Supreme Monarch

Chapter 294 C294. Paragon City

After expending almost all of his energy from just dealing with Rain's enthusiasm, Tyler moved on to the last person on the line besides Moloc, who was absent for reasons he could not speak of.

When he had decided to announce his Genrals to his vassals today, he ended up spending quite a long time thinking about their roles in his family but more importantly, he found it difficult to decide who amongst his Genrals was most qualified to lead the group.

Finding the right candidate that would be adept at managing the activities of the Six Generals skillfully and without him needing to provide any assistance else it defeats the main purpose of this idea.

As all six of his Genrals with exception to Rain, would be operating individually while commanding specialized divisions of their own, so even vwith Erin establishing a flawless communication method between them, without someone to oversee their operations, it would be difficult for them to synchronize their operations without clashing with one another.

Of course they could always just report back to him as the overall leader, but avoiding that was the sole purpose of creating this system to begin with.

His first choice for this position was obviously Albert. Although he was at the weaker end of the spectrum, he had been an actual demon lord who had ruled over his own region a while back. Plus, everyone from the Red ogre settled had nothing but high praise for his skills as a ruler so he not only did he possess the skills, he also possess the experience needed for such a responsibility.

However, Albert didn't have any desire to relive his life as a demon lord even though he would gladly accept the role if Tyler ordered it, but there was no way Tyler could do that.

From what Tyler knew, being a demon lord was not something Albert had cared for or even wanted. He had been born into the role and had no choice but to inherit it despite his personal goals and wishes.

His unhappiness and dissatisfaction with his life was the reason he had started wandering the woods to get away from everything even if it was only temporary. It was also where he met Erin, to begin with.

The next most qualified candidate was obviously Erin whose intellect rival that of Z, and after watching how Albert mages his region for years, she had learned fast and now even surpassed his managerial skills.

However, there was no way she would be able to do the job properly considering her personality. The best she could do for now was work along side the few people she had now gotten closer with thanks to Rain's persistence.

That obviously left Liz as the only capable candidate for the job even though she didn't really have any experience in that field as she had grown up trapped in a cage of sorts.

However, the experience wasn't really important as a lot of them didn't have any experience with their new jobs either but Tyler believed they were more capable than he was so here we are.

Liz also had the charisma to get along well with everyone she met, earning their respect and adoration without even trying which was one of the qualities of a leader. Even though she was still a bit shy, she tend to open up to those close to her, and with Rain by her side, socializing with others had to become easier.

With that in mind, Tyler settled on his decision and approached Liz before speaking, completely brimming with confidence.

"And finally, General Lizabeth Belloria Darknar, the Ice Queen. In consideration of your skills and determination, I appoint you as the General Overseer of the Six Great Demon Generals and the Darknar region. While I'm aware you lack the experience to do this, I'm very confident in your skills."

"It feels me with great pleasure that my lord has placed so much trust in me. I vow to fully devote myself to meeting your expectations."

To Tyler surprise, Liz no longer seemed as reserved as she usually was as a beautiful smile adorned her face. Perhaps she was more happy with receiving his last name than she was letting on as she appeared to be in a great mood, perhaps even more than Rain.

'Hmmm... why do I feel like I'm going to regret this later.'

Tyler thought as he casually stared into her eyes, hidden in the midst of her joy was a fierce determination that burned brighter than the sun. As he thought, he could now tell beside her joy in receiving his name, she was also viewing her new job as a chance to get closer to him as her duties would requure her to compile all the information given by the other generals and brief him on it daily.

Her charming smile showed how happy she was that she had completely disregarded the existence of everyone gazing at her in awe.

'Wow, women are quite scary ain't they.'

Tyler thought as he sighed inwardly.

None of the other generals had any issues with Liz appointment as she was highly recommended by both Z and Albert. And while Tyler had thought of assigning another General to assist her, he chose not to as it was best if they all made an effort to help her out for his sake.

That should also improve their bonds with one another as Tyler didn't think they were all that close despite their loyalty to him and he really wanted all of them to get along well with each other.

Of course, the girls were already really close and Albert was close with Erin so the only odd man out was Z who didn't make any effort in socializing as he solely focus on his job, fully devoting himself to serving his master.

Part of that was probably from being betrayed by the Zorak family so even though he could trust everyone here as they were all loyal to his master, he could not bring himself to get closer to anyone as he never learnt how.

'Hmmm, maybe I should get him a girlfriend. Huh, Kela seems to like him, I think he's been training her to be a scout for a while now hadn't he.'

For some reason, Tyler let himself get distracted by the personal lives of his vassals as he considered playing matchmaker with Z and the ogress Kela before he was snapped back to reality by Liz as she stood before him and smiled at him.

