Supreme Monarch

Chapter 374 C374. The Troubled Prince

Judging by the current circumstances, not sending a gift would be the right choice. Giving as the Darknar family may have already sent over an envoy that should be due to arrive any day now.

The surrounding countries may also take it as a show of weakness. However, that will also give them a reason to be worried and may provide them the break from the battles they most surely needed.

This was why it was crucial to remain on the best of terms with the most unpredictable faction in the demon continent, the Darknar family.

Though the Darknar family's fighting strength remained relatively unknown to smaller local families like theirs, the fact that their Demon Lord was on par if not greater than the seven Primordial Behemoths was already widely known thanks to the defeat of the Behemoth of Greed, Mammon.

No matter what, even if his mother did not consider him worthy to be the next Demon lord, it doesn't matter, he had to make sure the family enters an alliance with the Darknar family before the envoy leaves. Of course, the chance that the envoy will pass by their family was still there.

Thanks to their stubborn representative, they hadn't made any formal trade agreement with the Darknar family and if the Darknar family deem their current predicament more trouble than it's worth, their envoy might even bypass their family entirely

Because of that, he had to send a gift.

Reynald felt that it could not be helped, even if other regions believed it to be a sign of weakness and hypocrisy. Giving as their Family is one of the very few families that refuses to acknowledge the Great Five's authority as they choose to remain loyal to the Demon King.

Hence, they were not allied with any powerful families as they were considered the largest family to remain loyal to the Demon King, with the others giving in to the pressure from the Great Five and eventually becoming vassals, or rather, branch families of the Great Five.

This was why he wanted the family to swear a more favourable vassalage under the new Darknar family. Not because he believes this new Demon Lord was qualified to be the new Demon king or not.

Rather, this solution was borne after analyzing the state of their family currently and selecting the optimum solution to salvage what pride and dignity they had left. While also avoiding being completely annexed by the other lesser families.

He had arrived at this conclusion after hearing the report that the Vampire king himself had personally visited the Darknar Demon Lord and had offered him an invite to the Great Demon Conference that wuld he held in a few months.

This was the Vampire King they were talking about. A being that notably held no interest in the battle to become the next Demon King and had never partaken in the Great Fives attempt to breach through the Darknar castle's Five Layer barrier.

The morningstar family also held the smallest regions amongst the Great Five and had never even once expanded their family since the Great Five were formed yet the Vampire King still maintained the respect of the other Great Demon Lords.

It's said that the Vampire King was the strongest amongst the Five Greats due to his heritage as a pureblooded vampire and standing at the peak of his species.

Although Vampires were an extremely rare sub-race of true demons, they possess vastly longer life span as they were practically immortal. A strong affinity to darkness and blood magic and superior physique.

Even with their limited numbers and slight weakness to sunlight, they were still a force to be reckoned with and the Vampire king was said to even be older than the first Demon King and may even be on par with him.

Yet that same being had personally taken an interest in the new Darknar Demon Lord. If anyone would know who was best suited to be the next Demon King it would be him. Yet for some reason, no one else seems to understand what his presence that day truly meant.

He knew that a wildcard like the Darknar family that was possibly allied with the Morningstar family was not something they could contend with and approaching the negotiation with an attitude of submission was the best way to their survival and would give them the most leeway for negotiation.

However, the other ranked nobles and the elders would never accept that. This was the troublesome part.

The Darknar Demon Lord's might was widely known. That said, there was no way those old demons that considered themselves purebloods would accept an attitude of submission from the future ruler of the Jaxith family to someone who they consider unworthy, to begin with. Suggesting it will not benefit him in the long run.

The nobles had suffered tremendous losses and were looking for scapegoats upon which to vent their frustration. Most of them, stem from ancient families with history beyond the time of the demon king and believe the Demon king would return one day.

Thanks to that, they had all adopted a stubborn mentality that made them stuck in their ways.

And due to the loss of her husband and confidant more than a decade ago, the current Demon Lord, Keyrille Mayz Jaxith, has lost the edge she once had and the toll of time seems to have finally caught up to her as her decisions lately were heavily swayed by the Elders.

