The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 221: "I want to tell you something very important"

Chapter 221: "I want to tell you something very important"

Soon , Xi Yuan's grandparents' death anniversary arrived. Xi Yuan had planned to disclose the truth behind his grandparents' death to Rong Xinghe today.

In the early morning , Xi Yuan entered Elite Diamond Penthouse and directly stepped into the girl's bedroom. He silently sat down on the edge of the Queen-sized bed and caressed his angel's jet black hair. He didn't knew if , after knowing the truth , Rong Xinghe would want to be associated with his family and whether she would ever consider her future with him. So he simply wanted to satisfy his heart by touching her perfect and poised face before telling her the truth.

The man was rubbing the girl's thin petal like lips with his thumb when the girl suddenly opened her eyes. When she realized that Xi Yuan was beside her , she subconsciously lowered her guard and lazily glanced at the watch. Until and unless this man was around her, cautiousness and vigilance were the last things she would care about. She knew that he would never harm her.

"Yuan... Its just 7:00 a.m. Is something wrong ?", the girl rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Xi Yuan was stunned by the amount of trust this girl had in him. She wasn't even afraid that a man had walked into her room when she was alone in the house.

The man smiled and kissed the girl's forehead before replying gently ,"Today is my grandparents' death anniversary."

Rong Xinghe's eyes flew wide open when she heard the man's words. It was now that her brain's functioning activated. She sat up on the bed and looked at the man worriedly. Her brothers had once told her that Xi Yuan was quite attached to his grandfather since he was a child and that their death was a trauma for him.

She didn't knew what got into her , but the girl subconsciously stretched both her hands and put her arms around the man's waist as she hugged him tenderly.

"They both are watching you from heaven. Stay strong."

Xi Yuan froze on the spot as the girl kept on consoling him. He had heard these words of comfort many times from many different people. Almost every member of the Xi family had tried to relieve him from his pain by these words years ago as well.

But it was only when this girl hugged him like this did he felt like his soul was treated to some solace and peace. He was now completely sure that sharing his pain with his Xinghe was the right thing to do.

The man closed his eyes and responded to the girl's words by wrapping his arms around her shoulders tightly. He buried his head in her shoulders and breathed her unique scent without uttering a single word.

Rong Xinghe remained unmoved until the man himself initiated their brief separation. Xi Yuan held the girl's hands into his as he looked at her earnestly ,"I want to tell you something very important. Can you please meet me at 8:00 p.m. sharp in the Civil Memorial Garden ? Please ?"

Rong Xinghe nodded her head with a warm smile on her face ,"If you want."


Evening , 8:00p.m.

Civil Memorial Garden , City A :

Rong Xinghe reached the place at the exact time and entered the government arena. This garden had 103 statues of Country X's citizens who had worked all their lives for the development of the nation. This garden was constructed by the government in order to appreciate the role of civilians in betterment of Country X. It was one of the famous tourist destinations in City A.

The entire garden was under the visual scrutiny of the Xi trio as they had their eyes glued on the large screen showing live audio and video surveillance footage in Elite Saphhire's living room. They didn't wanted to spy on their sister-in-law and brother's privacy but this was extremely important for them as well.

Ever since they were kids , they were sent abroad and had no idea about what Xi Yuan had gone through in his childhood and how their grandparents had witnessed their death. Xi family had always kept them in the dark. Xi Yuan also never opened up about his sufferings. This was their only chance to know what had actually happened years ago !

Xi Yuan had asked the girl to come to the center of the garden , so Rong Xinghe naturally followed his arrangements. When she arrived there , she saw two statues standing tall. First statue was of an elderly man and the other one belonged to an old lady. In front of the man's statue , there was a name plate with two words 'Xi Mengyao' written over it. While that old lady's name was 'Lin Meixiu'.

Both the statues were holding each other's hands and although they were no more alive , this couple still radiated a dignified impression about them.

Rong Xinghe turned around to search for Xi Yuan and finally spotted him sitting on one of the benches. The girl took a deep breath and sat down beside the man as she rubbed his back lightly.

After roughly fifteen minutes of silence , Xi Yuan finally spoke up ,"I was born after five years of mourning in the Xi family. Before me , I had an elder sister who died in order to save my mother during the delivery itself. After that , the Xi family begged for a single descendant to the almighty but neither mom nor aunt Youyou were able to conceive. Every medical technology was proved useless against the destiny.

"Naturally , when I was born , my grandparents couldn't express their happiness. Four years later , auntie Youyou gave birth to the twins , Fang and Ying ; and one year after that , Wei was born. For my grandfather , I was the lucky charm of the family. According to him , every prosperity in the family clan was followed by my birth. As I was their first grandchild , both my grandparents were quite close to me.

"But when I turned 3 , I was diagnosed with childhood Autism. I couldn't speak. Or you can say that I didn't wished to speak. This was worrisome for the two old people. It has been a ritual in our family to send the children to boarding schools abroad for studies but since I was different , my grandmother refused to keep me away from the family warmth.

"But warmth ? That was the last thing I ever received. Xinghe , as harmonious and peaceful Xi family looks today , it wasn't like that years ago. Although I couldn't speak , I could understand what others said. Both my parents were so focused on business that they never spent time with me. Same was the case with uncle and aunt. For them , every dollar was more of a priority than their own son. You can assume that I just never got parental love and care.

"I only had the two old people. Grandfather taught me many things at home and sent me to the city's best school. He trained me for self-defense and he implanted the importance of reading in my mind. To be honest , he was my first teacher.

"Every evening , he used to take me among the public in plain clothes without any security , just so that I could understand what the ground reality of Country X was. He wanted me to know what the nation needed. Xinghe , I couldn't thank him more for that.

"My grandmother , on the other hand , was just like the old ladies in story books. Her only mission would be to feed me with the last bite of food in the house. She aimed to make me the chubbiest child in the entire world.

"When I turned 11 , Fang , Ying and Wei were sent abroad. I was still here because even though I had started to speak , I used to feel a sharp pain in my head at regular intervals. Psychologists recommended that it'd be better for me to stay in Country X which was never a problem for grandfather. But it was now that my grandfather became strict with me and decided to test my business management skills."

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