System Change

Chapter 103: Days Gone By

Chapter 103: Days Gone By

Derek sat in his room at the inn, going over all the information he had gained throughout the day. Silvi was doing fine, and he suspected that the only way he would be seeing her in the near future would be if he visited her in the kitchen.

He also admired Waters swift actions. In less than a week, the man was acting on the advice he had received from Derek, and Clare was the perfect student. All Derek could see when he looked in her eyes was resolve. She didnt act like a spoiled noble, either. Derek had a feeling that the girl would grow to be a great warrior.

His discussion with Walter also led to him learning about the academy. Derek had been wondering what to do with Thomas over the last few weeks. Sure, he could take him around and put him through dungeon after dungeon, but by doing that, the boy would come to rely on others more than he should.

The academy would be the perfect place for the kid. With everything that Derek had learned from novels of his previous world, nothing would help a nave kid grow more than life at a magical academy. Of course, Derek would have to okay it with the boys grandparents first. By sending the kid to the academy, Derek would no longer be able to protect him.

Im sure Richard and Delilah would be proud if Thomas went to the Capital to enter the academy. He didnt think he would have a hard time convincing the couple. Before any of that, though, he would have to get Thomas to level 50. Shouldnt be a problem. Hes already above level 30.

Dereks decision about Thomas was not made rashly. Just by batting her eyelashes, the girl Thomas had been hanging around with was able to rid the boy of most of the training Derek had given him. One look and the kid had lost the survival instincts he picked up in the insect dungeon. One giggle and Dereks words of warning had flown in one ear and out the other. Derek couldnt help but sigh.

It was much easier to deal with Brandi and Clare. Maybe its true that girls mature much faster than boys. Even more so in a world full of systems and magic.

First, I have to make sure the kid doesnt get himself killed before I talk to Richard. Derek had brought up the boy that Alicia had met outside the Adventurers Guild to Walter while they were dining. Based on the information given, Walter had informed Derek that Clay was most likely Clay Torith, the City Lords son.

Derek had been doing everything he could to avoid having to meet the City Lord. Then Thomas ended up getting involved in a conspiracy with the mans son.

At least it seems like Thomas still has a while before they act. Walter had mentioned that the City Lord was cautious the first time they met. It seemed like the same trait had been passed down to his son. According to Thomas, the boy had never mentioned my name to the girl. At least I can give him some credit for that unless its just the oath at work.

Also, other than the first day and the morning after, I havent really made any appearances with Thomas. Other than having the one meal when I got back from the Adventurers Guild. Derek frowned. Though, I did cause quite a commotion when I showed Thomas the Crown Membership card Oh well, if the girl investigates thoroughly, they wont try anything on Thomas, and if she doesnt, Thomas will learn a valuable life lesson.

Derek decided that he would avoid meeting with Thomas in public. He also went downstairs and found that one of the guests had checked out earlier, and he was able to get himself a separate room.

Derek laid on his back in his new room. All of his tasks in Torith had been completed. The only reason he decided to stay longer was because of Silvis cooking classes, and Thomass situation he wanted to see how it played out. He would stay for at least a few more weeks before picking up Brandi and heading to Savannah.

Days passed by fast for Derek. For the most part, he did nothing other than relax. He took the occasional call from Alanah or Stella and visited Silvi on a couple of occasions. He didnt visit often because he could just communicate with her at night because of their link. He did make his way over to Walters place to spar with Clare a few times.

The girls combat ability was rapidly progressing. Walter had even had a pair of small silver knuckles made just for her. When Derek wasnt there, the old man had gotten Areyas or Bronson to spar with the girl whenever she needed. Derek was even more impressed with the girl the longer he got to know her.

Unfortunately, the City Lord had found out where Derek was staying at some point. Derek had slipped away from the mans servants multiple times. Every time he came back, there would be an invitation slipped under his door, inviting him to dinner at the City Lords manor. Finally, Derek got tired of the annoyance and checked out of the inn. Thomas was still there, and it didnt look like the City Lords servants had any inkling that the boy was somehow related to Derek.

During the weeks, Derek occasionally visited Thomas in secret and dropped hints warning him of others. His excuse for leaving the inn was that he was avoiding the City Lord and didnt want the boy to also be harassed. He recommended that Thomas avoid making contact with or mentioning him.

Derek was now staying at a rustic inn in the commoner district called The Burnt Feather. The inn was clean, and it offered a decent breakfast. The owner was a mid-level fire mage who once survived a griffon attack while out adventuring. On a mantle above the door there was a slightly singed feather that Derek assumed was from the griffon. Hence the name The Burnt Feather.

Derek had been a resident of this inn for a week now. He was currently sitting on the edge of the bed in his mediocre room when he felt an odd vibration from the storage ring on his finger. Hed come to know over the last two weeks that the vibration was the feeling of the communication crystal being activated.

Derek flipped his hand over, and the red crystal appeared. The rune that was lit up this time was Alanahs. Derek sighed before channeling his mana into the room and answering the call.

Hey, Alanah. Whats up? He said.

I was just contacting you to let you know that one of my eyes spotted your boy heading out of the city with a girl and Malcolms boy. Alanahs sensual voice rang in Dereks mind, because of their occasional communication, any effect her normal voice would have had on Derek had disappeared.

Over the last two weeks, Derek had gotten tired of watching Thomas and waiting for the girl to make her move. He had asked Alanah if it was possible to have one of her Deathsworn keep an eye out for the kid, to which she readily agreed. Apparently, today was the day.

Oh, did you happen to learn what they are doing? He asked.

It looks like they are going east of the city to hunt some Horned Boars for a quest. The monsters in the area are all around level 50 or so and are scattered about around the area. Its one of the safer hunting grounds by the city, but only those nobles close to Malcolm hunt there. There are a handful of guards trailing the group to make sure nothing happens to the lords son. She answered with a disinterested voice.

I thought controlling an area for your own gain was illegal. Derek said.

No. Controlling an area with a dungeon is illegal. Its frowned upon, but what they are doing isnt illegal. Edwin knows that his nobles need to have some benefit. She replied.

Edwin? Derek asked.

Oh. Thats the Kings name. She answered nonchalantly.

Derek shrugged like it didnt matter. Well, whatever. Thanks for letting me know. Is there anything else you need?

The other end of the line was quiet for a moment. Derek. Alanah said.


Try not to kill the boy or Malcolm. She answered. At least not yet. Ive been very busy with your coffee and your Void Beasts Id rather not have to deal with a noble crying over his sons death.

Derek furrowed his brows. I dont see what me killing them would have to do with you. He said.

He heard a sigh come from Alanah. We are friends, are we not? She asked.

Of course we are.

Then what you do affects me. Do you see?

I get it I get it. He said. I wont kill anybody important. I guess it doesnt matter, anyway. Ill be there, so if they do act, I wont let anything bad happen. Its not my style, but I guess I could let them off with a warning, just this once for you.

Thank you. Let me know what ends up happening later. Now, I need to get back to working on these damn auctions. Well talk later. She said, then the crystal in Dereks hand stopped glowing.

Derek put the crystal away and hopped off his bed. It was finally time to see what those kids had in store for Thomas. He hoped the kid would take the appropriate actions once they acted and make him proud. He also hoped that once everything was over, Thomas would come out stronger.

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