shake their heads and sighed.

Faryl who had been standing there suddenly frowned. He suddenly felt something was off. He felt that he was forgetting something here.

But unfortunately it was too late to begin thinking about it.

The Beast whose claws were descending towards the ground suddenly stopped and the next instant it came in full force. Not towards anyone but towards it own chest and with a last screech, it sank its claws into its chest and the crushed its own heart.

As soon as it did, Farly remembered it.

Poison Heart! A mutated Beast!

But it was useless now. Purple blood splashed out all around, it brought a miasma along with it.

The next instant, everyone was immediately covered in a white light and teleported out and only silence remained on the battle field.

The fight had ended.

But one wouldn't really be able to celebrate it as a success. After all if it was the real word, then there would be no elimination but extermination.

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