"Right, let's move on then, the last member of my Demon Generals is currently busy on my behalf. As for the name of the last of the Six Great Demon Generals, she will be Known as Moloc Darknar, the Chaos Lord of War. She will be the commander of the Chaos Legion, the strongest force in all of Darknar compromising of the strongest devils and demons."

Although everyone looked a little disappointed by Moloc's absence, they quickly moved passed it as a lot had happened already and more were still to come.

"Now then. Along with the appointment of the Six Great General comes the establishment of various divisions to help run the activities of the Darknar region and some of you will be appointed to work in these division and the others will be given duties of your own."

Tyler addressed the rest of his subordinates who had all been staring in awe until now before returning to his seat and his generals returning to his side in a glorious fashion that left the others further in awe.

Although there were still demigods like Emrys and Nessi left unaccounted for, he had chosen not to mention them as he had already decided on special tasks for them.

Emrys was in charge of the underground labyrinth where Erin's source was located and perhaps maybe even something more valuable. He was constantly summoning and creating undead to patrol and adjust the tunnels, creating traps for any intruders that may appear.

As his claim over the castle was now public, a lot of the superpowers after it could no longer move publicly as they were all in the dark on whoever it was that was backing up Tyler and his forces.

With those constraints hindering the methods theg could use what him, there was an high possibility that they would decide to strike secretly. With that in mind, the labyrinth that was directly underneath the castle was a good place to start and Tyler wouldn't be caught unguarded.

Tyler also had another task for Nessi as he planned to have her join Z and Rain whenever they embarked on a secret scouting, intelligence gathering, or assassination mission. This wasn't just because she was strong enough to provide backup but because of her direct soul link to Tyler would make for a faster and more secure method of communication in enemy territory.

Her stealth skills as a demigod were also leaps and bounds above that of Zelda and the others which made her perfect for the task.

Of course, he planned on creating more Shadow rogues and strengthening their cores so that all divisions would get one in case of emergencies. With his new ring, he should be able to create even stronger undead with even trying.

Moving on from his idle thoughts, Tyler returned to matter at hand and proceeded with the next item on his list of thing to get done.

,m "Firstly, it seems the population of the town had surpassed 10,000 already. That more than qualifies it as a city already so I'll assign it a name before deciding on its governing staff. Huh? What name should I give it?"

Tyler was about to run things along when he got stuck on naming his city as he could not think of doming decent for the love of him.

"If I may my lord, why not just call it Darknar city as it was before."

The one who spoke was obviously Albert as he was the only one that would be aware of the name of the ruined city that ones expanded across the Greyad plains.

"I don't like the idea of Lord Ty's name being used casually. It's already bad enough that the forest and region share the same name, a third is just too much."

"I agree."

To Tyler's suprise, Rain seemed to have a problem with naming the city after him and even his new General overseer agreed with her.

"Then it would need a new name that signifies the glory of our master."


"There's no need for all that—"

Tyler didn't think it was that much of a big deal. The only reason he hadn't immediately called it Darknar city was because he had no idea the last city there was actually called Darknar city as he had thought the humans had just called it that because it was the capital city of the region.

"How about, King's city, has a certain ring to doesn't it?"

'Hell Nah!'

Hearing Rain's excited suggestions, Tyler immediately denied it inwardly as he prayed to God that somebody would save him from such a terrible name.

"Those names would only make Lord Ty look desperate to the masses, we need something that would emphasize his might without being too obvious."

For some reason, Liz seem to be taking this very seriously perhaps assuming this was part of her duties as a leader or something as she lead the charge.

"I know, I know, how bout, Supreme city or World-class city."

"Come on Rain, those aren't even proper names. We should consider things from a broader perspective. This isn't going to be lord Ty's only city so emphasizing our master's might is not necessary. That should be obvious. We should think of a name to signify the perfection of our master himself."

"Indeed. If we're build a city in our lord's name, it has to be the very best of the best and its name should signify that. A name that says absolute perfection, the best of the very best."

Stroking his grey beards, Albert repeated himself as he casually made a remark consigning the city's name.

"That's correct, any ideas?"

"W-what... what do you think of Paragon City."

"Brilliant, as expected of my Erin you're always so smart."

Rain immediately launched at Erin with a massive grin after hearing her perfect suggestion as it seems they had completely forgotten this was supposed to be a former occasion.

"So master, what do you think?"

After watching Rain tease Erin for a bit, Liz then turned back to Tyler and asked with a gorgeous smile that left no room for rejection.

'You're asking like you've given me a choice, how fearsome. I may have just doomed myself.'

Smiling as though this was all to his expectations, Tyler nodded his head as he made 'his' decision.

"As expected from my Six Generals, you've all done well in understanding my intentions. From this day forth, the first city of the Darknar family built in the ruins of former Darknar city shall forever be known as Paragon City, the capital city of Darknar Region."

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