The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 281: Already staked claim upon her 'bartender' !

Chapter 281: Already staked claim upon her 'bartender' !

3:00 a.m. 

The man carried the girl into his bedroom. He then ordered the housemaid to change the girl's clothes into a set of comfortable ones , while he prepared a bowl of lukewarm water for her. After the maid was done with her task , Xi Yuan sat down beside the girl and gently cleaned Rong Xinghe's face , neck and hands. He wanted her to sleep without any discomfort , after all.

Only after the girl turned around and hugged the man tightly , did he stopped all his actions. The man's perfectly carved lips curled up into an amused smile as he lied down beside the girl and covered her with the blankets. 

The man kept looking at the girl in a daze for sometime. Just how beautiful was this woman ? She wasn't just his love , but also his inspiration and idol. There were so many things he learned from her almost everyday. Her simplicity encouraged him to interact with the real public , the poor side of the nation. Her empathy towards the helpless motivated him to work for humanity , and not for the money. Her courage gave him the strength to face all his problems. Her persistence inspired him to never give up. 

This was how a person was bound to behave , when in love. Although he was one of the most influential men across the globe , he seeked inspiration from his love. According to him , no one was as amazing , talented and mesmerizing as her. No matter how many months had passed ever since he had fallen for her , even today , whenever he looked at her , it was like he was looking at an artwork , a magic , an angel. For him , Rong Xinghe wasn't his need or desire , but his wish. She was the oxygen he needed to survive in this world. And of course , the woman's feelings were mutual for him.

Suddenly , the girl smiled in her sleep and snuggled into the man's warm embrace as she mumbled , sleepily ,"My Yuan..."

The man couldn't help but raise his brows with surprise and chuckle softly at the girl's words and actions. Why was he even worried about their relationship ? The Queen had already staked her claim upon her 'bartender' ! He was already hers now. Sigh ! He couldn't get out of this , even if he wished to...


Next morning , the woman woke up to find herself into the arms of her darling. The man's one arm was supporting her neck while his second hand was placed over her waist , locking her into his tight embrace. The girl didn't even dared to move. Who , in their right state of mind , would wake up such a stunning , built and smart man ? She'd rather enjoy the view !

Just when the girl was playing with the man's soft and fluffy hair , the man opened his eyes with a frown.

"Don't touch !", said the man , in a hoarse voice. He didn't liked it when people touched his hair , at all. 

"You are my possession , Mr. Xi. I will touch you as much as I want.", the girl replied with a laugh , as she kept running her hands through the man's hair. 

As he woke up to the girl's cheerful voice and laugh , the man's mood was naturally elevated too. He simply rubbed his nose against hers ,"Hmm... Good morning , sweetheart. What do you want for breakfast ?"

"I will be cooking today.", the girl shook her head as she quickly jumped down the bed.

"No. You won't.", disagreed Xi Yuan.

"You are the only one who prepares the breakfast for us everyday. I feel like I do nothing for you and that I am useless in this relationship. Moreover , I love cooking. So I am cooking.", the girl announced , akin to the butler of the house.

"But Xinghe...", the man was slightly worried.

At this time , Rong Xinghe cupped the man's face with both her hands and placed a soft kiss against his lips ,"I have the right to dote on you too. Most importantly , I can't let an old man serve me."

"Old man ?", the man furrowed his brows with a muddled expression.

The girl tilted her head slightly and whispered into the man's ears ,"Aren't you three years older than me ?"

"You !"

But before the man could make a move , the girl had already ran out of the bedroom , with the speed of light. How dare she ? There wasn't much of an age difference between them. Yet , she had the guts to tease him like that !


"How are the soldiers , Mr. Shou ?", the girl asked to Shou Wu as she chopped the chillies in front of her. She had already bathed when Xi Yuan was working out in the gym. And only now , that he was having a shower , the girl had finally sneaked in into the kitchen. It was so difficult to trick this man !

"They are all fine , Military Chief.", the old man replied ,"There is nothing serious diagnosed into their bodies. Just some small cuts , bruises and wounds. But since they are hailing from the special forces , they will retireve soon."

"Alright. Let them have a proper rest then. And what is the update about the Werewolf Crew and that Diablos ?"

"Well , we haven't been able to get any information about the gang yet. Only that this Diablos used to work into a Science laboratory overseas , few years ago.", answered Shou Wu ,"We are still trying to find out the details about the laboratory."

"Keep tabs on this man , Mr. Shou. I am really not too sure of his intentions.", said Rong Xinghe ,"Anyways , mail me my schedule. Okay ?"


The moment the girl disconnected the call , she heard someone 'deliberately' coughing behind her. A chill ran down her spine as she turned around to look at her bro Mo glaring at her. 

Damn ! Cooking and her ? That was a bog 'No' for her brothers. Yet , she was playing with fire and knives here. She was definitely a dead peace of meat taday !

"Brother , actually I was just...", the girl tried to explain.

"You were just what , Kiddo ?", Mo Zixuan questioned , crossing his arms and smiling sweetly ,"I would really like to listen to your explanation. I mean... come on ! There is one thing we don't allow you to do. And you still can't listen to that. Why ?!"

"Yuan told me to do so !", the girl pushed the blame upon the innocent man , who clearly had no idea of what was happening into his own kitchen.

"Kiddo...", Mo Zixuan sighed.

"Really ! I am not lying. He told me to prepare the breakfa..."

"I trust Yuan more than you , Xinghe.", Mo Zixuan cut in ,"He cares for you too much to let you do all these chores."

Rong Xinghe : "....."

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