Supreme Monarch

Chapter 265 C265. Blazing Strike

•Omni-Burning - Deadly Rain•

The moment Erin combined two of her skills into one, the pregnant clouds birth something unheard of in the demon continent. Burning Rain of absolute destruction.

The rain came falling in a radius that encompass a wide area around them and as it touched their skins, it burned through everything, even the soul.

"Aw, shit what the hell is this!"

"This is bad Ceal, we're dead if we stay here any longer, we need to run— Huh?"

The sudden rain had been far too out of the blue and unexpected, and even as they sensed the looming danger ahead of time, it was already too late for escape.

A large cylindrical barrier of water had appeared around them and could not be breached as even teleportation had been sealed.

"Fuck, she's trying to trap us here Ceaz. What is this, acid rain? Fuck!"

"That's, We can't let another drop touch us, unleash everything you have!"

"Wall of Flames!"

"Volkan's Wrath•

"Dome of protection!"

•Flame Burst•


•Aurora Indot•

With everything they had, they desperately tried to defend themselves with all sorts of barriers, spells and even attack skills and they even aimed at Erin but the rain burnt through everything in its path as cries of agony and despairing began to echo across the plains.

Their screams slowly became muffled as the light black drizzle slowly burnt off their skins, their armor melted and fused with their bones as even their tongues were slowky burnt off.

No matter were they crawled to, they could not escape the sky as every part of their bodies was slowly melted away.

This war had been intended to demonstrate the strength of Tyler's forces to the Great five in order to intimidate them into yielding the Darknar region to him and recognizing him as its sovereign from this point on.

However, the same could not be said for the Brimstone family, as they had incurred his wrath. Their destiny was destruction and Erin had been sent to pass along that message with the unnecessarily torturous deaths of their representatives.

Their deaths was slow as each drop of rain had caused an unreasonable amount of pain that their minds couldn't fathom due to the timely use of Pain inducement. A skill which projected pure agony directly into the target's soul.

They had originally tried to attack her directly by burning through their life force but failed miserably as even their life force was being burnt by the rain of death.

With the Water Paragon Seal she used, all their attempt to escape even with Magic items had fallen short. Everything they did was pointless as the Deadly rain ate at them until it consumed their very souls in the slowest and most gruesome death one had ever witnessed. Most would not be able to retain their lunch after witnessing a sight like this.

Even Erin could not bear to look at them and had her eyes closed and her fingers plugging her ears the entire time but she had to make sure they had died so it was inevitable that she needed to see the end result.

'I feel like I'm gonna be sick.'

While she did understood why Lord Ty wanted this as she had also agreed with him after hearing of what they did to Liz, seeing this in person was a different story.

"I'm so squirmish, I need to get a hold of my self. One more unit to go."

Cheering herself on with a little fist pump, a black gate opened behind her as her figure soon disappeared from the snow plains.



—Somewhere on the outskirts of the Darknar forest.

*Clag! *Clag! *Whooosh... *Boom!

A chaotic battle had broken out between the 9th unit of the undead army and an aged swordsman with brown hair with streaks of grey running across it. He wielded a thinly long sword that emitted an oppressive aura and wore an exquisite black suit that was made of Lesser Djieien threads and enchanted with Advanced defensive Magic runes.

Making the item at the very least a Legendary class magic gear. He moved swiftly as he brandished his sword skillfully and countless undead was sent flying.

His main opponent was a massive grey creature the size of a building. Standing at least 30 ft tall, he was a hulking mass of muscles that had black chains wrapped around his limbs but had been broken apart and no longer restricted his movements.

The chained giant threw a punch that shattered the sound barrier and tore the ground in half in a devastating impact, destroying his own men without a second thought as he attempted to squash Albert.

However, Albert moved nimbly and swiftly as he avoided the blow and a massive fireball crashed into the chained giant, pushing him back, causing him to crash into his own team, crushing a few of them.

The undead mages artillery Corp at the backline used the opportunity to fire countless spells at Albert but a Magic barrier suddenly appeared in a dome around him as most of the spells were blocked and Albert was able to avoid the rest.

"Max Magic - Chain Dragon Lightning."

A skeletal mage clad in tattered black robes of luxurious quality, stretched out his bony fingers and a massive bolt of silvery-blue lightning jumped off his fingertips in the shape of a roaring dragon and it devoured the undead mages while jumping from one to the other.

