Supreme Monarch

Chapter 275 C275. Introductions.

—Still in the Greyad plains. In the outskirts of the Darknar forest.

Tyler flew out of the deep crater he had dug the Grim reaper into earlier. Landing a distance away, he then walked towards Moloc who was waving at him next to a kneeling Arch Devil with a pale expression.

Originally, he had thought this devil was an acquaintance of Moloc or perhaps one of his underlings, giving as she had genuinely seemed happy to see him, that was why he had assigned him under Moloc so as not to deal with it personally.

Not that Moloc was one for responsibilities, to begin with. She also didn't hold any authority within his forces as had spent all her time floating in the training hall trying to regain her strength.

He had only done this because he thought the Arch Devil would be a lot easier to control if it was with its former comrade or master and given the current situation, one could factually argue that his plan had succeeded.

However, it seems their relationship was vastly different from what he had imagined as Devil's seem to be a lot scarier than demon's si Tyler wisely decided not to inquire further into their relationship as he used all the skills he acquired thus far and moved the conversation along.

"As I said, you may return to the castle with him, I'll handle the rest."

"Hmmm, Master, is it necessary for us to leave? This maggot would be honored to handle everything for you. In fact, he's even willing to sacrifice his life to satisfy your every whim."

Moloc suddenly added after hearing Tyler's order for the two of them to return. She seemed quite hesitant as she hadn't had this much fun in a good while and it had only taken a week in the physical plane for that to happen.

She also seemed to have something up her sleeves as she seemed abnormally excited about something, it wasn't as though Tyler knew what normal excitement would look like for her but he was able to tell that something was up because as her smile widen and became more charming, Azalea's face got paler as he became even timider and looked as though he has shrunk a good inch.

'He doesn't even look like the same guy at all, what kind of mental torment did he go through to have such a drastic effect in such a short amount of time.'

Seeing such an unnerving sight, Tyler almost took a step back as he thought of how scary devils could be but forced himself to stay calm. His body seems to have gotten used to not reacting drastically to everything and his emotions were always stable thanks to Uriel.

"There's no need to worry about that, this is also part of my plans. Besides, whoever said I was alone."

As Tyler spoke with a casual tone a cocky smirk crept across his face as the shadows around him moved weirdly and five shadowy figures with glowing green eyes slowly arose from within them before kneeling behind him, awaiting their orders.

Their combined presence was enough to put the current Azalea on his guard but Moloc just smiled in amusement.

"Oh... As expected of my Master, I shall abide by your will. And please leave it to me. Moloc is not lazy, I'll be sure to drill the grace you have shown this maggot into his heart I'm the shortest time possible."

Saying that Moloc placed her slender arm on Azalea's shoulder as his body ran cold instantly and she bowed to Tyler.

"You don't have to—"

Tyler wasn't even done with his statement when Moloc suddenly disappeared in a burst of hellfire the moment after her graceful bow with Azalea in tow. It seems Uriel had permitted them to return to the castle without even asking him, forgetting he was the one that gave her such an order.

"This doesn't seem like it will end well for that guy, what do you think?"

[The probability of that is abysmal, but Master does not need to worry about that.]

"Well I guess you're right, I'll just pretend I didn't see anything. Now then, let's go see this so-called undead king, shall we? I'm told he:s the cure for my negative corruption."

"As you will it."

As he spoke casually, the five shadows kneeling silently behind him all roared their response simultaneously in a sort of monotonous tone that had an underlying ghastliness to it.

Anyone not of a sufficient level would most likely be driven into a frenzy of despair by their lovely voices.

Thinking of this, Tyler chuckled softly as he took slow steps towards the darknar forest and his five shadow guards moved with him.

The moment he had made his appearance in this battle, he had immediately called back all his shadows from across the battle as there was no longer any need to keep track of the enemy's forces. Aside from him, only one other living being remained in the battle.

That person was none other than Z who had initiated the final phase of his plans and was moving on his own to get things in motion.

"So, where's this undead king I've heard so much about?"

"Their unit should be marching out north of the darknar forest. Approximately 920 meters from our current location."

The one who replied to him was Flare, donning a similar rogues outfit as everyone besides Maeve, she had short black hair with a pretty face that somewhat resembled Kali but had a more calmer appearance than her.

However, her demeanor could not be said to be gentle as her eyes carried a cold and calculating gaze that enforced a condescending pressure that defied death itself.

