Supreme Magus

Chapter 2925 Ravages of War (Part 1)

Chapter 2925  Ravages of War (Part 1)

The Elder Hydra didn't like being kept out of the loop, but she knew that Lith had many secrets and that there was little trust between them. If not for Fyrwal knowing Solus as Elphyn Menadion, there would be none at all.

"Fine, but be careful. If Ufyl runs away, finding and capturing him alive would be your responsibility." The underground cave went into an uproar but the Elder Hydra quelled the dissent.

"Silence! The Council entrusted Ufyl to me. The decision is mine to make."

"I have no intention of escaping! I want to atone for my crimes, no matter the personal cost or how long it will take." The Seven-Headed Dragon snarled at the crowd in outrage.

"I hope so." Anata hissed. "The War of the Griffon is far from forgotten and there's plenty of people out there who would gladly rectify the Council's decision to grant you mercy."

Not everyone had welcomed Ufyl back into the fold and the lead Forgemaster's family was among them. They had lost several friends and relatives during the war. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

To make matters worse, during the conflict the Seven-Headed Dragon had also led the Mad Queen to the lairs of the Hydras he deemed responsible for his misfortunes. Their vaults had been raided and their owners wounded or worse.

"I know. You guys have every right to hate me." Ufyl lowered his gaze in shame. "I'll be back. I promise."

"You bet-" Before Anata could reply, Fyrwal dispelled the white array surrounding Ufyl and Faluel Warped the four of them to her lair.

"You can't go around like that. Shapeshift into human form." She said while taking everything she might need in case things went south.

Ufyl nodded, assuming the features of a handsome blonde man, about 1.96 meters (6'5") tall man, with blue eyes, a muscular body, a short beard, and the seven elemental streaks.

"First, clothes." Lith said while Solus became red up to her ears. "Second, no streaks. Let's try not to draw too much attention. Third, get shorter. Otherwise you are going to impress no one but the wrong people."

"You are right. Is this better?" Ufyl shrunk down to 1.84 meters (6'), becoming as tall as Lith, and his hair became wheat blonde.

"Almost. What about those pants?"

"Party pooper." Faluel grumbled and handed the Dragon a spare set of clothes she had prepared for Ryman.

As soon as Ufyl imprinted the shirt and pants, they shrunk to fit his size like they had been tailor-made. Then, Lith opened a Warp Steps leading to his home.

"Guys, I'm back and I bring two guests. Faluel and Valeron's Uncle."

The Seven-Headed Dragon had yet to take a look around when his eyes fell on the playpen and a tiny voice said: "Ufy!"

"My Liege!" Ufyl dribbled the extended hands and ignored those who tried to introduce themselves to him, kneeling in front on the babies with his head down on the floor. "I have been so worried about you.

"I was afraid of what the Council might have done to you after the fall of the Golden Griffon." He said amid hiccups, feeling a huge burden lifted from his chest.

Valeron tried to reach him, but the spells of the playpen kept him inside until Lith opened it up. Then, he handed the baby boy to Ufyl while Shargein carried Elysia and both sniffed with curiosity at the newcomer.

"Guys, this is Ufyl, one of Thrud's former Generals and one of the members of Valeron's extended family."

The Verhens were still greeting Faluel and questioning her about the identity of the stranger when the revelation made them gasp.

"Is it safe bringing him here?" Raaz asked, instinctively shielding Surin with his body.

"Dad, you are being paranoid."

"And that's coming from Lith." Solus said with a chuckle.

"There's me, Solus, Faluel, Tyris, and we are surrounded by a state-of-the-art defensive system worthy of a noble household that I spent years building." He ignored her. "Also, I would have never brought Ufyl here if I considered him a threat."

"You are right, Solus. This is disturbing." Raaz nodded.

"Who are these people?" If the Verhens were upset, the Seven-Headed Dragon was terrified.

The baby girl and the Wyrmling were nothing compared to him but just looking at them sent a feeling of dread down his spine. Yet Valeron seemed to be at ease with them and was talking with them in a rudimentary Dragontongue

"Ufyl, this is Elisya, my daughter. She's under the protection of the Guardians. This is Shargein my many-great Uncle. He's the son of Leegaain and Salaark so don't do anything stupid." Lith said after introducing the rest of his family.

"I don't get it, why did you bring me here?" The Seven-Headed Dragon asked.

"To let you meet Valeron. I assumed that you would both enjoy the reunion." The baby boy giggled, nodding vigorously. "Also, I need your help, but before that you should sit down."

Not knowing how to react to the situation, Elina offered the guest a cup of tea and some biscuits pretending that everything was normal and her guest was just one of Lith's friends.

Aran and Leria didn't know what to do. On the one hand, they found all Divine Beasts to be cool and they felt safe while inside their house. On the other hand, Thrud had a horrible name and so did everyone associated with her.

Lith briefly explained to his family the role Ufyl played in the Hydras' research, glossing over the technical jargon and the gory details. Then, he revealed to the Seven-Headed Dragon the fate of his siblings-in-arms.

"Are you telling me that I'm not alone?" Ufyl wanted to jump up from his chair but his knees failed him. "That not everyone died with the Golden Griffon?"

"Not everyone survived either." Lith shook his head. "Leegaain saved only those belonging to an unknown bloodline and only under the condition that they would remain his prisoners until he is certain they are reformed."

"I understand." Ufyl took a deep breath, looking for his balance between the sadness for his shattered hope and the joy from knowing that he wasn't the only survivor. "I'll do my best to help you. You have my word."

Then, he looked at Elina.

"Can I have another biscuit, please? It's been a long time since I ate something different from raw meat." The peaceful atmosphere of the house, the mishmash family where everyone looked out for each other, and the warm food reminded him of the Golden Griffon.

In the records of the winners of the War of the Griffons the lost academy had been recorded as a nightmare born out of Forbidden Magic, but for Thrud's Generals it had been the first place they could call home.

"Sure." Elina filled the plate again and handed it to Ufyl. "Take them all. I can always make more."

"Thank you." He gave her a deep bow.

"Tyris?" Lith called and the Guardian answered.


"Can you please contact Leegaain and explain the situation to him?"

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Tyris asked.

"Because he never gave me his contact rune. Just like you." Lith replied.

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