The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 161: "Give me my brother back !"

Chapter 161: "Give me my brother back !"

Zhi Al felt as if his heart was pierced with thousand knives when he saw Feng Mian covered in tears .

The woman lifted her head up to look at the man but her eyes were filled with hatred and disgust for him .

Damn ! Why the hell had he acted so impulsively last night ?!

He shouldn't have had disrespected a woman like that. That was not how he was. Moreover , his biggest concern was that he had disappointed Rong Xinghe by his behaviour.

Rong Xinghe never allowed her brothers to look down on others. And to be precise , it was Rong Xinghe who had built up their character and personality. Every decision they took , they took it only after taking their sister's opinion into consideration .

But this time , he had done the otherwise. And the consequences were naturally dire .

He had not only disrespected the woman he loved , but he had also failed his kiddo ...

"Mian ... I ... ", the man tried to walk towards the woman but before he could even get any closer to her , Feng Mian stood up and left Military Chief Mansion .

She simply didn't wanted to see him for sometime. The words he had said the day ago had deeply hurt her feelings. She had started to think that there was something between them , but his actions ruined everything .

Before Zhi Al could follow the woman , a pair of fair hands grabbed his collar forcefully .

Rong Xinghe forced the man to look at her before she gritted her teeth angrily ," Did you or did you not insult Feng Mian publicly yesterday ?! "

The man remained silent. What could he say ? Admitting was the last thing he had the courage for .

"I have asked you something Mr. Zhi Al ! Are you or are you not the reason behind the ruination of Feng Mian's wedding ?!! ", the girl's voice turned a few degrees colder .

The five remaining men and the three sister-in-laws of the girl gulped hard as they witnessed the inner tigress of the girl waking up. This was frightening ! Very frightening !

It was rare for Rong Xinghe to have clash or argument with her brothers but whenever that happened , outcomes would always be ugly.

Zhi Al simply nodded his head slightly as he surrendered himself to his sister. There was no point explaining anything now. He was wrong here and he knew that .

Rong Xinghe released the man's collar and glared at him angrily for some few good seconds .

"Calm down , Xinghe. Lets talk it out with him .", Ruo Cy was really worried about her brother-in-law by now .

"Yeah. Lets discuss what to do , kiddo. We will sort this all out. ", Lu Wei also tried to defend the brat.

"What the hell is left for discussion brother ?! ", Rong Xinghe exploded with rage as she roared akin to a tigress ," What do you think you can 'sort out' now ?! He has done the last thing I want any of you to ever do. Tell me one thing , Bro Al. If someone is to walk in my wedding out of nowhere and that person claims that I am his mistress , what will you do ?! You will destroy him. All of you will do the same. Then who the f*ck gave you the right to treat another lady like that ?!!

"I don't think that love gives you that right. And if it does , then screw such love ! It isn't love Bro Al , it is obsession. Love is hoping your woman or man to be always happy , no matter how far away he or she is from you. And how dare you approach her in your drunken state ? Did you even considered your identity ?! You are the third master of Zhi Family , Mr. Zhi !

"You know what , you don't deserve a woman like Feng Mian in your life. You are not worth her ! Forget Feng Mian , even I would not accept a man as disrespectful as you !

"Do you even know what she has gone through since her childhood , Mr. Al ?! Well , let me tell you. She is an orphan. She has seen her mom-dad die in front of her ! When she was 7 years old , her parents were killed by a serial killer in a bakery shop. She was sitting in the car on the opposite side of road when the incident took place. Since then , she has been struggling on her own.

"Now you tell me , isn't it only natural for her to wish to have a family of her own ?! Isn't it normal for her to be attracted towards that Officer Yi who treats her nicely and promises her the warmth of a family ? All you did was quarrel with her like a child. How do you expect her to like you ?!"

Zhi Al was completely shocked when he heard about Feng Mian's horrid childhood. Although, he had himself never experienced warmth of parents himself , but he at least had Lu Wei , Zhi Xi and Zhi Bo for him back then. But Feng Mian ....

Rong Xinghe's head started aching as she was exhausted by all the screaming. Su Rogguang noticed this and quickly helped her sit down on the couch ,"Careful !"

Zhi Al now realized his mistake. And now that reality struck him like an electric lightening , he was feeling more and more guilty for what he had done to the woman he truly liked.

He felt even more horrible when he saw his kiddo holding her head and groaning in pain.

The man sat down on his knees in front of the girl and looked at her sincerely ,"I am sorry."

The girl stayed silent for sometime before she looked back at him after making a tough decision ,"Mr. Zhi , you are going to apologize to Feng Mian and you are going to mean it. Screw every f*cking thing in your life and focus on apologizing to her. Kneel if you have to kneel. Bow if you have to bow. But until and unless Feng Mian forgives you for what you did , don't you dare address me as your sister ."

Zhi Al felt fear and panic crept through his heart when he heard the girl's words ," Xinghe ... don't ... "

"I am not liking this Zhi Al at all. I loved my older brother more. You are not him. My brother was mischievous and a prankster but an amazing gentleman. This man in front of me is very insensitive and heartless .", tears welled up in the girl's eyes as her throat choked ,"Give me my brother back ! "

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