Supreme Monarch

Chapter 258 C258. Darkness Wave

[What! What is happening here!]

A wave of confusion washed over Ferverant as he watched half of his unit be absolutely decimated by their own spells before they could even comprehend what happened.

If he wasn't undead and immune to negative mental effects, such a sight would've instilled despair in his very core but that was not the case as he calmed observed the situation while searching for the cause of this mess.

[Locate Person, Sense Movements, Clairvoyance.]

He cast several observation spells simultaneously and sent his ghost legion to investigate the cause of this in secret.

However, even though his ghost legion were completely invisible at the moment, the moment they got a certain distance away from him, a black ball of condensed gravity suddenly came out of nowhere and expanded rapidly before imploding.

Pulling in everything in its range into nothingness, even spiritual beings like the ghost legion could not escape the pull and disappeared without a trace.

The flames in Feverant's eyes flickered as he found what he was looking for. It had taken a while but the mass illusion spell they had used could not fool him for very long.

The remant of his army which now numbered a little over 2,000 with the majority of them being melee fighters ot beast riders, quickly moved into a new formation based on the orders from their unit leaders without giving a second thought to the destruction of almost half their forces.

They all moved to face the new enemies that had appeared before them.

Standing there was a group of around 400 hobgoblins alongside about 20 kobolds clad in fine steel armor and wielding excellent equipment. However, those forces were not enough to threaten Ferverant.

Or rather, they shouldn't be able to threaten him yet the memory of their previous attacks being reflected at them instilled the seed it hesitation in his mind, which was why he was yet to give the order to attack.

There was also something else that had caught his attention amongst the band of hobgoblins and Kobolds. Standing in front of them as a commander was a male figure who was dressed as a butler, but he had dressed entirely in black aside from his white gloves.

It looked less like a set of butler's clothes and more like a combat uniform made of high-quality materials and enchanted with magic.

He wore a dark golden mask that did not even have and eye slit and seemed plain from a distance but had a strange air around it.

Feverant felt annoyed that such foolish being was getting in his way to please his master yet he was hesitating. He was just about to order his army to attack out of annoyance when he suddenly changed his mind and stepped forward.

He then spoke with a ghastly voice as he addressed the strange man who had remaind silent as they stared each other down:

[Who dares stand before the Great Feverant, one of the nine generals of the Undead King?]

The masked man tilted his head gently at that declaration as he acooly took steps forward with his hands in his pocket, disregarding the possibility of being sniped by the enemy.

A soft chuckle came from behind the mask before Feverant heard a male voice as it casually responded to his question.

"How amusing, it speaks."

The flames in Feverant's eyes burned brighter by that statement as he was about to unleash his full power when the man continued speaking.

"You called yourself a general of an undead king but that statement is both wrong and offensive it's ridiculous."


"There is only one true king in this world and you've angered him. It matters not if you're dead or alive. Everyone must bow before the demon king, and that, is the truth."

[Another arrogant demon I see. You must be deluded, the demon king has been dead for a millennium. The only king that rules this land will be the Undead King.]

"Such blasphemous words from the mouths of lesser beings will not be forgiven. As undead do not feel pain or fear, I'll just end your lives in an instant."

[Arrogant fool! I am Feverant, the Poisonous Lord, suffer for your foolishness! Chaos Magic - Hundred Poisonous Lance!]

Feverant wasn't foolish enough to engage in pointless dialogues with an enemy without a reason. He had used the time to prepare the energy required to cast such a large-scale spell.

As the Lord of poison and also undead, he and his army were immune to all forms of poisonous attacks. So with this spell, he would be able to figure out the secrets behind the failure of his mage's attacks.

If it was a barrier he had ways to bypass it and if it was something else, he would have to but time until he found a way to safely attack as his army's strength relied on their mages.

He had already prepared his infantries and heavy infantries along with the beast Riders and archers to engage the enemy the moment they saw an opening. Buying him enough time to plan his next move.

Frankly he didn't think whatever skills, items, or barriers they used would work against his chaos magic but had taken measures against it anyway.

In an instant, a hundred liquid lances made from different poisons appeared in the air around him and shot at the masked man. The lances stayed true to their aims as they slowly converged on their target.

However, just as before, it was as though an invisible force had stopped their advance mid-flight as they hung in the air a few inches away from him. His golden mask glowing slightly as in the next moment, the hundred poisonous lances shot back at him.

[Such a powerful item should rightfully belong to my master! I shall claim it in the name of Lord Zerahut!]

"Please, do try your best."

[Attack! That item only reflects magic attacks, mages remain back and all units, reclaim that magic item.]

In only an instant, Feverant had seen through the power that reflected his attack at him. His deferring eyes could not be fooled as he accurately judged that the golden mask the man was wearing was a magic artifact of the highest level.

