System Change

Chapter 267: The Next Attack

Chapter 267: The Next Attack

As the trio of wyverns vanished, Derek moved back to the ground. He had so many questions. Soon, both Edgar and Avery appeared beside him, both with questioning gazes. Before saying anything, Derek opened his Time Prison and let Jasper and Tara out. The duo exited, then looked around curiously.

So, what do you think that was? Derek asked as he closed the prison and zipped up the void.

I was going to ask you that, Edgar said.

Wait, what happened? Where are the wyverns? Did you beat them? Jasper asked.

No, they left after an hour of fighting, Edgar answered.

I think the one I was fighting was running low on mana. Do you think thats why they left? Are they smart enough to escape when the fight isnt looking favorable? Derek asked.

They are legendary beasts, so I wouldnt put it past them, Avery said. Besides, when the one you were fighting didnt have you on the ground, it was spitting that black shit constantly.

Damn Avery and his eyes. I thought I was far enough away that he might not have seen that. Derek thought.

Yeah. You definitely made some pretty big dust clouds. Edgar laughed. But in all seriousness, I almost had mine. Im kind of pissed that it left.

Me too, Derek said. He wasnt actually sure if he almost had his, but he at least had an idea that may have worked. I was getting ready to take it out. After that, they both looked at Avery.

He shrugged. I was playing tag. Doubt I could beat one on my own. I may have been able to ground it by blasting apart its wings, but after that, I dont know if I could do enough damage through its scales. It would be a challenge. So, I was just waiting for one of you to come help.

Derek laughed lightly. After his Void Shift failed, that had been his plan as well. At least until he thought of a different strategy.

My question is, will they come back, or will the champions be different? Edgar let that hang in the air. I really do hope they just retreated for a bit to gather their mana back.

I dont know, Derek said. The prompt only said to defeat the champions or stay alive. We could end up having even more wyvern coming at us next time. It could get increasingly harder as the days pass. We may have missed our best chance at completing this trial quickly.

Edgar nodded. Thats what Im worried about, he sighed. Were going to have to act quickly based on what happens next.

Who knows, maybe it will just be the three of them again. We can at least talk about strategy for that outcome, Derek said. I was thinking, he said as he turned to Avery. Do you have any attachments to that wind wyvern? Or could I take it off your hands?

Why? Avery asked. Its the fastest out of the wyverns. Are you sure you can handle it?

Im confident in my ability to survive a straight up attack from the wind element, specifically its breath, but Im not sure I want to get hit straight on from the black wyvern. I think its a death attuned wyvern. I dont want to find out what that will do to me. Plus, I dont think you will have a problem dodging it with your speed.

Avery shrugged. Thats fine by me. Just dont accidentally get yourself killed.

I would much rather take on the fire one, but I think Edgar chose that one for a reason.

I think the fire one will be the easiest for me to down without any help or buffs from others. I think I pretty much have all its attack patterns down. Edgar explained.

Speaking of attack patterns, were they all the same? Derek asked. For the most part, as you saw, my wyvern was spitting that death stuff like crazy. Was also pretty quick to throw a wing or tail if I got in too close. Very fast reaction speed for something that big.

The wind one has a sort of cyclone breath. Like a terrible gust of wind with blades inside, at least from what happened to the buildings after I dodged. Avery began. But it also had a very wide attack it could use with its wings. Both multiple smaller wind-based blades or a singular large one. I would guess it could choose the size it wants.

The fire one was pretty much the same as the death one. I doubt its used everything in its arsenal. Ill find out. Edgar said.

So what do we do? Tara asked from the side. We cant do much inside that space, but Im unsure what else we can do.

Thats it, Edgar said. Its best if the two of you retreat to Dereks space after you cast your buffs on the two of them.

I definitely want a buff this time, Avery said as he glared at Derek.

Derek rubbed the back of his neck. Maybe you shouldnt be so quick to run off. He smiled while Avery grinned back.

So, thats what well do. Stay alert, and when we catch any sign of a monster, Tara will cast her buffs on Derek and Avery. Then Derek will open his space for Tara and Jasper to retreat to. Does that sound good to everyone? Edgar asked.

Everyone seemed to agree and nobody spoke out against his plan. Afterward, Edgar put his armor away and let out a breath. Can finally rest for a second

At least you have armor. Derek snorted.

It pays to be a prince sometimes. Edgar laughed.

I bet. Derek chuckled.

