Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 354 - It’s Sia’s Parents!!

While everyone were in despair, Mu Jun was the only person who did not give up.

Ignoring all the noise, he put all his focus on resurecting Sia because he believed she would wakeup and only needed little help.

Pumping her heart while taking turn to breath into her mouth, Mu Jun continued to perfrom the CPR without giving up.

In the end, just when everyone had lost hope, he suddenly called out attracting everyone's attention.


Startled, everyone turned their head and looked at Mu Jun in ashtonishment before moving their gaze to Sia who suddenly started to cough.

Releived, Mu Jun lost all his strength and fell back. Afraid that it might just be his illusion, he stretched his hand to check her breathing and her pulse. Feelings her weak pulse, Mu Jun tried to shake Sia and wake her up but it seems like she was unconscious and did not respond to anyone. .

Just as he was clueless on what to do next, Zhen Wei rushed to them and informed them loudly "The ambulance is here"

A spark lit up in his eyes as Mu Jun suddenly carried Sia and said hurriedly "Let's send her to hospital first"

Then without waiting for the rest, he hurriedly got into the ambulance along with John and urged them to drive while the rest followed them in their car.

The onlookers who were watching had mixed expression when they saw Sia being taken to the hospital.

There were people who were happy that Sia was alive, a few were worried, a few only gloated while there were few hard hearted on who wished that Sia never woke up and Yi Yuming was also one of them .

Staring Mu Jun carrying Sia and hurrying into the ambulance, she clenched her fist and gritted her teeth with hatred "Why, why didn't you just die in that fire?"

Once the Ambulance left, several ambulance also arrived along with a fire engine. With the help of the skilled fire fighters, they were able to extinguish the fire as well as save one or two who were left inside. While the ambulance took care of those who were injured.

On the other side, after driving for half an hour, they reached the first city hospital.

Having made all the arangement, doctor Fei had long been waiting for their arrival. As soon as they arrived, he pushed Sia directly into the emergency ward while the rest stayed out, waiting for the doctors news.

Seeing John look so desolate leaning against the wall, Yang Jie could not help but stretch his hand to pat his shoulder and consoled him "Don't worry. Sia sister is very strong and stubborn. She will definitely be safe"

Glancing at Yang Jie sideways, John did not respond but continued to remain silent.

Another hour passed before doctor Fie walked out with a frown.

Ignoring the rest, he walked directly towards John and said "Her breathing has been stabilised but..."

"But what?" John asked in hurry but he actually knew the answer

"She has fallen into coma. I can't do anything now" doctor Fei sighed helplessly

"What!" everyone exclaimed

"Shit! it's all my fault. Though I was around her I could still not protect her" John slammed his fist against the wall and cried while leaning his head against the wall.

Worried, Zhen Wei stepped forward to pat his shoulder and consoled him "John, calm down"

"How can I? Why did it have to happen again?" John exclaimed in frustration as he cried.

Just as Zhen Wei wanted to continue consoling him, Mu Jun who had remained quiet all this while suddenly asked coldly "What do you mean again?"

Startled, Doctor Fei and Zhen Wei looked at Mu Jun who was trying his best to hold back his emotion.

Flustered, Zhen Wei averted her gaze as she hesitated whether to reply him or not.

But before Zhen Wei could decided, John whiped his tears of his face and answered knowing that Mu Jun might investigate Sia if he does not receive an answer. Though he might not necessarily find anything, it was better to not arouse his suspicion, so John answered as calmly as he could "A very long back, Sia met with an accident. She was forcefully brought to a dark room and locked up. That day, the place caught fire and the whole building. That day, Sia watched as people got burned by the fire. She heard their scream and plea for help from the dark room. She could even hear their desperate cry for help and their sorrow.

When we found her, she had inhaled too much smoke and fell unconscious. After admitting her to the hospital, we found that she was pshycologically disturbed, causing her to fall into coma. It took her almost a month to wake up. For her safety, her parents requested the psychologist to seal that days memory forever and the pshycholgist did but he had warned us not let her encounter such incidents again because not only would she recall the sealed memory, it might even bring danger to her life. That day I had promised myself to protect her and never let her encounter such incident again, yet..." though John did not continue everyone could understand how he felt.

With a frown, Mu Jun looked towards the emergency room and asked to himself 'Sia, what secret do you hold? What did you suffer in the past? Will you tell me everything about yourself one day?'

Heaving a sigh, Doctor Fei looked at John gravely and said "Do you want to inform her parents?"

Shaking his head, John sniffed and answered "Not for now. Her mother is currently not in good health not to forget her old grandpa. I'm afraid this incident might affect their health so I plan not to tell them for now. Let's wait for a month, if she doesn't wake up after that the..."

"Sigh...okay, let's do as you say" Doctor Fei sighed

After that no one spoke. Just as doctor Fei was about to leave, John's cell phone rang abrutly. Seeing the caller id, John suddenly trembled.

Looking up at Zhen Wei blankly, he said "It's Sia's parents"

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