Her lack of her usual dominating presence made her decisions easily swayed and therefore indecisive.

With the Demon Lord in such a state at such a crucial point in this war, you can imagine how incredibly fickle the family's current situation was. It was a miracle she was even able to drive off one of the neighboring region's Demon Lords without having to fight seriously.

Luckily, her reputation on the battlefield as the terrifying Emerald Devil was still feared far and wide.

'If that fellow was around, he'd probably be able to come up with something good, wouldn't he?'

Reynald sighed in exhaustion, he had only been in charge for a month now and was already about to be crushed under the mess his incompetent elder brother had made of the family. If possible, he would have liked to have come to a conclusion himself. However, time was tight, and he needed a plan for action soon.

Reynald finally turned the corner and saw the elegant figure of his younger sister as she strolled down the hall. He then stopped and turned to face the balcony by the side as his sister turned and walked up to him.

Soon, the 5th princess of the Jaxith family stood before him with an almost angelic smile on her face as she spoke first to preserve the dignity of her elder brother who had come all this way to look for her.

Her appearance, her mannerisms, and her entire being was the epitome of elegance. The perfect princess that would put the daughters of the Great Five to shame.

"Elder brother, I've returned."

"Ahh... Athena. Welcome back."

Pretending he had come all this way just to stare at an empty balcony, Reynald elegantly turned to face his sister as he welcomed her back.

In the face of Athena's respectful greeting, Reynald responded with equal generosity. He saw Bam saluting from the corner of his eye, but there was no need to return the salute of a mere soldier.

"Come, share a cup of tea with me."

Not wanting to stand awkwardly in the corridor, Reynald pointed at the balcony as his attendants rushed ahead of them to prepare their seat and brew some tea.

Despite the palace being at the peak of the mountain with the rest of the city during winter, the balcony was surprisingly warm as a spell called 'Wind Curtain' was being used to filter the air flowing in and out of the palace.

Hearing her brother's invitation and sensing his purpose, Athena smiled gently as she kindly accepted his request.

"It would be my pleasure." .


The 5th princess of the Jaxith Family, Athena Fleur Jaxith -- was widely considered to be a perfect princess. A world-class beauty despite her unusually low magic potential for a Noble Demoness of her status.

Being the youngest member of the Jaxith family's purebloods and at marrying age, she had recently taken the noble world by storm with her recent rise to fame and her increasing favorable public opinion. Making her the third most powerful authority in the Floato Region.

Wearing a fashionable vibrant blue dress that gave off an image of pure royalty. Around her neck, hangs a sapphire necklace that gave off an aura of gentleness.

She had long light green hair, silky smooth and supple as it drapes over the back of her neck. She has vibrant, bright green eyes that shine like emeralds, filled with life as they dazzled everyone who gazes upon them as though entranced by a sirene.


Reynald and Athena set out for the balcony together, side by side as Reynald matched his sister's narrow steps subconsciously.

As they reached the table at the center of the balcony, his attendants drew out their chairs before the maids came with a freshly brewed pot of tea and a plate of sweets for Athena.

Reynald then simply raised his chin, indicating that his retinue should keep their distance. If he had looked over, he would have seen Athena gesturing to Bam that he was permitted to stay further away before taking a sip from her freshly poured cup of tea, her expression seemed to change for a moment before returning to normal.

Maintaining the subtle smile on her face, she then proceeded to dowse the cup with an absurd amount of milk and sugar.

"Your sweet tooth is as unhealthy as always."

Seeing such a childish side from the sister he had come to be wary of, made Reynald sigh a breath of relief inwardly as it seems there was still a part of his playful younger sister he could still recognize.

"What do you mean, I rarely get to indulge myself like this you know."

"Is that so..."

Reynald nodded his head in understanding as he proceeded to take a sip from his cup as well.

Athena's smile seems to change for a moment, it seems her elder brother's wariness toward her had calmed down from that little display so she proceeded to get to the point in her usual way.

"By the way, Elder brother, you seem quite worried a moment ago. Did something happen while I was away?"

Athena smiled gently as she asked her question.

"Could it be that the new Darknar family has sent an envoy over?"

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