The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 203: The homewrecker He Chen !

Chapter 203: The homewrecker He Chen !

Cheng Tai agreed to the man's question by the words ,"Only if you are comfortable with that. Don't push yourself too hard."

Mo Zixuan shook his head gesturing that he was willingly doing it and smiled bitterly at the woman. She still cared about him the same way she did in the past.

The man took a deep breath before speaking up ,"He Chen and I met eight years ago when Rong twins were simply 15 years old. Rong Xiao was preparing for her education abroad and Xinghe was working for humanitarian betterment in Country X. She had founded Youth Team at that time and was focusing on her own educational development. The five men were also busy with their careers and dreams. And so was I.

"I was done with journalism at that time and was planning the formation of MZX. We eight siblings enjoy struggles and don't let that fall us apart. Zhi Xi and Lu Wei helped me with the plan but I refused to get their financial help because I wanted to make the Rong twins and myself proud of me. And the two men naturally understood that. After all , making the two brats proud of us was something we all wanted.

"So I started to work for a newspaper brand called 'Nation Bites'. The salary wasn't too good but it gave a good experience to me."

Cheng Tai's eyes widened when she heard the man's words ,"You have worked for 'Nation Bites' ? But that is such a small company. And wasn't your first company the renowned 'Country Web' newspaper ?"

Mo Zixuan shook his head ,"That was my third job. Before that , I worked in two small newspaper companies. I have also worked as a Junior Reporter for one year. Actually , in Journalism , that is important. You need to know the ground reality of your nation and public before you do the big talk. My initial years as a struggling reporter were the most enlightening and informative years of my career. I can never forget those days.

"Just like Xinghe , I have also started my journey from the bottom. I have lost the count of days when I worked endlessly to print that one article on the front page of the newspaper. I don't remember how many sleepless nights I had during that time. Xinghe was always there for me , you know ? She used to stay awake all night with me. Whenever I yawned , that girl would make me a cup of coffee. Her support was the biggest form of motivation for me at that time."

Cheng Tai smiled when she heard how beautifully they all savoured their trying times. No matter how much the destiny tested these eight people , they never bowed down to it. Especially , the way Rong Xinghe had been there for him no matter what , it could melt anyone's heart.

"So I had met He Chen during an interview. Her father is a jade jewelry businessman and we had seen each other when I was about to write an article on Mr. He. She already knew my background. She knew that I was acquainted with wealthy people like Zhi brothers , Lu Wei and Su Rogguang. It was because of this that she started talking to me.

"After we were one year into our relationship , I had already bought my first MZX office. But during this time , arguments between me and her increased drastically. She expected me to get help regarding money matters from Lu and Zhi families and that was totally against my principals. So I always turned her down whenever she brought this topic up. But our fights always ended with her crying and me pacifying her. I thought she wished well for me and hoped for me to be successful.

"After few months , I took her to meet Rong Xinghe. But after He Chen left , that brat glared at me and simply told me to break up with her. Apparently , her instincts told her that He Chen was a bad news. Xinghe had no particular hostility towards her and her rejection was simply based on her instincts. This has always been the case with that girl. When it comes to judging people , Rong Xinghe always follows her instincts. For her , one chat with a person and she decides whether to keep them in her life or not.

"Since it was all in her subconscious , I refused to take Xinghe's suggestions to heart. I respected her opinions but this was too baseless. Fifteen days later , I exchanged rings with He Chen in He family home. You know what was the worst part ? None of the Rong twins showed up in the engagement. They presented their disapproval for this relationship so strongly.

"As time passed , He Chen started to laugh at me for the differences between her and mine financial and social statuses secretly. She even judged me for my success behind my back in her friend circle. I got to know about all of that but I was too focused on establishing my MZX empire.

"And whenever I discussed about it to her , she would deny it and would always claim that I was accusing her wrongly. Since she was my fiancee , the seven siblings never hindered her from contacting them but that caused even more trouble. One day , Ningtao called me and informed me that she had caught He Chen mixing sleeping tablets in Lu Wei's beer glass. Ningtao and Lu Wei were already married and they had always been madly in love. Obviously , a wife couldn't allow something as disgusting as that happening to her husband.

"When I reached the place , He Chen was begging Ningtao and Rong Xinghe to let her go but the two women refused mercilessly. I was shocked to see her admitting her mistake.

"Xinghe doesn't have just one brother. Just because she loves me doesn't mean that she doesn't admire the other five. She was willing to hunt He Chen down to the end that day. The girl literally wanted to hand her over to the judiciary along with the morphine drug samples found in her purse.

"When a woman tries to drug a man , you know what it means. He Chen wanted to sleep with Lu Wei ! Could she be any more shameless ? He was already a married man , damn it ! For the sake of money and power , she was even prepared to become a homewrecker.

"Rong Xinghe didn't even bothered to talk about it to me. She didn't showed even an ounce of sympathy till the police arrived and arrested her. But He Chen's father was able to bail her out by using his influence. The incident with Lu Wei was akin to an eye opener for me so I decided to confront her about it.

"It was her father's birthday party at her home that day when I reached the place. But when I asked her to have a private chat , she refused and started talking loudly in front of everyone. She said many things about me and that really wasn't an issue. But things went south when she started insulting my two sisters.

"Since Xinghe wasn't aiming for Military Chief position and Rong Xiao was abroad , she thought that they both were useless. She laughed at Xinghe and said that she was stupid to leave singing industry. Now even if she was to sing on the streets , no one would bother to give her a penny. She even accused Rong Xinghe as a girl of loose character and said that my sister would jump onto any man for money. She crossed the limit by saying that the Rong twins deserved to be abandoned by the Rong family as they both were jinxing them.

"Now after hearing all of that , how did she expected me to react ? It took me a lot of strength and control to not slap her tightly across her face. I didn't stooped myself low enough to insult her back as well. I simply broke up my engagement and relationship with her before leaving that place. I knew that the best revenge was going to be my success.

"Thankfully , I had my family to go back to. When they got to know about what had happened , none of them judged me. Especially , Xinghe. She helped me recuperate through it patiently. The girl never once complained about how I took her advice for granted , and neither did she pushed me to do anything. Same was the case with Ningtao and Lu Wei. They knew that I wasn't actually paying attention to anything other than the development of MZX Networks when all of this happened , so they didn't blamed me either. This family of mine is my biggest support , Tai.

"Naturally, I cannot tolerate anyone insulting Xinghe and Xiao. So I had indeed broken up with He Chen because of the Rong kiddos. But there was hell of a drama before that.", the man said.

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