System Change

Chapter 185: Final Preparations

Chapter 185: Final Preparations

After Derek left Romans, he went back home. With everything he could think of taken care of, he planned on leaving for a dungeon the next morning. He asked Silvi if she wanted to go with him, but once she learned they would be fighting against stone golems, and that rocks werent in the least bit tasty, she decided to stay home and practice cooking.

Thomas wanted to go, but he still had his training with Shae. He could be power leveled anytime, but he wouldnt be able to get the training of a true spear master often.

Only Silvi knew exactly where he was going. The others only knew he was heading to a dungeon.

At the end of the day, Derek lay on his bed and checked his stats.



Derek Hunt








Legend of the Void (Legendary)


Human (Modified)








165 (Armor + 0)


125(Weapon + 0)














Stat Points Remaining



Alanah Swan (Crown)

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Silvi (Bonded Beast)

View Status

Stella Brighton (Crown)

View Contract

Francesco Jaccobs (Adventurers Guild)

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Rudolph Mckinney

View Contract


Absolute Nullify

Level 1

Nullify magic spells

Chain Lightning

Level 13

Send a chain of lightning to enemies.

Channel Void

Level 10

Channel the Void through your body, into attacks or defenses.


Level 6

Clean a small area.

Cure Toxin

Level 4

Removes poisons and toxins.


Level 12

Increase ability to dismantle deceased organic life forms.

Greater Meditation

Level 5

Enter meditative state to increase recovery.

Heavy Weapons Mastery

Level 18

Increase damage with heavy weapons.


Level 16

Appraise objects or entities.

Magic Resistance

Level 11

Increase natural magic resistance by 1.5% per level.


Level 3

Your next attack hits twice.

Physical Resistance

Level 12

Increase natural physical resistance by 1.5% per level.


Level 9

Restores 45% HP over 30 seconds.

Sweeping Slash

Level 18

Project a slash in front of you.

Time Prison

Level 4

Create a void space as a prison. Control its passage of time.

Void Call

Level 2

Call out to the Void.

Void Sense

Level 4

Sense the void.

Void Shift

Level 3

Become one with and move within the void.

Void Steps

Level 2

Use the void as a foothold to move.

Void Storage

Level N/A

Use a storage space made from void.

Unarmed Combat Mastery

Level 9

Increase efficiency when not using a weapon or magic.

Skill Points Remaining


Skill Upgrade Points Remaining



Greater Giant Slayer, Jack of All, Lesser Dungeon Explorer, Lesser Dungeon Traveler, Lesser Enigma, Lesser Repetitive Dungeoneer, Lesser Slayer of the Unknown, Lesser Solo Diver, Magical Glass Cannon, Meat Shield, Lesser Explorer, Offensive Powerhouse

With his constant use, failure or success, of Identify, it had gained a level. Most people didnt know or have the Enigma Award, so he didnt worry about being found out.

His Greater Meditation also increased a bit. It made sense, as he did more meditating than he actually did sleeping.

Void Sense was always active, thus slowly increasing in level. When he really tried to look at the ripples and the void all around him, it was clearer than before. Derek felt he would be able to use his void skill more easily the higher Void Sense leveled. He tried to keep it in mind to try to actively level the skill, but the senses overload he received when he focused on it was still annoying.

Speaking of void skills, he gained a level in Void Steps when he rushed to help Jacks a few days ago. Everyone else was ignoring the ground as they rushed over, so he did too. It had gotten a few odd looks, as nobody was able to tell what element the skill was using. It was blatantly obvious with Edgars crackling lightning trail and Jakes exploding steps what element they used, but other than Dereks eyes, nobody he didnt want to know knew about his void attribute.

Time Prison was the skill Derek was most interested in at the moment. It had leveled to level 4. That, plus the fact that his prisoners sentences were going to be up soon, drew his attention.

I suppose I need to go in and settle all that before I leave tomorrow. Derek hopped up from his bed and moved down to the basement below. When he opened the door, the clanging of metal rang out. He smiled at the girl, still hard at work, and walked over to an unused section of the basement.

When he ripped the void, the clanging stopped.

