The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 142: Her brain was even more frightening !

Chapter 142: Her brain was even more frightening !

As the two men were chatting about the incident , a certain someone was standing behind the adjacent door and hearing everything they said .

Hate those bastards ?

Almost killed their lady-luck ?

Hoping that the girl won't go to Country I ?

As soon as Xi Yuan heard those words , he frowned slightly and furrowed his brows .

He knew that Lu Wei and Zhi Bo were talking about Rong Family and Rong Xinghe. So it was not tough for him to put the pieces of the puzzle together .

By the words of the men , anyone could tell that Rong Xinghe hadn't just been hurt by the Rongs. They had even tried to kill her. Could anyone be really that sinful to hurt their own flesh and blood like that ?!

And ... what was the connection between Rong family and , Rong Xinghe going to Country I ?

The two men even said that Rong Xinghe went to Country I every year. Did this mean that she visited that nation on her every birthday ? But ... why would she go there ?

There was only one way to find out .

If Rong Xinghe went to Country I this year as well , he was going to follow her .

His instincts told him that it was important for him to do that. His heart told him that this trip to Country I was going to get him even more closer to Rong Xinghe .


Meanwhile , In Military Chief Office :

Rong Xinghe was sitting in the interrogation room as a terrorist was facing her.

The terrorist was just brought in the room and his face was covered with a Black cloth while his hands were handcuffed .

Rong Xinghe looked at the young officer beside her and nodded her head slightly gesturing him to uncover the man's face .

As soon as the terrorist opened his eyes after adjusting his vision to the bright light , he saw a woman sitting in front of him .

The terrorist was a young 21 year old lad and his name was Iman Yasin. This person was a software engineer and was quite an intellectual. His brain was sharp ... but alas ... he ended up making a wrong decision .

"So I am lucky enough to personally witness the young and beautiful military chief of Country X , finally. You are indeed a feast to the eyes , Military Chief. ", the man smiled .

"I am ?", Rong Xinghe raised her brows with amusement .

"Uh...huh ! "

"Well ... I am honored ! Since you like me so much , can you do me the favour of telling your Aaka (boss) Hassan Imaz's exact location ? ", Rong Xinghe smiled .

"Over my dead body ! ", the man humphed angrily ," I would rather die than let my Aaka go through any harm ! "

"Who the f*ck is your Aaka ?!! That bastard was kneeling and begging for his life in front Country X's Naval soldiers when he was caught and beaten up by them twenty years ago. He is a plain coward. Only idiots like you follow him blindly and kill innocent people. ", Rong Xinghe said calmly .

It was as if she had no fear regarding any possibility .

"You ... "

But before the young man could utter another word , the screen behind Rong Xinghe lit up and started showing a video .

" Son ! Iman ! Please save us. These people are going to kill us. I have an important information to deliver to Aaka , otherwise , our entire organisation is going to be destroyed. I can't die ! You have to save us !!! Please tell them whatever they ask for !!! " , an old man's voice resonated throughout the room .

Then the screen went blank again .

"D.. dad !! ", Iman Yasin started to struggle in his seat when he watched the entire video ,"You bi*tch ! Leave him. He is my abba , my father ! Leave him ! "

"Didn't you hear what he said ? He told you to give me the exact location of your Aaka or .... ", Rong Xinghe looked at the young man meaningfully .

Iman Yasin went silent for sometime before he let out a deep breath .

He was really left with no option .

Even if he was to sacrifice his father , the terrorist organisation would still be in danger. So all he could do was answer the questions asked to him.

" Sunburn Complex , Room A357 , Country N. ", the man said in a low voice .

"Verify! ", Rong Xinghe glanced at a bureaucrat sitting on the other bench.

The bureaucrat held onto his laptop and typed some codes before he looked back at Rong Xinghe ," The location is incorrect ma'am. "

Rong Xinghe shook her head with an expression of disappointment ," Kids don't love their parents anymore nowadays. "

The woman then took out her cell phone as she made a call and put it on speaker ," Kill Iman Yasin's father right now ! "

"On it , Military Chief ! ", a soldier said from the other end .

" N ... No ... Please don't ! Its Becksert Central Station , Bungalow 75 , Country N. My Aaka lives here. "

" The location is accurate this time , boss ! ", the bureaucrat said after repeating the same procedures .

"Good work. You can leave now officer ! And Colonel Han , acting was brilliant ! ", Rong Xinghe said into the phone .

" Thank you boss ", the line went dead after that .

Iman Yasin was completely dumbfounded when he heard the word 'acting' .

"What are you wondering ? We don't have your father. It was just an old footage. And a voice mimicry artist lip synced your father in it. We were just fooling you. ", Rong Xinghe smiled .

"What ?!!! "

He had given up such an important information for nothing ?!!

It was all an act ?!

This woman was quite terrifying. She was not just all beauty. Her brain was even more frightening !

He had literally put an entire terrorist organisation in danger because of this woman's measly games !

Rong Xinghe smiled even more when she saw the man's pale expression .

This was the reaction she had expected .

She loved to play with people's minds and enjoiyed manipulating and tormenting them like that .

No matter how tough it was for her to handle her personal life , when it came to professionalism , no one could beat her .

The woman stood up and looked at Feng Mian before leaving the interrogation room ," Kill him and bury the body ! "

Feng Mian shook her head helplessly as she pulled out her tucked revolver and pointed it at Iman Yasin's forehead .


After working with Rong Xinghe for eleven complete months , she had already gotten used to this. Rong Xinghe never believed in keeping terrorists alive .

According to her , this group of people could never return back to humanity as they were brought up with this pcychic mentality .

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