System Change

Chapter 113: Derek, Dear...

Chapter 113: Derek, Dear...

Derek, dear What exactly did you do yesterday?

Uh I pretty much told you everything I did. I met with the City Lord, made a couple threats, didnt kill anyone, and I left in that order. Derek replied.

When you said that you made a couple of threats, what kind of threats exactly? Alanah asked.

Nothing much, really. Just the usual. I told them exactly how much their lives were worth to me. I let them know that the only reason they were still breathing was because of a favor to you. I also told the City Lord that I didnt fear his daddy, and that the man wouldnt be able to save him if I wanted him dead. Derek explained.

Alanah frowned. He didnt kill anybody, and he even used my name. It really doesnt seem to be all that bad. Gerald may be a scumbag, but hes too smart to offend me or someone I support over nothing but a threat. She really couldnt see why the man was supposedly so worked up.

And thats all, just some idle threats? She asked.

Yeah. I let him know that even if I left, I still had eyes in the city, and that I had made quite a few friends. I told him that he better be careful about offending people in the future. Derek said. Ah, I also used my full aura to really get my point across.

Hmm So, you wouldnt happen to know why Gerald Torith is currently at my establishment seeking an audience with me? She asked. Wait a minute. A thought occurred to her. You said you released your full aura? What was the outcome? My Deathsword was outside the manor and reported that it was quite the aura, but he was very far away.

Uh let me think Derek replied. Well, the City Lord nearly lost his shit. That guard, Herrett, got a bit pale and took a step back. Half of the room, including the City Lords son, fell unconscious that was pretty cool, actually. The rest were on their knees or fighting to stand.

I can see all that making Gerald angry, but it shouldnt cause him to cause a commotion in my restaurant. If he was going to do anything, he normally would do it in the dark. She told Derek.

Well, I dont think I went too overboard. I had multiple opportunities to kill that kid, and that Guard Captain wouldnt have been able to do anything to me. Sorry I cant be more helpful. Derek said.

No need to apologize. I asked you to spare them, and you did. In fact, if Im not missing anything, you did less than I believed you would. I dont know your actual power, but from what I have picked up on and what my Deathsworn has felt, I should thank you for even listening to my request.

Thank you for talking with me. Unfortunately, I must cut our chat short and go deal with a spoiled noble. Do not hesitate to contact me whenever. Alanah said her goodbyes to Derek.

Its always a pleasure. Well be leaving this city shortly and heading to one with a teleporter. We may be able to have this conversation in person sooner rather than later. Derek replied.

Ill look forward to it. Goodbye.


Alanah stored the now inactive crystal into her storage ring. Letting out a deep breath, she thought to herself. Might as well get this over with. With that, the beautiful woman stode out of her office down to meeting room two.

Arriving at the meeting room, Alanah didnt bother to knock. She opened the door and walked in.

Avery was standing inside next to the door. In front of her, sitting at a table, was a middle-aged man with long, flowing golden hair. He was dressed in a formal green tunic, and wore an irritated expression on his face that screamed slap me.

When Alana walked in, the man didnt bother to stand, and only stared at the woman. Avery was not happy about this, but Alanah stopped him from saying or doing anything.

Alanah approached the table and pulled out the chair across from the man before sitting. She fished a private communications crystal out of her storage and channeled her mana into it.

Behind her, Avery gripped his crystal and spoke. Gerald, my mistress would like to know if this is okay, or if you would like to try your hand at communicating with her directly.

The man scoffed. She thinks herself powerful. Im not the same person I was when last we spoke. You will not be needed.

Very well. Avery replied, but stayed standing behind Alanah.

Alanah inwardly laughed to herself. There were very few people who could withstand a conversation with her in the kingdom, and the King was the only person she had met face to face who could do so without having to acclimate over a period of time.

Avery and Stella could also converse properly with her, but it took Stella hours to adapt, and she would have to start the process over at the beginning of each day. Avery was a little better, but he still needed a short period to adapt. Neither of them, however, could withstand her if she actively used her power for a command, no matter how much acclimation they had gone through throughout the day.

She had a lot of hope in Derek. He was the first person, other than the King, who could withstand a command through the crystal. Not to mention that he was so much more fun to talk with than that boring old man.

Without using any power, Alana spoke, Stand.

Immediately, Gerald kicked the chair back from him and shot to his feet.

Spin. Alanah watched as Gerald did a full 360. Hop on one foot. She said, and he did. Apologize for overestimating yourself, for disturbing my establishment with your presence, and for just existing in general.

Behind Alanah, Avery looked at the hopping man in disdain. He even went a far as openly laughing at him.

I am very sorry, Miss Swan. I am nothing compared to you. Forgive me for believing myself capable. I apologize for any harm my behaviour has caused to your great restaurant. And you are correct, I should not even think to exist, much less in your appearance. Please allow me to atone for my sins. With that, Gerald Torith summoned a beautiful dagger out of his storage ring and pushed it into his jugular, causing blood to pour out of his neck with every pump.

Thats enough. Alanah said. No need to go and die. Put your weapon away, Im sure your Vitality will have that wound healed in no time.

Gerald did as he was told.

Now, sit. Let me know when you are no longer under my influence, then we can talk. She said.

Gerald walked mindlessly to the chair that he had pushed away earlier. He pulled it back up to the table and mechanically sat back down, staring intently at nothing.

Alanah pushed her thoughts back into her crystal. So, how are the boys doing? She asked Avery.

Avery chuckled. Are you sure that was necessary, Alanah? You know hes going to go complain to the King after what you just did.

And the King will admonish him for overestimating his talents. I know that man better than anyone, including the Royal Family. In fact, that old bag of bones, boring as he may be, will probably find some entertainment in Geralds tale. She assured Avery.

If you say so. He replied. Zac and Lukes training is progressing well. They are also extremely grateful to both you and me, especially after finding out the reason they were selected and what our plans are. Honesty is the best way to obtain loyalty, as you have taught me.

Thats good. They seem like nice boys.

They are, indeed. In fact, they both remind me of myself. I was even younger than them when you found me, so I know exactly what they are feeling right now. Of course, you never gave me a lofty goal like they have.

Alanah smiled. Youre still young. You may not be able to reach as high as they will be if the experiment works, but you are still one of the strongest in the kingdom. Before long, you will be able to resist my voice just as the King does.

I can only hope. Avery said. Ah, I was discussing with the boys how you found me, and everything you have done for me. Including giving me your surname. They are both newly orphaned, and their parents' deaths are still fresh in their minds, but I have heard them privately discussing asking you to give them your surname.

Its only been a few days. Im sure they are just overly grateful at being rescued from their situation. You had next to no memories of your parents, so taking my name was an easy decision. Still, I waited for you to ask. The boys knew their parents, and by what you have told me, they seemed to be good people. I will not disgrace their memory like that. It is the same reason that Stella is still a Brighton. Alanah replied.

If they ask, I will let them know, and explain why. They are still children. They will grow and learn. I can not wait. Avery smiled.

Nor can I.

The two continued discussing matters for well over an hour before Gerald stirred. All of the sudden, he bolted to his feet and put both hands over his throat.

Ah, Gerald, so nice of you to join us. Alanah spoke.

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