Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 318: 316. Jackpot

Chapter 318: 316. Jackpot

"You know it's okay to cry, but don't drown into sorrow, Take this cookie, It makes you feel good."

White at some point when Alex was contemplating what to do reached the two crying S-Rank powerhouses.

Then like one soothes the child, she patted on their heads giving words of encouragement and then reached into her right side of pocket where she kept her emergency food, Her toffees.

But she stopped mid way and after contemplating she pull out her hand and reached to her left pocket with a heavy heart as if she was making some tough decision.

And she was as when she pulled out her hand there were chocolate cookies in her palm.

She keeps those for only special occasions as her sister forbade her from eating anything sweet without her permission as that rot teeths and casus many issues in her eyes.

So of course she sneaks a few cookies into her pockets when she sneaks out to play.

She wanted to eat this for herself but seeing these two women crying, she decided to give it to them.

"How did she get there?"

Isabella was first one to react as she in terror White patted on to the head of the most feared existence in the world, The S-Rank.

Not only any normal S-Rank, But the one that gives her the feeling that not care about her life and death.

This new one was unlike the easy-going Amara, Who though strong did not use that against her in their little banters before.

But this new one gave her the feeling that even if she breathed wrongly, she would lose her head.

And she knew it's was not just feeling, She may really lose her head if she acted wrongly. The only they is even alive is totally because of the grace of Amara, If Amara was not here, Isabella knew they would have dead on the first fuck up of White.

So it was understandable why nearly ovaries of Isabella's ovaries came out of her mouth.

She was in utter shock by the audacity and the stupidity of this dumb woman to do this on Liora.

This was like poking a bear, Just not any bear, The bear who just came out of hibernation, Has the cubs of his around and is high on cocaine.

At this point if something happens, It's just a natural selection doing its thing.

But the only issue is, This White not only digging a grave for herself but also big heartedly digging it for everyone else.

She just could not understand, How White got there.

Isabella was making sure this airhead did not cause any more trouble, Keeping her mouth shut.

It's just when she saw Liora burst out crying, she was taken aback in shock and then for a brief moment her attention swayed away from White.

And in just this brief moment like an unattended toddler she went and decided to cause more trouble.

Now Isabella is just praying that Liora would not burst out like an injured beast mowing down everything and anything that comes close to it.

Rita, who was still clutching onto the Alex shirt did not react to this event unfolding before her eyes.

That is because if someone looks closely they can see the complicated emotions going on her face and it looks like she was on the verge of crying her eyes out at any moment.

This is just like the way Liora and Amara acted before they started crying out.

Alex noticed her state but this time he had a hunch of what might be the reason or what is happening here.

And if he was correct then there is big chance that he just hit the gold mine, He have to thank Sandra later because of whom this blessing bestowed on him.

Luck of FL is after all broken, And he being the ML of her story also getting benefits of it.

"...*Sniff* Thank you."

Liora when patted on head by White first ready to throw hands in anger but seeing White and then cookie in her hand, She drop the idea and becomes docile.

She allowed White to touch her, Then definitely for the first time in her whole life she said thank you to someone as she received a chocolate cookie from White.

After which she gave a sniff to it as it was her first time coming into contact with chocolate cookies.

Yeah even if she is chef, she never ate the cookie as Shapira's diet is mostly meat.

So she never came into contact with the cookie, She after the sniffing, she looked at the cookie

and then hesitantly took a bite, But just from that one bite lit her eyes.

Then she slowly yet greedily started munching on the cookie trying her best to spend as long as time as she could to savor the taste of it.

"Thank you *Bite*"

Amara is easy-going in the presence of Alex, So she did not react much when patted on the head by White.

Of course there was that initial resistance by the action of White, She is an S-Rank after all. There would be pride of an S-Rank, How can she allow someone weaker being like White treat her like a child.

But she too likes Liora, Once she saw White and the cookie in her hand forget about her resistance and anger.

She just took the cookie and then thanked her politely before taking a bite at it.

She ate the cookies before in childhood, She stopped eating it later on fearing gaining weight even though women in this world seldomly get fat, not to mention she is S-Rank.

So this is her first sweet in adulthood, Normally she rejected it before but her mood was so down and the cookie was in front of her so she started eating it.


As if on cue, Rita who was holding back her tears was not able to do it and burst out crying holding Alex's shirt tightly.


Alex had the wide smile of satisfaction as he said to himself.

(A/N: 13th chapter 3 more to go

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day [].)

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