Bones finished casting his spell as the Chained Giant finally stood back up and charged at him, leaping up into the sky as his massive fist was enveloped in a dark oppressive aura.

However, Albert would not be ignored as he suddenly appeared in the air directly in front of the giant's massive head and his weapon began to glow with a blinding light.


In a literal flash of blinding light, Albert swung his glowing blade and a blinding aura of solar energy tore through space as the Chained Giant immediately raised his arms to block the attack but was sent crashing back down in a massive impact that shattered everything within a few meter radius of his crash.

At the same time, the rest of the undead army was being distracted by around 50 hobgoblins archers atop Nightmare wolves and 50 hobgoblin mages atop trained war horses.

In total, Albert's group had a force of around a hundred strong, going up against an undead army of around 3,000. Albert was currently at the peak stage of Tier 6 and was only a step away from ascending beyond the mortal plane.

However, he was still only at the tier 6 standard, and normally, even with the God class item in his possession, it would be impossible for him to take on an army of 3,000 undead with only Bones and a hundred hobgoblins to back him up.

However, this had been his master's plan, or rather, Uriel's. Not that he was aware of her existence.

His master had confidently proclaimed that as long as they followed his plan, a hundred fighters were all they needed to bring down this entire regiment and he completely had faith in him.

At the start of the battle, a few of the hobgoblins on horses had been a little frightened but that all faded away as the battle commerced.

In less than 30 minutes, they had annihilated more than half of the undead regiment with their help of theirs. Wry own General. The Chained Giant was a mindless undead whose very nature was chaotic and thus, was purely driven by rage.

It would attack its enemy without giving a second thought to its surroundings much less its allies. All they had to do was lead the brute around the battle while the mages kept most of the undead occupied and the chained Giant would do their job for them.

Their current strategy involves having the hobgoblins on horses continuously encircle the battle while keeping the mages distracted and focused on them.

The original plan was to have the other hobgoblins fight from afar as well but that had a certain risk for Albert and Bones who were the main force of this plan so Z had suggested to send over the hobgoblins who had helped Emrys on his assignment earlier.

They could move across the battlefield with ease as they possessed shadow movement and could also escape any attack with shadow dwelling, thus, allowing them to function in such a chaotic battlefield.

"Widened Magic - Earth Eater!"

Casting a wide range spell, Bones watched as the ground opened up and swallowed an entire unit of undead before promptly closing up as though nothing had happened.

•Summon Undead Legion•

He then used his summoning skill that summed around a Hyde end random grade of undead to do his bidding for a while. Unlike Emrys, he could not summon a specific type of undead.

A horde of skeletons, zombies, Doom Knights, and Liches soon rose from the ground and joined the fight as the Nightmare wolves moved through the shadows, taking down one undead after another.

Having lost an arm to Albert's attack, the Chained Giant finally got back up as it glared at Albert who had hurt him but that didn't matter to Albert.

The Golden gloves on his arm glowed gently as his sword was then wrapped in a golden aura and illuminated his surroundings. The God Tier artifact he had received was named Sun God's Hold and possessed several powerful sun-based skills that were incredibly damaging to the undead race.


With eyes full of rage, the Chained Giant roared madly as a negative aura gusted out of his body in every direction in an attempt to corrupt every living thing around him.

"Not happening."

•Solar Flare•

Burning with furious intensity, a blinding golden aura gusted out of Albert as well and quick suppressed the negative aura and stunned the Chained Giant while turning all the undead around him to ash.

"Chains of the Abyss!"

Not missing the opportunity, Bones cast a binding spell as chains shot out of the ground and wrapped around the Chained Giant, binding him in place temporarily.

​ Understanding his intentions, Albert moved swiftly and arrived before the now literally chained Giant and jump, using the most powerful skill of the Sun God's Hold.

•Blazing Torrent of Annihilation•

His blade was engulfed in a blazing inferno as it came slashing down on the chained Giant in a pillar of flames that burnt even the molecules in the air as it consumed the Giant and everything around it. Reducing everything to ash.

In one swift combination attack, they had completely obliterated the chained Giant and more than 80 percent of the undead army. All that's left was the clean-up as Albert coolly landed behind the blazing inferno, his blade completely shattered by that last attack but he didn't seem to care as he casually pulled out another weapon from thin air.

"It is important to properly clean up after one's self, so let's get to it."

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