Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 548: The Drone Alliance is established!

  Chapter 548 The drone alliance is established!

   Among them, no matter how powerful a single drone is, those logistics or express companies will definitely not purchase a drone that is not compatible with the Hantang logistics system!

  So Hantang Technology has already won half of the competition in the logistics and express delivery market.

  In this case, once the express delivery drone is added to the Hantang logistics system, the Hantang logistics system will be even stronger.

  By that time, even if their companies have launched express delivery drones with stronger performance, they will only be paper castles that will be blown away.

  After all, those logistics and express companies will definitely not buy a drone that is not compatible with the Hantang logistics system!

  So it is impossible for a delivery drone to fight against a standard system composed of interests!

   If they want to fight against the more powerful Han and Tang logistics system in the future, they must unite!

   "I agree with Pingguo Company."

   After deep thought, Jobs spoke in agreement.

   They really need to form a unified standard, and they can no longer fight on their own. After all, the logistics system of Han and Tang Dynasties is really terrible.

  Even if it is as strong as Pingguo Company, it still feels scalp tingling in the face of this system. Now that several months have passed, the Hantang logistics system is getting stronger and stronger.

  And the most frightening thing is that the trend of Hantang logistics system becoming stronger and stronger will not stop, so they really should unite. After all, one company alone cannot win the Hantang logistics system.

   This is not technically unwinnable, but standardly unwinnable!

  So they have to use a powerful standard to compete with the standard of Hantang Technology!

   "I agree with Fengtian Motor."

  Showa Watanabe, president of Fengtian Motors, also expressed his agreement.

  After all, they just established a unified standard. Under this set of standards, whether each delivery drone should be developed or sold, it is not much different from now.

  Just like X86 system computers, everyone has the same X86 system standard. Under the same standard, both A.M.D. and Intel can sell CPUs.

  Which company will sell more at that time depends on which express drone is more in line with market demand and is more powerful, so it is in their interest to establish a drone transportation standard.

   "We agree to own a car."

  The president who owns cars also said the same thing.

   "I agree to sell Motorola."

   “We at Texas Instruments agree.”…

   Then all the presidents said words of agreement.

  Among them, even companies that do not have the energy to enter the field of public security monitoring, patrolling and delivery drones have spoken a unified word.

  They don't have the energy to enter this field, but it is in line with their expectations to invest some money in this field to share a profit.

  So at this time, Lin Xuan didn't know that a drone alliance had been reached on the side of Meidi Country. The establishment of this drone alliance would shake Hantang's position in the transportation field!

  However, Hantang Technology soon found out, because the news of the establishment of the UAV Alliance was a sensation all over the world in the morning after only three days, and various media around the world were reporting on this matter.

   "The collapse of the logistics system in the Han and Tang Dynasties is a harbinger, what does the establishment of the UAV Alliance mean?"

   This is the news headline of a certain wave portal.

   "The unmanned logistics system of the Han and Tang Dynasties ushered in the biggest challenge, the rival drone alliance."

   This is the news headline of a fox portal.

   "Mingxiu is shallow and dark, and many companies are already developing public security monitoring and patrol drones!"

   This is the news headline of Penguin Portal.

   “Maybe the boycott is to give time to their Homeland Security Surveillance Cruise Drones!”

   This is the news headline of a certain e-portal website.

  At this time, when the country is reporting this matter, the United States is also reporting this matter.

   "The unmanned truck logistics system of the Han and Tang Dynasties is about to collapse, and the drone alliance will become a sharp sword."

   This is the news headline of Twist Daily.

   "The logistics system of the Han and Tang Dynasties has encountered great challenges. Where is the strength of the drone alliance?"

   This is the headline of Lanxi's Lanxi Daily News.

  "The members of the Electric Vehicle Alliance once again joined the Drone Alliance, and the logistics system of the Electric Vehicle Alliance may dominate the world."

   This is the headline of the Deutsche Zeitung newspaper. …

  At this time, with the reports of various media, the establishment of the UAV Alliance is being discussed around the world.

  Among them, why the drone alliance was established, what changes will happen after the establishment of the drone alliance, and so on are also constantly appearing in the mouths of experts.

   Among them, the Hantang logistics system of Hantang Technology was also deciphered by various experts, and the experts explained the future prospects of the Hantang logistics system.

  At this time, look at the Electric Vehicle Alliance, in order to prevent the Hantang logistics system, to develop L4 autonomous driving technology to combat the Hantang logistics system!

  At this time, the people of Daxia were really depressed and aggrieved.

  It turns out that the establishment of the UAV Alliance is related to so many things, and the ghosts of Meidiguo are really lingering.

  After realizing the powerful and wonderful prospects of the Hantang logistics system composed of Hantang express drones and Hantang unmanned trucks, they are looking at the means of Wall Street, which is really terribly anxious.

  Under such circumstances, people really want to know how Hantang Technology should deal with this shock.

   Now that the UAV Alliance has been established in Medigo, it is also developing L4 autonomous driving technology.

  Following this trend, the collapse of the logistics system of the Han and Tang Dynasties is imminent.

  Because of the bad relationship between Hantang Technology and overseas countries, the foundation of Hantang logistics system is naturally unstable overseas.

  In the future, once the electric vehicle alliance also launches its own unmanned truck system, and there are alternatives for express delivery drones, the collapse of the Hantang logistics system seems inevitable.

  Under such circumstances, countless people in Daxia were depressed and anxious, and they also really wanted to know what Hantang Technology should do in the face of this desperate situation.

  Under such circumstances, reporters from all over the world also rushed to Hantang Technology. They wanted to interview Hantang Technology's attitude towards this, and wanted to know what counterattack action Hantang Technology had!


   At the same time, Voldemort, the most famous Twitter blogger on the Internet, also sent an article to talk about this matter:

   "The most stupid thing about Lin Xuan is that he doesn't know how to share benefits. Although Hantang Technology is the first to launch L4 level autonomous driving technology, it has also established a Hantang logistics system.

  But our Western Electric Vehicle Alliance is also developing L4 autonomous driving technology, and it won’t be long before we can launch our own logistics system of unmanned trucks and express delivery drones.

   Unmanned trucks and express delivery drones, these two sets of combined punches add up to Hantang Technology is not to be feared!

  So although Hantang Technology has become a pioneer, they are just waves that died on the beach. "

  (end of this chapter)

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