Being the only one who had spent most of her existence engrossed in investigating the undead army, Tyler could tell that she seemed to have gotten stronger somehow. Her level was still the same but she had developed several more skills that would even make her stealth mode impossible to detect even by higher beings.

"I see... well then, let's all go say hi, Come, Drago."

Hearing Flare's response, Tyler decided it was best they don't waste any more time as he immediately called for their ride.


The moment Tyler opened his mouth and called for him, a massive roar echoed across the Greyad plains as a gigantic figure soon cast its shadow over the devastated plains.

The massive figure of the dragon-like creature covered the empty skies as it landed gracefully in front of Tyler and lowered its head as though waiting to be petted.

Tyler obliged and petted the terrifying drake's head before everyone got on his back and they took off flying in the direction specified by Flare. There was really no point in flying on the back of the drake as Tyler could just as easily cast mass flight on everyone or simply carried them along with gravity manipulation.

However, he had simply decided not to do any of that simply because none of those methods would make a dramatic entrance so he went for this instead. It didn't take them long to locate the last unit of undead creatures marching gallantly out of the forest while carrying multiple thrones with hundreds of powerful guards protecting them.

Seated leisurely atop one of those thrones was an undead skeleton clad in a tattered but luxurious robe and donning a bone crown atop his head. It held a long staff in one hand and an oddly shaped orb in another.

​ Next to him was a female half serpent half-human figure that Uriel identified as a Lamia and was confirmed to be the Queen of the southern parts of the Darknar forest. One of the four kings.

She was practically naked as her only form of coverage was her long hair that fell gracefully down her back with a little falling down her chest, as well as the ornaments on her tail and arms.

The undead army came to an abrupt halt at the appearance of the dark drake as they immediately entered a defensive formation.b

The Magic casters created a massive combination barrier that was layered with several other types of barriers and reinforced with magic.


Seeing the undead army move instinctively to defend their master in multilayer barriers, Tyler was somewhat surprised for a moment as the ring he wore should prevent anyone from sensing his aura and could even hide his presence from gods, making him virtually indistinguishable from an ordinary human so there was no way they should be wary of him.

However, he soon remembered that not only was he riding on a massive lizard that breathes dark flames, but five high leveled shadow warriors behind him also did little to hide their overwhelming aura, any human that could ride amid such a force was surely far ordinary, making him even more suspicious.

'I didn't think about it.'

As he finally realized this, Tyler sighed and called himself down as he focused on his mission. Drago roared once more as he flew a circle around the army ones before descending down and then hovering a few meters above the ground in front of them.

The main force of the undead special unit readied their weapons as they pointed them towards the flying drake. However, Tyler just ignored them and stepped forward as he loudly addressed the one seated on the throne.

"Pleased to meet you, undead gentlemen of the so-called undead king. I am Ty Falls Darknar. But please, call me Ty."

He was a distance away and the flapping of the dark drake's wings echoed loudly in the plains but the wind still carried his voice over to them clearly.

Zerahut did not respond and thus, Tyler settled his gaze on him and continued.

"The ones behind me are my shadow guards, Zelda, Flare, Kali, Nessi, and Maeve, don't let their cold flares fool you but they are also pleased to meet you."

Tyler noticed the undead king trying to attach meanings to his words but did not waste his time as he focused his attention on the Eldar Lich and continued.

"You must be that so-called undead king, named Ummm... wait I think I was told your name, wasn't I? Oh yeah, it's Zaracutt right?"

Tyler spoke his last sentence seriously as he had genuinely forgotten the name of this undead giving as he had always referred to him as the 'so called' undead king as long as he could remember. He was sure Uriel would remind him but she didn't.

It seems she didn't deem it necessary for him to remember the name of a lowly undead that parades himself as a king simply because it had managed to create a few thousand low-level undead.

Even Tyler as he was now would be able to do the same before his negative corruption killed him. It was a shame no matter how strong he got, he could not rid himself of said corruption as it only got stronger with him.

'I guess this is a backlash from having no limit, even my corruption has no limit.'

Tyler lampooned within himself as he smiled bitterly at the rotting face of the undead king that seems to be extra cautious of him even though the Queen of the south seemed to be in awe.

Tyler smiled at her which had taken her by surprise but he simply ignored that as he spoke.

"And you must be the Queen of the south, a pleasure to finally meet you."

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