However, he had also seen through the mask's limitations and weaknesses and came up with his plan of attack.

Of course there was bound to be a limit as even an item that reflects all magic was not a power that mere mortals should have and he could not tolerate it.

As the only one who could reflect their spells was the masked man, all he needed to do was isolate him and bombard the hobgoblins with spells, eliminating them before do focusing on the masked man with everything they had.

With his heavy infantry taking the lead, his army charged at the 400 or so before them yet they did not move to defend themselves.

Just as Ferverant was starting to think something was wrong, it happened.


Something suddenly crashed into his forces like a train, stopping them in their tracks as it shattered their formation with a single bow that sent them flying all over the place, most of them crashing in to sudden pitfalls that appeared out of nowhere.

This being moved swiftly through their forces like a storm, sending bones and armors flying every which way as the charging advance of more than a thousand warriors was stopped by a single being.

Whatever it was, it moved like a shadow with immersed speed as it could not be stopped during its approache towards Feverant's special unit containing his strongest undead mages.

The figure then stopped in front of his special unit and if Feverant had eyelids, they would've widened. It was an undead, or rather, she was an undead, an intelligent-looking female undead, and Feverant couldn't help but stare in awe and shock.

Standing before him was a female undead clad in a rogue's outfit. She was quite beautiful with long black hair and supple pale wax-like skin with cracks of negative corruption stylishly running across her deathly pale skin.

She had a cold and emotionless expression on her face with slightly glowing green eyes that could penetrate the soul.

She wielded a large black oversized magic sword that she rested on her shoulders casually as though it weighed nothing all the while glaring beyond the special unit straight at Feverant who instinctively took a step back.

The special forces— who were supposed to attack the moment an enemy manage to get this close— were all confused, not because she was undead. Rather, they could not lift a finger against a divine being of the same species unless forced to by their master.

Naturally, as only a Tier 5 being himself who is not connected to his master like the boneclaw, Feverant could not lift a finger against the domineering presence of an undead demigod himself, unless ordered to.

However, he didn't get the time to receive that order.

"You existences is unneeded. Disappear."

Her voice was cold yet gentle with a ghastly undertone to it. Feverant could not even react as she swung her massive black blade and in a wave of darkness, everything in Infront of her disappeared including Feverant and the trees behind them. Everything within of a mile of his swing was reduced to molecules.

Like the lock ness monster she was named after even though they were spelt sightly differently, Nessi was something to be feared.

Naturally, Tyler had used his remaining time to enhance Nessi and Maeve's core to increase their strength after that fiasco with Moloc.

As he could no longer increase Zelda's core, for now, he had boosted Nessi to Tier 7 and Maeve to Tier 6 which was why he has sent Nessi out to help out.

She may have been classified as a shadow rogue but her skill set and weapon weren't exactly the best for spying son Tyler sent her out here to help where ever she could and Z had requested her aid in getting rid of the distractions from his targets.

As the dust settle down where Feverant and the Mage Artillery corp, the magic support and special unit had been vaporized, it was revealed that three figures had managed to survive her Darkness wave and sensing their power, she immediately decided to retreat to Z's side as per ordered.

"There you are, you guys sure did your best to hide in the crowd didn't you."

Z spoke as he stepped forward even more, the scattered forces of the undead infantries and beast riders were still recovering from Nassi's assault and the Kobolds trap so he had some time before they blindly tried to attack him with a proper chain of command.

"Hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahah... How exciting, you sure put up quite the show whoever you are. To think you were aware of our presence despite our excellent disguises and yet, you still chose to challenge us... How foolish."

One of the three figures spoke standing in-between the other two as the illusion spell that hid their appearance had been shattered by Nessi. He was a tall man with dark skin and a shaven head.

Wearing light brown leather armor of insane quality as he wielded an actual katana. The man beside him had long blonde hair and was a classically handsome man dressed as a mage.

"This is fine isn't it, Noual? I was going nuts being around such a stinky bunch to begin with, let's just go crazy eh."

His face had twisted into a sadistic smile that didn't match his appearance and show the depravity of his mind.

"I don't know, I don't think we're supposed to do that for some reason, but I can't seem to remember why? Huh! Well whatever, that guy seems like he might be handsome, I wanna cut that mask off his face so bad so let's go crazy! Kufafufufu..."

The third was a lady with a somewhat pretty face that could not be called beautiful. She had a hair that had been dyed in an abundance of colors and almost had every color in the world.

She spotted a crazy hairstyle and had orange skin. She was clearly a mage but held a long staff in the shape of a spear as her high pitched laugh reverberated in the field.

"You're both right. So let's teach this masked brat a lesson. Kiahahahaha..."

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