Supreme Magus

Chapter 3115 Moon and Sun (Part 1)

Chapter 3115 Moon and Sun (Part 1)

3115 Moon and Sun (Part 1)

The evening dress form of Kamila's lucky clothes wrapped around her soft curves, leaving a sweetheart neckline and slits for her legs on the sides open.

"Damn, you look stunning." Lith had been true to his word and returned after one minute.

"And you look just the same as before." She pouted. "Aren't you tired of always wearing your Supreme Magus suit and robe?"

His shirt, robe, and pants were made of the finest materials. They were of pristine white color with golden embroideries and buttons. Only the shoes were black.

"It's not my fault if I dictate fashion in the Kingdom." He said with mock exasperation, making her chuckle. "Besides, they won't let us in without these clothes so suck it up and follow me."

"Who's they and how can they be so dumb?" Lith took Kamila by the hand and brought her to the Warp Gate of the Mansion, setting the coordinates for Xaanx.

From there, he opened a Warp Steps that opened in front of the Crystal Cauldron.

"As you see, Vonam, I've kept my word." Lith said to the concierge, a tall man who became pale from shock and then bright red from excitement in quick succession. "This is my lovely wife, Kamila Verhen."

"It's an honor to have you in our humble establishment." The concierge gave her a bow so deep that she expected to hear a thud on the ground. "Your table is ready and has been set up according to your instructions, Magus Verhen. Please, follow me."

Kamila had already been in high-end hotels like the Flying Griffon, but the Crystal Cauldron managed to surprise her anyway.

The floor was made of a smooth, dull grey marble that gave the place a refined look. It also kept stains from standing out too much until they were cleaned.

The tables and chairs were made of solid cherrywood painted the same white as the napkins and tablecloths. Large crystal chandeliers hung to the ceiling, lighting even the innermost corner of the restaurant as day, no matter how far from a window.

Each table had on its centerpiece a short but large vase filled with different kinds of fresh flowers to give color to the place. While Lith and Kamila walked through the dining area, she noticed how the place was divided by wooden fences into three different sections.

To keep the railings from looking like prison bars, they had been adorned with garlands and climbing plants that produced delicate flowers. Together with the lights the final impression was to be dining in an open garden while also enjoying some privacy.

The Crystal Cauldron's restaurant was divided into a public section, another reserved for the hotel's clients, and the VIP section where Vonam was bringing them. The fences blocked sight of those in the public section that although spacious, was cramped if compared to the other two.

The VIP area occupied as much space as the public section but hosted half the tables to give the guests plenty of room and an intimate allure to every meal. The ample windows facing the garden provided the VIP area with plenty of sunlight and fresh air.

The garden had a fountain depicting the First Queen making a toast and an open aviary hosting local songbirds that were fed and lured there as part of the entertainment.

The breeze, the splashing of water, and the chirping provided the atmosphere of a picnic while retaining the luxury of the indoor restaurant.

"By the gods, this place is beautiful!" Kamila was stunned.

While the public area hosted a refined and classy establishment, the VIP area looked like a place straight out of a fairy tale or the Royal Palace.

"I'm glad everything is of your liking, but we are not done yet." Vonam gave her a deep bow. "Please, follow me to your table."

Her eyes went wide and her pupils dilated in excitement when she recognized the floral pattern of the tablecloth in front of their seats.

"Is this…"

"Our Camellia table, milady." The concierge bowed again. "It was realized specifically for you, Lady Verhen."

Both tables and napkins were decorated with embroideries that formed countless bright red camellias of different sizes.

"My only regret is that such flowers don't exist so you'll have to make do with our available selection." He sighed in disappointment, bowing like it was his fault camellias didn't grow on Mogar.

"No need for that. I've brought my own." Lith pulled a huge bouquet out of his pocket dimension and put it in the vase at the center of the table.

Vonam was as surprised as Kamila although for different reasons. Neither of them had ever seen that kind of flowers before but while Kamila considered it a romantic gesture, the concierge felt a sting at his professional pride.

"They are beautiful. How are they called?" She said while sniffing at one of the unusual snow-white roses which had large and flat petals arranged in an almost perfect circle.

"Moonroses. They grow in Verendi." Lith replied while pointing at her necklace. "I chose them for you because even though they are not camellias, they still match your pendant."

'That's a Magus for you. No one else could cross continents for a bunch of flowers.' Vonam thought, inwardly throwing in the towel. 'At least the reputation of the hotel is saved.'

"Thank you. It's a thoughtful gift." Kamila blushed a little, giggling like a little girl. "Can you please send a waiter with a menu, mister Vonam?"

"A waiter? For a Magus and his lady?" The concierge said like she had just stabbed him. "Nonsense. I'll be at your service. Please, take your time and signal me when you are ready to order."

At a snap of his fingers, two small booklets made of paper appeared in front of Lith and Kamila.

"Doesn't he mean call-"

"Shush, or you'll offend him." Lith put his finger on her lips. "Magus or not, it's never wise to mess with the people handling your food."

Just as he had predicted, the concierge remained in the VIP area. He was out of earshot but in line of sight and ready to serve.

"Is that the reason you are always so kind with me before a meal?" She said in mock suspicion.

"Yes. I'm terrified of what kind of 'spices' you might add. Considering the size of my servings, I would never notice." He replied with an overly serious face that made her laugh.

"Jokes asides, why Moonroses instead of Sunbirds?" She showed the picture of the flower on her amulet. "And why did you shape my necklace after the moon instead of the sun? I mean, the moon has no light of its own. Without the sun it's just a rock in the sky."

"That's very cold and rational of you, but that's not my point." Lith shook his head. "You see, I gifted Elysia the sun because under the light of day everything is bright and colorful. Like the happiness we have built together when we had our baby girl.

"The moon, instead, lights even the darkest nights when everything looks lost and hopeless. Like you have done for me time and time again." He took her hand, kissing it.

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