The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 214: One more battle won

Chapter 214: One more battle won

"Aren't you being too courageous ?", Zhi Al squinted his eyes at the young man.

Feng Mian couldn't help but sympathize internally with Xi Yuan for being alone with those five men. Poor boy in love !

"Um... Even if you guys come here , she will refuse to meet with you. She doesn't like to get distracted when she is working. Last night , she had actually rejected Finance Minister , even though he had himself shown up. Can you believe that ?", Feng Mian explained.

"So what should we do now ?", Zhi Xi reverted his attention back at his real concern.

"Well...I think that the mission will come to an end today. I have noticed her massaging her head , maybe due to her migraine. So when she is done with this , I suppose that you all will have to take care of her for some days. There is no other way.", Feng Mian smiled.

"That won't be a problem. But over-exertion isn't good for her at all. I will send one of my men with her medications. Make sure that she consumes them on time.", Su Rogguang sighed and pulled out his phone.

"Alright then."


Meanwhile , the battle beneath the water was finally coming to its end.

AM25-JEM had finally run out of its basic propulsion fuel and couldn't move around anymore. Now this was what Rong Xinghe had been waiting for all along...

As soon as Hafiz Al-Magdosh received the information about their submarine going in a static phase , he shook his head and laughed out maniacally.

Confused by the man's reaction , Jush was taken aback ,"What's wrong , boss ?"

"If our submarine is out of fuel , their won't be any different. Country X can't do anything as well. They shouldn't be left with enough energy to launch their missile as well. HAHAHA !"

At this time , one of Jush's men stumbled inside their room as he looked quite scared ,"Boss ! Another missile from Country X , SNH-322 has been detected by the SONAR signals of our EM25-JEM. It had been hiding for the past two days and has only been activated now. I am afraid we won't win... ugghhh."

Before the man could say another word , his throat had been cut swiftly by Hafiz Al-Magdosh ! His eyes widened and his tongue dried up as he fell down on the ground miserably.

"Rong Xinghe !", Hafiz Al-Magdosh yelled the woman's name at the top of his lungs as rage surged through his body.

This woman was not going to live a comfortable life after this ! He would personally make sure that she would regret her existence every day after what happened this time !

Only if he knew who Rong Xinghe was...

A woman who wasn't afraid of death couldn't possibly fear walking on sharp thorns for all her life.

Anyhow , Hafiz Al-Magdosh's defeat was inevitable today. Just for the record , this was the first time he had failed his mission. And that too , against a woman !


Both the opposite parties looked at their drone camera footage on the big screens in front of them.

They saw how SNH-322 vertically faced the horizontally standing mighty AM25-JEM. They both witnessed how SNH-322 released a single ballistic missile with a raging speed and how it attacked the motionless AM25-JEM.

The moment the missile mercilessly penetrated through Hafiz Al-Magdosh's underwater craft , it broke down into two pieces. The ocean water surged inside the relatively warm scientific wonder with a terrifying swiftness !

Majority of the men trained by this particular terrorist organisation lead by Jush died there and then as they couldn't fight the barbarity of the mighty ocean.

Finally , the two split pieces exploded into the sea as well. After all , electricity never negotiated well with the waters.

This was indeed a blow. And a cruel one at that.


Of course , after all of this , Rong Xinghe made sure that all the water crafts that truly belonged to Country X would return back , safe and sound.

She had also kept the safety of aquatic life forms into consideration and had already ensured that not even a single fish would be there when the attack would take place. For Rong Xinghe , a life was always precious , even if it belonged to those who couldn't speak.

But when ruthlessness was the requirement , she would never hold back.

As they looked at Country X winning one more battle under Rong Xinghe's leadership , the Naval Force's higher ups couldn't help but apologize to the woman for their pessimistic and hostile behavior earlier. To that , Rong Xinghe simply waved her hands in disagreement ,"We all love our nation. You had your reasons to not support me. But I had no choice.

"Here ! Read this.", Rong Xinghe passed some internal inquiry reports placed on her table to the officers.

When the soldiers looked through the document , their eyes widened in shock. According to these reports , Hafiz Al-Magdosh was going to send almost three terrorists in Country X in AM25-JEM after two days. Apparently , he had planned an attack to kill and injure almost ten lakh citizens in Country X's different cities !

But now , Rong Xinghe had simply destroyed the root of the problem. Since there was no AM25-JEM left , Hafiz Al-Magdosh couldn't do anything anymore.

They couldn't believe that Rong Xinghe had sorted out all of this on her own !

"Military Chief ! Why didn't you informed about this to us earlier ?"

"Yes Ma'am. We spoke so rudely to you."

Rong Xinghe simply shrugged her shoulders ,"Well... if we would have had failed this mission , only I would have been blamed for it as it was entirely my decision. But now that the mission was successful , the entire Naval force will get the credit. I couldn't let you people get harmed or defamed , right ? What kind of leader I would have been then ?"

This increased the woman's respect in their hearts even more. She'd rather suffer herself than letting the entire army go through it. She was indeed an ideal leader.

The soldiers couldn't help but salute the woman in order to show their respect.

Rong Xinghe nodded her head in acceptance and ordered the military higher ups to handle the paperwork regarding the mission.


But as soon as she was left alone in the meeting room , her head started aching pretty badly. The pain was so sharp that the girl closed her eyes and held onto her head tightly.

Next second , everything in front of her turned dark as the strength in her body was drained out completely.

Just when the girl's head was about to hit against the sharp edge of the meeting room table , a firm palm grabbed onto the small of her back and another hand swiftly walled up between her head and the table with a lightening speed !

Rong Xinghe was already unconscious by now and had no idea that a dark figure was looking at her worriedly.

When he saw his girl's pale little face buried in his arms , Xi Yuan's heart ached so badly that he didn't even realized how much blood was flowing through his own hand after hitting against the sharp glass edge.

"Xinghe ! How could you be so cruel to yourself ?", the man whispered under his breath as he lifted up the woman in his arms.

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