Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 137 - Against Rose (4)

The Explorer's Association Western Branch.

"Hey, you lads! The Rose Family Office is under attack! Everyone with a connection to Rose, raise your weapons and follow me! I want everyone since the enemy is someone strong, though he's just a brat in the end, and it won't be long until we have him pinned down with everyone! Rose will also handsomely reward whoever gets his head! I'm sure you all are familiar with Rose’s compensation! First come, first served!!"

The goat-bearded man, Mejin, shouted inside the Western Branch.

A stir ran across the low-ranking adventurers packed inside the Western Branch who were strapped for cash, when they heard the lucrative offer. Quickly, one eager person, then another, couldn't resist and dashed out of the branch, drawing others to follow suit.

The Western Branch, which had been bustling with people, suddenly became a deserted building. If there was anyone remaining, then it was mainly the high-ranking adventurers who had long left the shadows of the Mutual Aid Societies, including the Rose Family.

One of the senior explorers in his mid 30s stood up from the round table placed in the resting area of the branch, and hit up a conversation with Mejin while grinning.

"Yo. The name's Bert, leader of the party 'Burning Soul'. Not that I want to join you but… I wouldn't mind lending a helping hand if things click for me. So, who're you fighting?"

Mejin chuckled, delighted.

"Oho, the Burning Soul, a party composed only of C-rank explorers, huh?...... You're warmly welcomed to take part. The bounty is around 20,000 rea, I believe. Low? That's why I said the opponent is a mere brat. It's just a brat just coming of age recently getting famous in the Eastern Branch by the name of Mad Hound. I bet that should be free lunch for you, eh?"

The sounds of crickets could be heard as soon as Mejin dropped the name.

Bert wasted no time in turning on his heel and slumping back on his table.

"......Huh, aren't you on board? Come on, I’m sure there would be more bounty depending on the situation you know? Also, Mad Hound? That brat should be panting like a tired dog at this moment. With everyone from Burning Soul having potential to break through to B-rank, I'm sure that this would be a cinch."

With a grimace and an expression of annoyance dyeing his face, Bert waved his hand.

"Damn my life if I’m gonna go outta my way to pick a fight with that 'Mad Hound' for that measly amount. We were nearly smashed to the ground by him when we once tried to start shit with him at the central tavern.

Heck, we were even pulled into a quarrel with that bastard Shell after that. I had my expensive armor smashed to pieces and had to waste two weeks recuperating from my injuries. Then there's also that Lynd. Nope, no amount's gonna be enough for that shit show. Hell, treat this as if I never talked to you ‘cause gods forbid if he thinks I'm in cahoots with you."

Mejin then ran his gaze all over the Western Branch, but not a single soul turned to look into his eyes.


"Haha, this playground is really too small for our play, huh?"

With a pale face, like a ghost, the brat murmured.

Then, with lifeless eyes, he approached and grabbed my hair.


"Aren't you glad, Chabul? The support team that you've been hoping for is finally here. I'm going out to greet them, so wait here. Hmm, fret not, it'll be over in jiffy. Of course, I'm a man of my words and won't run away from here. Yeah. Now take a good rest— wait for me to come back."

Curling his lips into a crescent smile, the brat giggled and went down the stairs with ghostly steps.

The sound of battle and screams galore could be heard coming from downstairs, but it barely lasted 10 minutes from start to finish.


After fixing the small fries, I returned to the 4th floor to see Chabul had slipped under the desk, his body shivering like the tail of a rattlesnake.

Poor soul, remaining a chess piece of another in the end. It would be a waste of brain cells to expect bravado from him.

I ignored him and turned my feet in the direction of Tomora and Red.

"Don't try to contact me ever again."

I asked the two, but received no reply except them sweating like crazy.

I kicked the low table.

"Where's your response?"

Tilting my head, I finally had Tomora open his mouth.

"......We were beaten. No, you really were spectacular. Alas, that Chabul just had to showcase his weak might and pea-sized brain. But I believe we could have become good friends......"

I kicked the low table again, and this time, it flipped over with a bang sound.

"I didn't ask for that crap. Or what, does your mouth need some fixing to make you answer properly? Perhaps— you think you have no chance against me in this ventilated space, eh?"

I asked, gazing at Tomora's expression, who had been averting his gaze from me all this time.

I had picked up on the abnormality in the room's air tightness with my wind magic the instant I botched that magical tool. I couldn't help but think, 'Releasing a sleeping gas here would surely have tremendous effects’. Hence, the first thing I did was smash the window with Chabul's face as soon as I found the opening.

