System Change

Chapter 166: Roman's Potions and Brews

Chapter 166: Roman's Potions and Brews

Derek and Geoffrey shook hands. Thanks for all of the information, Geoffrey.

The skeezy businessman showed a smile that actually increased his sleaziness. It was the least I could do for a person of your stature.

Derek nodded before turning his head towards Rudy. Rudy. He said.

Yeah? The contract writer answered.

Go with Geoffrey to the build site. Derek said.

Rudy nodded. Alright.

Turning back to Rey, Derek said, Its not that I dont trust you, actually, I probably trust you more than I should. I just like the idea of having someone watching over everything at all times. Plus, Rudy has a vested interest in the building, as he will be conducting business there as well. He explained.

Geoffrey nodded. No need to explain. Its actually a good idea. Knowing that someone from the clients side is there watching will give my workers a little more motivation. Ill be sure to let them know exactly who the client is this time.

Derek chuckled. You do that. Ill be around sometime later to check in on the progress.

With that, Geoffrey left the hotel, two contract writers in tow. Left at the table were only Derek, Mal, Brandi, and Silvi, who had shifted from Brandis arms over to the table. Derek could read Silvis mind. She expected food, but he would have to disappoint her.

No lunch here. He said to her.

When? She asked back.

Soon. Well pick up something on our way to the Alchemy shop. Im sure we can find some vendors or something. Derek explained.

Silvi didnt answer back. In an instant, she was back in the girls arms, waiting for their next move. She was playing the very role of a lazy bunny today.

Derek clapped his hands. Alright. Ive made some plans for us today, other than just getting the ball rolling on the building. Theres somebody that I need to introduce Brandi to. I think youll like him.

Whos that? Mal asked.

Just someone I met yesterday. I told him Id swing by his shop in the next few days. I didnt expect everything with the contractors to go so well, so Ive got some free time on my hands and we can go today. Derek explained.

Derek had everyone follow him out of the hotel and to where Roman had told him his shop was. Brandis class would help her with the basics of most of the crafts she could do, but nothing would help as much as a good mentor.

After a small trek through the city, stopping at a few street vendors to grab Silvi something to satiate her, the group came upon Romans Potions and Brews. To Dereks surprise, the Alchemy shop seemed to be the exact opposite of the bar that Roman owned. While the bar was seedy, and in a seedy location, the shop was in a good part of the city and was more than well maintained.

The shop had a proper sign that was even more vibrant than other shops. Derek did a quick Identify to check on the materials used for the building. He was flabbergasted at the cost the halfling must have paid for the materials. While the shop didnt use the same materials as the Crown did, it wasnt too far off.

How much did Roman pay for his? Not to mention where the building is located. This is prime real estate. He thought. Everything he was seeing today was far out of his expectation after getting to know the halfling yesterday.

Derek let out a breath. This is it.

Alchemy! Brandi nearly shouted. Is the person you want me to meet an Alchemist?

Derek nodded. Yup. Like I said, I met him yesterday, and we hit it off. I agreed to do something for him, and I plan on having him help you get acquainted with Alchemy in exchange.

Thank you so much! Brand exclaimed.

Derek smiled. Its not a problem. Now, follow me.

He opened the double doors into the shop. Once inside, he gave the lobby a quick glance. Multiple guards were stationed around each door. Most of the vials of potions were in display cases that Derek only assumed were warded with runes. There were many customers staring at potions inside the displace cases.

As soon as he walked in, he was noticed by one of the store employees.

Welcome to Romans Potions and Brews. An older gentleman with ashy black hair welcomed.

Derek caught the man quickly glancing at the badge on his arm and smiled. Thank you. He said.

The old man smiled back. How might I help you today? Im sure we have some potions that you would be interested in. Anything you want, you need only ask, and I will help.

Actually. Derek said. I was talking with Roman yesterday and he told me to drop by. I had planned on coming sometime later, but some of my time opened up today, so I decided to come by today.

A spark of recognition flashed in the old mans eyes. You must me Mr. Hunt. He said.

