Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 538: The Autonomous Driving Technology Alliance was established!

  Chapter 538 The Autonomous Driving Technology Alliance is established!

  Because if Weiruan joins in, the system used for the automatic driving technology will not be the iOS system, which is not conducive to Pingguo's invisible control of the automatic driving technology.

   On the other hand, when Jobs' face changed, the other presidents obviously knew Jobs's careful thinking, so they all agreed to Wei Ruan's move to join in.

   "Welcome, welcome, Weiruan has a rich technical background in the system field, and we welcome you in the autonomous driving technology alliance."

  Showa Watanabe has welcomed WeiRuan with the tone of the leader of the Autonomous Driving Alliance.

  At this time, Intel on the side also smiled and said:

   "You may not know that during this period of time, Intel has developed a third-generation Core processor with a new architecture.

   With the same twelve cores, the running score of this Core processor has increased from 8600 to 9400, which is a huge breakthrough.

   Of course, this is not the most special, the most special is that the architecture adopted by our Core processor is called Skynet architecture.

  Its biggest special feature is that it has interconnected hyper-threading technology, which can maintain super high co-working efficiency when multiple CPUs are connected to one motherboard at the same time. This is the killer feature that we think can defeat Hantang computers.

  So I think that if we want to develop fully automatic driving technology, then our third-generation Core processor can serve as the computing core of autonomous driving technology. "

  Hearing what Pat Singer said, the other CEOs looked at each other with a hint of affirmation in their eyes.

  Core processors are very powerful. The reason for their defeat is not that their computers are not strong, but that their opponents, Hantang processors, are too powerful.

   At this time, the third-generation Core processor, which can cooperate with multiple processors, may be able to turn things around.

   At this time, such a processor that can cooperate with multiple processors is also suitable for serving as the computing core of autonomous driving technology.

   "Welcome to our Autonomous Driving Technology Alliance!"

  Watanabe Showa once again spoke words of welcome.

   Then other companies such as Texas Instruments and Japan Benda Motors also announced to join the autonomous driving technology alliance.

   And not only them, shortly after this meeting, they also invited other third-party auto companies that did not suppress Hantang Technology.

  Among these companies are German-Italian VW, Ford and Tesla from Midland, Hyundai from Cold Country, Renault from France, Lingmu from Island Country...

  The next day, the Automated Driving Alliance officially announced the list of member companies of the Automated Driving Technology Alliance in front of the Empire State Building on Wall Street.

  It was found that, except for Daxia Automobile Enterprises, almost all overseas auto companies announced that they would join the autonomous driving technology alliance.

  And the most frightening thing is that this autonomous driving technology alliance is not only limited to the automobile industry, but many companies in the computer and mobile phone industries have also announced their participation.

   Obviously, they also want a piece of the self-driving field, in this case.

  The people of Daxia suddenly felt like a duck whose neck was pinched, and they could no longer laugh happily.

  There are so many well-known companies joining the Autonomous Driving Technology Alliance, and looking at their menacing appearance, it is obvious that they are going to play for real this time.

  After realizing this, many fans of Hantang Technology suddenly panicked.

  However, when fans of the Han and Tang Dynasties were panicking, the market value of those companies also ushered in a wave of skyrocketing market value following the announcement of the establishment of the Autopilot Alliance.

  Although the skyrocketing market value is much weaker than the original normal period, at least because of this wave of skyrocketing market value, the market value has returned to about 50% or 70% of the original market value.

  Of course, the most serious thing for Han and Tang fans is not the skyrocketing market value, and various companies also announced their financing in the next few days.

  Because this behavior means that each company will have money to do things, and this is one of the benefits of listed companies.

  After being listed, it is easy to raise funds from the outside world, so the strength of listed companies is so huge.

  If you run out of money, you can immediately get a large amount of cash by selling shares in the market. Whether this cash is used for research and development or doing other things is very easy, which is one of the reasons why so many companies want to go public.

  So in the foreseeable future, after each company issues shares for financing.

   Then the birth time of Western autonomous driving technology will definitely be accelerated. All of a sudden, fans of Hantang Technology found that the status of Hantang electric vehicles was already on the verge of collapse.

  But at this time, Lin Xuan didn't seem to care about these things. Hantang Technology is still carrying out the research and development of artificial organs in a leisurely manner, and only occasionally a little news about it comes out.

  Under such circumstances, time passed slowly, and it was the second day after the establishment of the Cloud Computing Alliance.

  A photo taken by a student's mobile phone at Xia Ke Academy University passed through the Diya Forum, and instantly became popular all over the Internet!

  Because in the content displayed in this photo, Lin Xuan's photo actually appeared!

  The pictures above may be taken with a 100-megapixel Hantang S3 smartphone, but the names of the books displayed on the desktop are still clearly visible.

   At the same time, after seeing that picture, many people wanted to see what books Lin Xuan was reading and writing.

  So soon someone went to the library to read the same book based on the name of the book, and soon they all retreated.

  Because they feel that the content of those books is so profound, they can't understand the content of the books at all.

   Regarding this, the Earth Ya Forum naturally expressed admiration for Lin Xuan soon.

   Soon, as the incident continued to ferment, soon there were netizens in the Diya forum who claimed to be graduate students in biology, pointing out the depth of knowledge in the dozens of books Lin Xuan had read!

   And this depth of knowledge is equivalent to the level between college students and undergraduates!

   As soon as this news came out, it caused a big uproar and discussion on the whole network!

  People thought that the book Lin Xuan was reading was so profound, it must be the kind of book that only masters and doctors can understand.

   But I didn't expect that the stack of books next to Lin Xuan's desk was only equivalent to the level between college students and undergraduates!

   It’s just that this level is too low-end. After all, the news that Lin Xuan is going to develop and manufacture artificial organs is known all over the world.

  Why, looking at Lin Xuan now, it seems that this research and development should start with learning biological knowledge?

  Although Lin Xuan has a brain with a photographic memory, can Lin Xuan keep up with the progress?

   After all, after learning the knowledge from university to undergraduate, Lin Xuan also needs to learn the knowledge of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students.

   Wait until you really finish all the studies before going to study artificial organs, then the cucumber dishes will probably be cold!

  So, when someone pointed out that the knowledge level of the books Lin Xuan read was only equivalent to the level between college students and undergraduates, people were surprised and then disappointed!

   And because of the popularity of this incident, it didn't take long. That night, this incident made the headlines of major newspapers around the world!

  (end of this chapter)

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