Seemingly catching the hint, blobs of sweat gathered on Tomora's forehead. His right hand that he had kept in his pocket stiffened with a start.

As I glared at Tomora's face with bloodlust in my eyes, Red made a deep sigh and shook his head.

"......We lost. So spare us, will you?...... However, after creating such a loud clamor, we need to make a compromise. I believe you get what I mean, right? Allow me to be presumptuous, but I also have a reputation to uphold, plus the Explorer Association and the Police would be soon knocking on our doors to ask for an explanation.

I assure you that we won’t lay a hand on you ever again, and the same goes for Apple too. Regarding this incident, let's settle it as our mistake, where we were the ones who inconvenienced you, and negotiate to settle things. From here onwards, we’ll never set our foot on the Eastern Branch region, which includes your Apple. So, let's bury the hatchet here with my apologies, alright?"

......Hmm, I saw that coming.

I didn't care about their pride, but this was a precarious situation, and cornering them too much might later put the pipsqueaks of Apple in harm's way. I also haven't been informed about the plans of the knight order, so I would be risking foiling their plans if I crush these guys here.


Confirming my agreement, Red proposed the following in a heartbeat.

"Can you tell us any means to contact you? It would be really helpful if we can contact you when we need to, lest we keep circling for weeks like right now. I’m sure you all also wouldn't want others to know we’re contacting you."

What an obvious pitfall......

......I bet he must be cooking something nefarious again. But I had to agree as his words had weight.

Just as I contemplated on how to reply here, I noticed a lone man's presence rushing up the stairs with my detection magic.

......He seemed skilled. Yeah, I didn't think I’d be able to beat him.

With a sweat drenched back, I took my position in front of the window, securing my escape route while nocking an arrow, its pointy head facing the direction of the door.

Soon, the man stepped into the room, and he was—


"Show your face, bastards! Which one of you was trying to look down on our 'Apple Home', eh?!...... I'm Lynd Izzarpurt, Apple's head. Let's talk now."

Making himself known with his booming voice, Boss entered the room carrying his signature huge spear.

I put down my bow and arrow and took a sigh of relief.

"Boss, I was just doing the same thing. What about ‘Apple’? You shouldn't have left it, to be honest."

Hearing my words, Boss visibly sighed and walked up to me.

"I left Saki there after we heard of the commotion in the Eastern Branch. There's no idiot who would dare to cause trouble in his presence."

Boss made a hideous expression with his explanation and decked my head with his full might.

Thump A dull sound echoed from my head.

"You big buffoon!... I'm sure I explained it to you before to contact me at once if something happens no matter what it was, didn't I? I’ll do everything I can to protect you as your chief. So, don't underestimate Apple's Lynd! You're strong alright, but that doesn't mean you ought to bear the burden alone. You're a brat for damn’s sake!!"

......Ouch. It hurt so bad it nearly made me tear up.

Yet— an incomprehensible emotion surged within my heart. It made me realize… it was just my mind that had the experience of 36 years from my previous world, but my heart still seemed to be that of a 12-year-old.

Boss ruffled my hair with his big hand, caressing it.

"For crying out loud, you ought to look at your face in the mirror. You should have just relied on the adults if you're gonna cry at the end. Now look at the clusterfuck this situation has become...... Haa."

Boss said in an astounded tone as he took in the room. Here and there, the supposed members of the Rose Family could be found collapsed on the floor.

“Yes. I'm sorry." I wiped my tears and quietly apologized.

Meanwhile, as if someone had breathed new life into him, Chabul, who had been shivering non-stop while holding his breath, closed into Boss and shouted.

"Y-You bastard. Do you have any idea what this brat has gotten himself into?! How do you plan to settle—"

Boss showed no hesitation and drove his full-powered fist into Chabul.

Chabul was sent flying from the impact and, wham!, crashed into the wall, fainting as froth spilled out of his mouth.

"No need for small fries here. I heard you guys threatened to take our kids hostage, and now you have the gall to ask for a settlement?! Damn you! Can't your button eyes see that Apple's leader is here? Where the hell are your bosses, dumbass!?"

Boss ran his gaze all over the room and shouted in a booming voice.

I didn't want to break his limelight moment, nevertheless I needed to point something out to him.

"Well, the small fry you just swatted away is the face Rose, Chabul Rose, Boss."

"Wow, what in the world!?............ Did you bring any potion?"

"......I forgot......"


E/N - And scene! Alright, now that's how you end a badass chapter with a comedic tone. Now I kinda am looking forward to the future plot.

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