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Chapter 865: Give credit to Mr.

Chapter 865: Give credit to Mr.

"Wang...Mr. Wang, your calligraphy and painting...!"

Fei Wu was completely shocked!

He had never thought that a mere calligraphy and painting would make him directly break through to life and death!

You know, there are many strong men who have long determined that Fei Wu will never be king in this life!

This includes the original King of Kunwu!

Because Fei Wu suffered a serious injury in his early years, hurting the meridians!

As a result, his aptitude is not bad, he has been stuck in the 9th layer of the Palace Realm, and he has never been able to make an inch!

But now, Fei Wu could feel that his damaged meridians had recovered as before!

what does this mean?

It means that even if Fei Wu enters the state of life and death because of luck, he can still improve!

Not only in the early stage of life and death!

The two are not a concept at all!

The former can only say that Fei Wu and Kunwu are lucky!

The surrounding country coveting Kunwu will only temporarily dispel the idea of annexing Kunwu!

In the future, if they explore Fei Wu's details, Kunwu will still face a crisis!

However, if it was the latter, it would be different!

Once Fei Wu succeeded in breaking through to the middle or even later stage of life and death!

Not only is there no danger of destroying the country, but there is even a chance to expand the country!

Therefore, how Fei Wu is not shocked!

"Superior, this is an expert!"

He had already learned from Wang Daomin that this calligraphy and painting came from a master!

At this moment, after Fei Wu personally experienced the lesson, he naturally admired this expert to the extreme!

What a terrifying expert this is to allow a martial artist who has been stagnating in the nine-layered palace for almost decades to successfully break through to life and death!

Moreover, even the unrecoverable old wounds are completely healed!


Seeing Fei Wu's successful breakthrough, the heart of Wang Dao and the people suddenly gave birth to a hint of joy!

Fei Wu has become the king now!

In Kunwu country, naturally there is no need to find other titled kings for protection!

In this way, Mr. Dao's conditions will become worthless!

"Mr. Wang, you are really my Kunwu's lucky star!"

After recovering the shock, Fei Wu gave Wang Daomin a grateful look!

In the past, although Fei Wu also valued Wang Daomin!

But after all, the other party is just a merchant, and with Fei Wu's status, it is naturally impossible to call him Mr.!

But now it's different!

Because of the calligraphy and painting, Wang Daomin not only has a private favor to Fei Wu, but also to the whole Kunwu!

It's nothing to call him Mr.

"Your honor is too good. Caomin can help Kunwu. I am very pleased!"

Wang Daomin's humble reply!

Because of the iron salt business, Wang Daomin has settled in Kunwu almost all year round!

Therefore, to him, Kunwu is his second hometown!

Even if it is not for his own salt and iron business, he does not want to see Kunwu being excommunicated!

Therefore, Wang Daomin is really happy for Kunwu at this moment!

Upon seeing this, Fei Wu felt even more fond of Wang Daomin!

"No, sirs contribution to the calligraphy and painting is meritorious, Fei will definitely play to my king, please give credit to her!"

Fei Wu believes in rewards for merits and punishments for demerits!

Wang Daomins dedication of calligraphy and painting is definitely a great feat for Kunwu!

Moreover, as far as Fei Wu is concerned, he must also thank Wang Daomin!

After all, there is a huge difference in status between the martial artist in the palace realm and the king of life and death!

So, how can Fei Wu not be extremely grateful to Wang Daomin?


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