Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 647 - Admiral’s Promise

Chapter 647: Admiral’s Promise

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

“Captain Xiao Se, this is a classified mission with a special purpose.”

“What are you talking about? What special mission? Why haven’t I heard about it?”

“Hehe…General Xiao Se, do I have to report to you on everything?”

“Is it about Wang Tong? Admiral, you need to keep a level head. Don’t put all of our eggs in one basket.”

“Nonsense! This is not a gamble. I have the right to approve every mission. And, I don’t need to justify myself to you. I have only used a hundred X-6 jets, so none of your jets will be used.” Samantha said thinly.

“One hundred? Those X-6 pilots are our best men. We can’t risk their lives and let an amateur lead them. I have to express my objection to your plan officially.”

“We agree to disagree. I have already made up my mind. I will be fully responsible should the plan fail.” Samantha said with resolution. She knew that she had to be assertive right then; otherwise, this plan would never carry through.

Lacking unchallenged authority within the fleet, Samantha needed to fight for every step she took. Xiao Se was surprised by how much she had changed. He could no longer push her around ever since Wang Tong arrived her ship.

The promise of the mission’s failure amused Xiao Se. He cracked a smile and then said, “Would you please write what you just said down, so we have the record?”

“Are you trying to threaten me? Fine, I will draw it down for you and make it official. However, during the operation, I will need your full cooperation.”

“No problem!” Xiao Se answered readily. If Samantha failed, it would cost him nothing, but the failure would smear her reputation, giving him the opportunity to replace her

It wasn’t before long that Li Hong also called Samantha, huffing, and puffing. However, as soon as he got the official document indicating that she would be solely responsible for the defeat, he turned down a few notches immediately.

Till this day, Li Hong regretted the infighting between him and Xiao Se which gave Samantha an opportunity to rise above them. Samantha was well known for her prudent and careful style, and therefore, she rarely gave the two competitors any chance to smear her reputation. However, Wang Tong’s arrival had emboldened her, making her more willing to take risks.

The day of final liberation on Mars was near as humans prepared for their final attack. At this crucial moment, the Admiral of the Confederation would play a critical role. Whoever could sit on that spot would be remembered in history as the hero.

Even if the Martians could have to build a large number of ships, they would still need pilots. The Martian united front would have to beg the confederation fleet for help since even during the peacetime, Martians were not well known for their pilots. Using these pilots as a bargaining chip, the admiral of the fleet could garner significant political clout on Mars.

Having survived many political turmoils, Li Hong and Xiao Se were well aware of their situation and the opportunities.

Meanwhile, Li Hong and Xiao Se were sitting on a sofa across from each other and sipping on their hot coffees.

“What do you think of it? Do you think Wang Tong has some trick up his sleeve?”

“I doubt it! We are in the space, so his power is practically useless. ” Xiao Se said disinterestedly.

“She has acted so recklessly lately. How disappointing! I can’t believe she would be influenced by one of her subordinates.”

“Li Hong, why are you still on her side? She is a woman, so it was in her nature to be carefully but easily influenced by...”

“By what?”

“By love.”

“So, the rumors are true?”

“You tell me. Have you ever seen her smile so many times during a meeting? And that new makeup on her face... She is head over heels for that dipsh*t, and she is in no condition to be the admiral!” Xiao Se said hotly.

“We need to stop that boy. We can’t just sit around and let him destroy our fleet.” Li Hong said.

“Let’s play by the ear. He is regarded as a hero on Mars, and it’s unwise to butt heads against him when he is strong. Let’s wait until they come back from their mission. If he fails, we will then act.”

“Alright! Thank gods that they only used light jets. If they were to use space cruisers, they better cross my dead body first.”

“I have heard some good news coming from the Earth. What a relief!”

“You don’t say! I never expected Li Zhedao’s death would end up being a blessing in disguise. The soldiers’ spirits have risen after his death, and I bet Patroclus is injured too.”

“So I have heard. This is our best opportunity.” Xiao Se nodded. Their alliance was emblematic of the close tie between House Li and the council.

Li Zhedao’s sudden death had crippled House Li’s influence; therefore, they had to improvise an alliance with the new rising power, the councilors. Xiao Se was one of the high ranking councilors, and he would replace Samantha as the Admiral should she prove to be unworthy. In honoring their alliance, he would appoint Li Hong as his first mate.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong had started to organize the X-6 fleet. The news had elated Karl and Cao Yi as they rolled up their sleeves and were ready to fight. However, their enthusiasm was not shared by everyone, since everything was carried out in secrecy, where doubts started to breed.

The X-6 jets were highly maneuverable small fighter jets. But, due to their size, they had very limited capacity in dealing with larger ships. Therefore, they were mainly used for scouting missions. It was difficult to imagine that Wang Tong would be able to change the course of the war with only a hundred of such weak force.

No one knew what Wang Tong was planning. Although they knew of his incredible prowess, how much of his power could be used during space combat was yet to be seen.

Bisu and Flash also joined Wang Tong’s mission. Although they were not directly within Samantha’s purview, they were not only sick of the infighting, but also eager to help their old friend.

The two fleet commanders had attempted to work closely with Samantha for a while, and Wang Tong’s appearance had provided them such an opportunity.

When the older veterans were blinded by their petty political games, the young soldiers who were not burdened by such selfish thoughts were able to see things much clearer. The Zergs posed a threat to the very existence of human race; it was not the time to dawdle on meaningless politics.

They conceded that they had very limited resources to change the way their captains viewed things, and the best they could do was fight for the cause that they believed in.

“Flash, do you really have to drag me into this?” Bisu smiled wryly. Their actions meant severing their ties with House Li.

Flash was unfazed by the question. “It’s about time to make this decision. Don’t you remember why we joined the fleet?”

Bisu smiled wistfully and then said, “Yes.”

“We can’t change other peoples’ mind, but we can lead by example. I know Wang Tong…he wouldn’t start a mission unprepared. You and I know better than anyone that Wang Tong is a competent space commander. Don’t you remember how he defeated us at the tournament?” Flash asked.

“Those old foxes won’t count the tournament as a legit experience.”

“Legit experience... hehe...” Flash was amused as he mauled over the words. He shook his head and then grinned wryly as he lamented that experience had become a tool for the captains to secure their positions. General Li Hong was a capable commander; however, he had failed to see the big picture—his experience had failed him after all.

“What do you think Wang Tong is up to? What could he do with only a hundred fighter jets?” Bisu asked. He never doubted Wang Tong’s abilities, but one could not make brick without straw.

Samantha had vouched for Wang Tong’s plan so unequivocally that she would resign from the position should Wang Tong fail. This seemingly foolhardy move was necessary to convince the other captains and gain their support.

Flash’s eyes glinted as his mind raced. “I bet you that these hundred jets are just a lure. He has something else in store for the Zergs.”

“Same here. We lack reinforcements, so we need to be very careful and not lose any of our ships in vain. The Zergs know our weakness, and they are trying to turn it into their advantage.”

“Our problem right now is that we had focused too much on our enemies’ strength, so much so that we have forgotten ours,” Flash said slowly.

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