Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 445: A world-class lithium battery company?

  Chapter 445 A world-class lithium battery company?

  At this time, Intel’s president Park Singer seemed to have thought of something, and he said with a frown on his face:

   "Although we can use the GPS positioning system to make Lin Xuan stumble, it can't solve the fundamental problem."

  Hearing that the big bosses here looked at each other, there was a hint of helplessness in their eyes.

   Indeed, the fundamental problem is that Hantang Technology holds the patent and production of sodium-ion batteries.

  Continuing to follow this trend, they may not only have a headache about sodium-ion batteries in the future, but also have a headache about the more troublesome all-solid-state lithium battery.

   "Gentlemen and ladies, I think we should unite, I think our power in the West is too scattered.

  It’s just that each company develops its own technology, which is not enough to lead Hantang Technology, and will only be defeated by Hantang Technology one by one.

  Many companies around the world have exclusive patents, and these exclusive patents should be integrated and converted into shares and aggregated into one company.

   After summarizing the patented technologies of various companies in this way, we may be able to manufacture ternary lithium batteries with higher energy density.

  In addition, we should also join forces to establish the All-Solid Lithium Battery Alliance, and gather the strength of the whole world to develop all-solid-state lithium batteries.

  There are three types of all-solid-state lithium batteries, namely polymer, sulfide and oxide. Hantang Technology chooses the most moderate and balanced sulfide form.

  Then we can concentrate all our efforts on the research and development of the oxide all-solid-state lithium battery type. Although the oxide all-solid-state lithium battery has expensive parts such as germanium and titanium, its cost is a little higher than the other two types.

  But the oxide solid lithium battery is the easiest to develop among the three types of solid lithium batteries!

  If we get together, we may soon be able to quickly land oxide all-solid lithium batteries!

  After all, we cannot lose the right to speak of all-solid-state lithium batteries after losing the right to speak of sodium-ion batteries! "

  Hearing the words of Intel President Pat Singer, the presidents of the electronics industry and the automotive industry nodded slightly.

  They should really be prepared for the future crisis, they can't wait for the disaster to come and go to the doctor in a hurry.

   "I object, we should focus on how to prevent sodium-ion batteries and prevent the birth of all-solid-state lithium batteries, instead of setting up an all-solid-state lithium battery alliance and playing the evil way of patent collection!"

   At this time, it was Yorkson, the president of Exxon Oil Bloom, who strongly opposed this suggestion.

  However, in the face of the words of Exxon Mobil Oil President Yorkson, the presidents of the electronics and automotive industries shook their heads slightly.

  They all know why Yorkson, the president of Exxon Oilfield, objected.

  Because whether Hantang Technology has developed an all-solid-state lithium battery, or they have developed a ternary lithium battery and an all-solid-state lithium battery with stronger energy density.

  This is disastrous news for Exxon Mobil Oil Company, because all-solid-state lithium batteries and ternary lithium batteries with higher energy density can be used to build electric vehicles, which will reduce oil energy dependence!

  If the dependence on oil energy is reduced, the sales and price of oil will be reduced!

   After all, people don’t need oil anymore, so the value of oil held by oil companies will naturally decrease. This is disastrous news for oil companies!

  So whether it is the all-solid-state lithium battery developed by Hantang Technology, or the all-solid-state lithium battery developed by Mediguo, it is unacceptable news!

  However, the interests of oil companies, automobile companies and electronics industry companies in Silicon Valley are not consistent. Oil companies do everything possible to prevent the higher energy density and practical application of all-solid-state lithium batteries and ternary lithium batteries.

  But for companies in the electronics and automobile industries, they need to consider how to compete with Hantang Technology and the future Daxia Company.

  Others have higher energy density and long battery life, but your product has low energy density and battery life is pitifully low, so how can you sell your product.

  Others are changing and you are still playing the old way. Isn’t this losing the future?

  So the strong opposition from Exxon Mobil’s president, Yorkson, had no effect, and the other presidents on the scene did not accept Yorkson’s strong opposition.

  At this time, Pat Singer, the host, saw this, and hurriedly said while the iron was hot:

   "Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your hand if you agree to integrate the ternary lithium battery technology patents into one company, and then develop a stronger ternary lithium battery!"

   "Our Pingguo Company agrees."

   At this time, Jobs, who had always chosen to be neutral or give up, actually made a decision of agreement.

   "We, Motorola, also agreed to contribute the patents we hold for ternary lithium batteries to one company.

  After all, the energy density of the ternary lithium battery only surpasses the energy density of the sodium-ion battery by only 20WH/KG. The energy density difference between the two is very small, and the price difference is too large.

   It can be said that except for high-end electronic products, the mid-range has almost been lost. We must introduce more powerful ternary lithium batteries to maintain the market positioning of ternary lithium batteries in the mid-range and high-end markets. "

  The words of Motorola President Jia Sangjie were recognized by other presidents at the scene.

  Let other auto industry and electronics industry presidents no matter whether they are involved in the ternary lithium battery industry or not, and whether they have patents in this area, they will nod slightly.

   After all, technology pays for technology, but does technology pay for money?

  Everyone can see that the future potential of this upcoming super ternary lithium battery company is not low, and they also want to get a share of the company's establishment process.

  So they also expressed their resolutions to agree to the establishment of such a company. Except for the strong opposition from companies in the oil industry, this resolution finally reached a consensus with the minority obeying the majority.

  So a super ternary lithium battery company that shocked the world was born!

   "Gentlemen, the next decision is to gather the manpower, material and financial resources of major companies to develop oxide all-solid-state lithium batteries. Do you agree or disagree?"

  As the host, Pat Singer once again stated a resolution, which seems to be able to be merged with the previous ternary lithium battery.

  But the benefits and risks involved in all-solid-state lithium batteries are too great, and eventually two independent lithium battery companies have to be established separately.

   "We, Pingguo Company, agreed to gather global funds, manpower and material resources to fully develop oxide all-solid-state lithium batteries."

  Jobs slowly expressed his agreement.

  Although their Pingguo company has no achievements in all-solid-state lithium batteries, their Pingguo company is rich.

   Hantang Technology is developing all-solid-state lithium batteries, if they do not follow up in the West at this time.

   Once Hantang Technology's all-solid-state lithium battery is launched, it will be disastrous news for Pingguo's iPhone.e mobile phones and iPad tablets.

  (end of this chapter)

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