After that, he even chose to pass around a few of Silvis home-cooked meals with those around him. They werent exactly to Edgar or Averys standards, being a prince and the right-hand man of the premier restaurant in the entire kingdom, but they all appreciated the gesture, and even complimented the cook. Silvi would be proud.

I hear something, Avery said out of nowhere.

Dereks eyes snapped open from his meditation and he looked around, but he couldnt see or hear anything. Are you sure?

Yes. He confirmed with no doubt. Get ready to cast the buffs, he said to Tara, who stood up nervously in preparation. Everyone else followed suit.

Derek checked the time. Almost eleven hours, he said. I guess its on a twelve-hour cycle. Fight for an hour, retreat for eleven, then come back.

Maybe, Edgar said, as his armor appeared back on his body.

Its getting closer, Avery said. The grounds shaking. Cast the buffs, now.

Tara looked over at Edgar, who nodded, then began her casting. This time, she didnt hold back on her spells. Both Derek and Avery received stamina, speed, strength, regeneration, and defensive buffs. As soon as the final spell fell on them, they were hit by another green light. It was Jasper casting something.

It only lasts for 30 minutes, but its a great health regeneration skill. Its all I can do He looked apologetically.

Better than nothing, Derek said as he tore apart the void in front of himself and opened the door. Hop on in. Jasper and Tara stepped inside before Derek closed it and prepared for battle.

A couple of minutes later, Avery pointed into the air. They wyverns are back.

Derek followed the direction he pointed out, and sure enough, he could just barely make out the three small dots in the distance.

They arent alone, either, Avery said.

Derek focused, but couldnt see anything else. But soon, he began to feel the rumbling Avery had spoken about earlier.

Its underground. Avery said what he was thinking. And getting closer.

Well, Im not going to sit here and wait for something to pop out of the ground and eat me. Being some monsters lunch just doesnt sit right with me. Edgar chuckled as the electricity began to spark off his armor. Im going straight for the fire wyvern. Be on the lookout for anything else, we dont know whats going to happen. Remember, this is a legendary trial. Dont let your guards down. And Derek, dont die. I dont want to lose a good healer and support. They arent easy to find. And like that, the prince was gone.

And I dont do well in the air, Avery said. Ill distract the black wyvern. You got the wind one. He began to take off, but stopped and a huge grin broke out on his face. Looks like they got epic ranked reinforcements, and I have my pick of beasts. He let out two chuckles, then vanished from where he was standing.

Derek hoped the man wouldnt get distracted by whatever he was seeing, and would take care of the black wyvern. He didnt have much time to think about it, as the shaking ground soon intensified, causing him to kick off the ground and jump onto a void ripple with Void Steps.

He was glad he did. As almost as soon as his foot left the ground, the earth below exploded and another creature appeared. He used Identify, and this time, he received something back, along with another level in the skill.

Young Earth Wyrm

Level 245

A limbless and legless member of the dragon family. Exquisite control of earth skills. Has yet to mature into the legendary Wyrm.

Holy shit! Thats a young wyrm? How big would a fully mature one be? He was in awe of the size of the beast. The overall height wasnt as tall as the wyverns in the sky, but its length was at least triple their own from head to tail, probably even more, as the scaled creature had yet to unveil its full length.

Derek swallowed and looked up. Unfortunately, he didnt have the time to spend on this new creature. Avery and Edgar had already run off after their wyverns, and if those beasts had more reinforcements, like the wyrm coming, he would need to step up his game.

Sorry, I dont have time for you, maybe later, he said to the now roaring creature before kicking off the void and dashing away in the air. The wyrm wasnt having that, though, as it slithered on the ground at a speed just as fast as his own, while boulders flew out from the ground in Dereks direction.

He clicked his tongue and entered Void Shift, annoyed. If nothing else, his next move would let him understand more about his own strength. He quickly pulled himself through one of the void ripples and appeared directly above the wyrm. At this distance, the wyvern had been able to break his skill if it chose to do so, or it could allow him to get close enough before swatting him down like a fly.

The wyrm, however, did not break him out at this distance. So, he moved in closer-close enough that he would have had a face full of wing from the wyvern. At that point, the world around him began shaking, and the void ripples distorted. The wyrm was fighting against his skill.

He didnt risk going through another ripple or staying any longer in Void Shift. He shifted his body slightly before deactivating the skill. The instant the world around him began flowing naturally, his halberd appeared in his hand, and as quick as he could, he channeled the void into its blade while activating his level 19 Sweeping Slash, all the while hoping he was faster than the dragonkin below.

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