Temporal Pearls

Chapter 42: Multiple Lightning

Seth was drched in just a few seconds and he did well to avoid ice hitting his head as he quickly wt back inside the cottage.


"You gotta be kidding me. I caught a cold?"



Seth brought out Soothing Gourd and he gulped a mouthful of it.



[Soothing Gourd has improved by 0.000% due to the Multitude Elemtal Minerals Rain!"


"Aha, is that how I can improve it?"

Seth oped the cottage door and despite the geysers of rain that were propelled into the cottage due to violt wind, he placed the Soothing Gourd outside.



[Soothing Gourd Improving % per minute]


Seth didn't know what improvemt it would have but he was happy with the new developmt. He just sat to avoid the rain wh...




~Collect differt Elemtal Minerals from the rain!


~Multitude Elemtal Minerals Water


~You will catch cold


"Okay, that's a new developmt!"


"I have already caught a cold. Did I need to find a specific type of Mineral water to heal myself?"

Without thinking much, Seth brought five foldable barrels and unfolded them. They were water tanks made of special soft material by the villagers.

Seth activated his Physical Armor and its Helmet which sprang from the hood the jacket had. This was his preparation for the falling heavy hail.

Seth dragged the foldable barrels outside and he began to set them.

~Size Reschedule!

Seth kept shorting and extding his Staff while he struggled to move a.

The wind was strong, it threated to throw him away, so he had to increase the heaviness of the armour.

At the same time, he has to work with his two arms. So he kept his Staff in a short state and placed it in his mouth.

The momt he felt strgth leaving his legs, he grabbed the Staff, extded it and placed it on the g, that would buy him a few seconds of standing straight.

After long arduous work, he managed to set up only one water barrel. He dragged his exhausted body back to the cottage and gasped.



[Multitude Elemt Mineral Water Collecting]

Water Harvest (/)


"Only one… pant…. Why only one?"

Seth looked at the Soothing Gourd outside, in the rain. Without it, he can't recover fast. He crawled and took a Soothing Gourd from the rain and drank from it.

Instantly, he felt satisfied!

He looked at the Gourd, its gold yellow body was shining and also busy absorbing the moisture in the air!

Seth began to wonder how he could gather differt water elemts. The barrel he set was gathering only one type of elemt.

He summoned his courage and wt out and set another barrel. To Seth's dismay, there was no notification.

He set another, and another one, until he managed to set all five barrels but there was no notification!

"How am I going to fetch differt water elemts!" Seth shouted with frustration. He looked at the barrels. They were all the same.

"Maybe I need a differt container to harvest differt elemtal rainwater."

Seth set two differt foldable buckets outside, but there was no notification.

"Maybe I have to find a way to separate them. But how."

An idea came to him!

Joyfully, Seth made a sieve using sticks and a net, th he arranged stone inside. After that, he placed the sieve above one of the buckets and took it out in the rain.

The rain fell on the rocks, th seeped betwe them, and dropped in the bucket!



[Harvesting Rock Elemt Water]

Water Harvest: (/)


"Haha! Good."  Seth was delighted for cracking the quest.

But there was much to do. There are 8 more remainings.

Seth brought out a fine cloth and made another sieve using sticks. He placed clean sand on it. And th placed the sieve over the bucket. He takes the bucket out in the rain.



[Harvesting Sand Elemt Water]

Water Harvest: (3/)


"Good, now what should I use now?"

Seth arranged sticks, fasted them together and th put them on top of a wide container.

It's the last big container he has.



[Harvesting Wood Elemt water]

Water Harvest: (4/)




Seth stood at the cottage door as he stared at the downpour. From time to time, a block of fist-size ice will hit the g and his cottage before shattering.

Seth squinted his eyes as he saw there was something differt about the ice. Some emitted bluish colour smoke, some red, others gre. In fact, there were varieties of colours.

But one thing that brought Seth's atttion was from time to time, one will have a crackling of electricity in it. But in seconds the ice will melt and turn to water and the phomon will vanish.

He thought of collecting them but… but he shook his head. He was already having trouble harvesting rainwater. Surely, Harvesting ice blocks is close to impossible.

He threw that thought and had his eyes darting a hoping to gain an idea on how to harvest differt rain elemts wh his eyes landed on the forest.

There are countless trees that rain was falling on, th flowing on them to the g.

"I can harvest the water flowing on them as Water Elemts, right?"

Seth grabbed his Soothing Gourd and fasted it to his hip. Th he brought out all the things in his pocket's invtory and counted the jars he had.

There were 0 foldable jars and three hard flasks and one water bottle the size of his arm.

The foldable jars were flexible and can expand like a balloon wh filled with water. But they can also carry other things apart from water.

They were multipurpose!

Seth arranged all the jars by fasting them to his hip and set the bottle and three flasks on his back.

He grabbed his Staff and activated his armour and wore his helmet, th he brave the heavy rain.

The soil was wet and soft, his boot sank as he walked. The wind pushed and pulled, making him sway in its direction.

From time to time, Seth trembled wh thunder crackled in the sky. His eyes will be overwhelmed and he has to stop for a time to regain his sight whever lightning flashes.


White lightning! Seth's vision turned !


Blue lightning! Seth's vision turned blue!


Gold lightning! Seth's vision turned to gold!





For every lighting colour, Seth's eyes will experice that colour to the extreme. In just a short period, he felt his head swirling and aching.

He quickly grabbed Soothing Gourd and drank from it. At that momt, he felt the aching abetting but three seconds later it was back.


He sneezed, and his body paled, paler than he normally was. Not to mtion he felt cold seeping into his bones, making him shiver.

"Damn! I forgot this contint is a high-level area. Where ev Dragons dwell!"

Seth mumbled!

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