Derek? What are you doing down here? Brandi asked.

Nothing much. I need to check on some things in here before I leave tomorrow. Sorry for distracting you. He replied.

Oh its fine. I was just practicing my hammering. I wasnt making anything. The girl said. Is it the people that youre checking on?

Derek nodded. Yes the prisoners.

Youre not letting them out, right?

Nope. Definitely not. Derek said.

Thats good. Jacks said they were all bad people. And the one even tried to kill Thomas. Brandi said.

Derek nodded. Yup. You dont have to worry about them. I just need to make some adjustments. You can get back to work. Dont let me distract you.

Brandi nodded, and soon, the clanging of metal sounded again.

Derek reached forward and grabbed the handle of the door to the prison. He pulled. Once again, he stepped into the dark lobby. He still hadnt looked for any temporary light fixtures to brighten the room, it wasnt something he currently needed.

Derek stepped forward and moved to the door containing Clay Torith. He reached out and placed his hand on it. As of now, it showed that just under three weeks were left. The timer was still counting down one second for every two seconds that Derek felt.

With the skill at a higher level, with a thought, Derek adjusted the countdown timer. Soon, for every five seconds that passed, the cell only ticked down one second.

There, that will make sure I dont have to worry about it for a while. If I have the need to talk to either Clay or one of the assassins, I can always speed the time up. At the rate he adjusted the prison cell, it would be almost four months before the timer expired.

Once he finished adjusting Cell #003, he moved over and adjusted the other two active cells. When he was finished, he also noticed the addition of more prison cells than before. By his calculations, once the skill leveled to 20, he would have exactly 100 cells available. He doubted he would ever need so many, but there was a chance that the time served in the nothingness of the void could possibly change someone. The possibility was slim, but it was there.

Having put the Time Prison out of his mind for now, Derek walked back out into the basement and closed the door. Then, he reached out and pulled the void back together and watched the space heal itself.

After that, he walked back over to Brandi, who was currently looking at a piece of some metal.

Im finished in here. He said. Im going to go sleep. You should too. You dont want to worry your mother too much.

Brandi nodded. I will soon. Just a bit more and all the durability of this she flashed the metal piece at Derek. will be gone. I want to finish what I started tonight so I can work on something else tomorrow.

Okay. Derek said. Good night. He tapped the top of the girls head with his finger.

Brandi reached up and put her hand on her head and rubbed. Good night.

Derek walked out of the basement and back up to his room. After going through a mental checklist, he decided that he took care of everything that required his immediate attention, and he wouldnt have to worry about things while he was gone.

He sat on his bed, then laid back and closed his eyes. Soon, he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Derek awoke to the smell of freshly cooked breakfast. After a quick trip to the bathroom, and the hope that Geoffrey would have a working shower prototype ready for when he got back, he moved on to the dining room, where Malorie met him at the door.

Youre just in time. Malorie said.


Silvi and I woke up early to make a big breakfast before you left. We wanted to send you off on a full stomach. She said.

Derek looked past Malorie and saw Silvi sitting on the table drooling over the freshly baked bread, sausages, eggs, and other food.

Mhm He said. Im sure thats all Silvi had on her mind when you were preparing everything. She looks really concerned about me right now.

Malorie smiled and shook her head. Well, it was the plan until the food was ready. Once shes finished cooking, everything else goes out the window until shes eaten. She said. Now, come on and eat. The others wont be up for a while, so you dont have to wait.

Derek did as told and had a great meal. Surprisingly, Edgar arrived at the dining room not long after Derek. He asked if Derek needed any company on his trip, most likely so he could stay away from the political side of things for as long as possible, but Derek refused, as he didnt want others to learn of his actual level yet.

If everything went well, he would so raise his level high enough that he wouldnt have to worry about hiding it. He could just reduce the power he showed to others, making it seem like he was still Onyx Ranked.

Nobody else arrived during his breakfast. He said his goodbyes to Mal and Edgar and patted his crazy kitchen bunny on the head before leaving. He took out a map, then hopped into the air with Void Steps and took off towards his destination, The Golem Dungeon.

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