Derek nodded in confirmation.

Well, it is an honor to meet you, sir. Master Mills told me to be expecting you. Please follow me. Im sure he wouldnt want to keep you waiting. The man said.

Derek nodded and followed behind the older man. Malorie and Brandi followed behind Derek. The way the man treated Derek grabbed the attention of some of the customers in the store, but they could only watch on as Derek and company were led to the back of the store.

The store employee soon opened a door into a room that had a smell that almost knocked Derek down. It wasnt a particularly bad smell, just odd. Inside the room was a halfling who was intensely concentrated on a cauldron on a workstation in front of him.

The old man gave Derek, Mal, and Brandi a serious look and placed his finger over his mouth. Gesturing for silence from them. Derek nodded.

They all watched the man, especially Brandi. Roman grabbed a pinch of some power laying to the side and slowly sprinkled in the pot while his other hand was covered in a green glow and placed on the side of the cauldron.

Roman closed his eyes and made a swirling gesture with his now free hand. The liquid in the cauldron began to turn. Soon, Romans eyes shot open and his free hand turned glowed red. His other hand moved from the cauldron and glowed red as well.

With both hands above the cauldron, Roman slowly pushed them together until they touched. Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief as he flicked his hand and a small amount of liquid flew from the cauldron and into a glass vial to the side.

The halfling wiped the sweat from his brow as he glanced to the side where Derek was standing.

A bright smile formed on his face. Derek! I didnt expect to see you today. How nice!

Derek smiled and walked over. When he reached the workstation, which wasnt very tall since it accommodated the halflings height, he glanced into the cauldron. It was empty.

Was that vial all you made in such a big cauldron? He asked.

This? Roman held a vial containing a magical green liquid up. It was a special order. The customer provided the ingredients for one vial, so thats what I made. This little potion is worth 8,500 gold.

Derek widened his eyes. Damn Maybe Im in the wrong business.

Roman snorted. I dont know about that. It took me decades to get to the point where I could make a potion like this without failing. Those ingredients arent so easily obtained. Each set of ingredients costs 4,000 gold or more, depending on the market. If I wasnt confident in my skills, I wouldnt take on a task like this.

I see. Derek said. So, what does it do?

Roman smiled oddly, then looked at Brandi and Malorie standing at the entrance. He looked back at Derek and motioned him closer, causing Derek to bend down to lend an ear. Lowly, he whispered, It increases Stamina, Virility, and Competence. He chuckled silently. It looks like a noble is planning on making another heir.

Derek stood back up and shook his head. I see. I guess a potion like that would sell for such an outrageous price.

Indeed. Roman said. So, what brought you by today?

I just happened to have some free times on my hands and decided to swing by and pay you a visit. Maybe even do some of that work we discussed yesterday. Derek replied.

Romans eyes brightened. Really? If youre serious, I have some potions ready right now. What do you want for compensation? How about 5,000 no 10,000 gold per vial?

Derek waved Roman off. I told you I had something else in mind for compensation. He then pointed at Brandi. She is an aspiring Alchemist. I was hoping you could help her learn more about the craft. Im not asking for you to take her as a disciple. Just guide her here and there. Shes a quick learner.

Roman narrowed his eyes, then walked over to Brandi. He walked around the girl, inspecting her. Hmm such a low level, yet you already have a crafting class. He said. How old are you? Did you just unlock the Great System recently?

Derek watched, amused. Brandi was actually around a half inch taller than Roman, which made his inspection seem quite funny to Derek.

Brandi nervously answered the mans questions. I do have a crafting class Ive only had access to the Great System for a short time. Umm Derek helped me get to level ten and unlock my class.

And what class is that? Roman asked. Interested.

Her own. Derek said, causing Roman to turn back toward him in interest. Its not for you, or anybody else to ask about. Just know that is a rare class, and I have high expectations for her. Dereks tone showed that there was no room for negotiations.

Roman nodded. I understand. Id be happy to lend the girl my expertise as long as youre willing to lend me yours. He said.

Of course. Derek said. Shall we get started?

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