The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 138: " She is diagnosed with ..... Leukemia "

Chapter 138: " She is diagnosed with ..... Leukemia "

Xi Yuan was stunned when he realized that Su Bo was Rong Xiao , his woman's twin !

That meant that he was getting jealous for no reason .

How could he even think like that ? His Xinghe had never lied to him .

She had told him that she would never consider any other man again. Xi Yuan's uncertain heart finally calmed down again as warmth radiated through his body .

He looked at Rong Xiao with a smile ," When did you returned back from Australia ? Are you done with your studies there ? "

" Yes brother-in-law ! I have finally done my Masters in Surgery. Now I will practice here in Country X. ", Rong Xiao nodded ," Well , I returned today only. I just wanted to get a bear. "

Xi Yuan smiled ," You should get some rest now. "

"What the hell ?! When did he become your 'brother-in-law' ?! ", Rong Xinghe pinched Rong Xiao's ears angrily .

" Aaahh ! Are you kidding me ?! Leave my ear ! "

Rong Xinghe released the girl's ear and looked at Xi Yuan , who was looking at her with a smirk. How dare this man act like they were already a family ?!

"I can call anyone my 'brother-in-law' if I want to. Its my choice ! ", Rong Xiao pouted as Xi Fang and Xi Wei chuckled .

" You ... "

Before Rong Xinghe could even touch Rong Xiao , she jumped into the car and drove away after saying the words ," We will meet soon brother-in-law ! "

"Idiot !", Rong Xinghe stomped her foot in anger when she saw the brat leaving her alone like this .

The girl then turned around to face the Xi siblings as she looked at Xi Yuan apologetically ," Forgive her for the stupidity ."

"I am cool with her calling me 'brother-in-law' ", Xi Yuan shrugged .

Rong Xinghe : "....."


" Oh my god !!! I am going to be Aunt Xiao !!!"

Rong Xiao rushed inside the Lu family home with an excited shriek and started jumping after hugging Ningtao.

" Why are you in your Su Bo get up ? ", Lu Wei crossed his arms as he glared at the girl. These two twin devils were such a pain sometimes !

"Uhh ... Iwantedsomealcohol "

"What ?! "

"I wanted some alcohol ! ", Rong Xiao smiled cheekily .


Shortly after that , five remaining men entered the place and started chatting happily with the girl.

"Rong fricking Xiao !!! You are so dead today !!! ", Rong Xinghe's voice resonated throughout the room as she entered the place with a hockey stick .

"Aaaahhhhh ! ", Rong Xiao screamed and started running around the Lu family mansion followed by Rong Xinghe .

" Who will say that they are meeting after one entire year ?! ", Zhi Xi sighed .

" And why are they both in their Su Bo and Lu Xi get up ?! ", Zhi Al rubbed his chin .

" Are we ever able to understand the logic behind any of their actions ?! ", Mo Zixuan smiled helplessly .


Next Day :

"Military Chief , Country N has appointed a new Military Chief and it seems like he has been serving the terrorist organisation 'Al-Shabaab Haram' till now. ", Shou Wu passed the documents in his hand to Rong Xinghe .

"Name ?"

"Ayman al-Asiri "

Rong Xinghe raised her brows ever so slightly with amusement ," Ayman ? "

"You know him , Ma'am ?"

"He was my boyfriend when I was on the mission to destroy base camp of Al-Shabaab Haram in Nigeria during my training.", Rong Xinghe giggled .


A Terrorist boyfriend ? What the holly hell ?!

Rong Xinghe smiled as she noticed the shocked expression on Shou Wu's face ," Don't worry. I was not 'deeply in love' with him. I was just fooling him. He was a tough nut to crack ,though. I couldn't make him spill the beans , so I had to eventually use the tracking chip , sound recorders and mini cameras to know about the hidden location of the base camp of Al-Shabaab Haram. It seems like he intends to hit two targets with one blow ."

Shou Wu was literally flabbergasted by his boss's brain. She was able to fool the most dreaded terrorist of this world so easily. There could indeed be only one Rong Xinghe in this world .

"Two targets ?", Shou Wu was intrigued .

" Yeah ... He wants to strengthen his terrorist organisation in Country N as well as get back at me at the same time. After all , he wants the revenge for what I did to him. ", Rong Xinghe smiled wickedly .

" What did you do to him Boss ? "

" Ah .. I just tied him onto the bed and clicked a photo of his. Before leaving Nigeria , after completion of the mission , I had leaked that photo into the entire underworld. His ruthless and scary reputation was completely ruined after that. "

Shou Wu was confused. How could a mere photo ruin one's reputation ?

Rong Xinghe observed the muddled expression on the old man's face and explained further ," The upper half of his body was naked in that photo and I was in my male get up. My 'manly' shadow was quite visible in the photo. So the entire terrorism world now thinks that he is gay. What more , he was drugged. So he looked really helpless at that time , which left him with no face. "


" Military Chief , you sure are ruthless !", a familiar , calm and soothing voice came from behind Shou Wu .

"Mr.Xi ",Shou Wu quickly acknowledged Xi Yuan and left the office while Xi Yuan walked closer to the girl and rubbed her head lovingly .

Rong Xinghe tried to dodge but her every attempt went in vain .

"Seems like every ex-boyfriend of yours is going to be a trouble for me .", Xi Yuan laughed .

He was a little stunned when he listened that this woman had actually harmed a man in such a ruthless manner. She literally left him with no pride !

But then again , nothing less was expected from the girl he loved. Any man who dared to get too close to her deserved something as worse as this .

"Don't cross the line , Mr. Yuan !", Rong Xinghe glared at the man .

Xi Yuan removed his hands and made the girl stand. The man then held the girl's both hands in his calmly and looked at her seriously. Rong Xinghe could tell that something was amiss when she saw the man's expression.

"What happened Yuan ?", Rong Xinghe asked .

" Little Tiyanyi is diagnosed with ..... Leukemia , Xinghe ", Xi Yuan finally revealed the reason behind his arrival .

" What ?! ", Rong Xinghe's eyes widened in horror ," How could this be ? She is so ... small."

Little Tiyanyi was one of the kids in Rong Xinghe's Youth Team NGO. This six year old was very dear to Rong Xinghe. Little Tiyanyi was three year old when her father , a soldier in Naval army had died while trying to save Little Tiyanyi's mother who was already abducted and killed by some shadowy underworld organisation .

Rong Xinghe was going through her Military Chief training and was well acquainted with Little Tiyanyi's father and his family back then. This was the reason that Rong Xinghe had decided to bring Little Tiyanyi to Youth Team NGO because she wanted the child to have a bright future .

But ... Leukemia ?

Did this mean that this little angel was not going to have ... any future at all ?

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