Super Thrilling Live Broadcast

Chapter 49: Midnight Bus

Chapter 49: Midnight Bus

This specific talisman is not to be used recklessly. If used improperly, it will bring disaster, warned Blind Liu.

Are all the talismans with red paper bottoms ominous? I didnt expect that out of the six talismans I randomly exchanged, one would actually attract misfortune.

Not all talismans with red paper bottoms are ominous. Its just that this one is too malicious. Although the paper and ink are ordinary, the person who drew this talisman is not a good person, and every stroke is full of resentment. Anyway, listen to my advice: Dont show this talisman to anyone easily, and dont use it recklessly.

I folded the six talismans and put them in my pocket, then bowed to the Blind Liu. Thank you for your guidance, brother. I have offended you in the past, but if I survive tonight, I will come to apologize in person.

Why do you suddenly sound like youre saying goodbye? Where are you going tonight? Blind Liu moved his fingers, and the blindfold covering his eyes seemed to see through my thoughts.

I cant say, but I have to go, and I can only go alone. I packed all the live streaming equipment into a black leather case and lit a cigarette. There were still two hours left until midnight.

It seems that you have made up your mind, and I wont stop you. But I just read your fortune, and the hexagram was very ominous and hazy.

Oh? What did the hexagram say? It was my first time letting someone read my fortune, and I had never believed in these things before.

Blind Liu shook his head. When riding a horse, the horse wont move, but when taking a car, the car wont work. Its best for you to walk wherever youre going tonight. And your birth season is in winter, with a preference for warmth and fire. Your destiny is in the south, so tonight you must not head north. Finally, take a winding path instead of a straight one, and it will seem farther, but it will actually be closer to your destination.

After he finished speaking, he didnt stay for long, coughed twice, and left with his cane. No cars, no north, no straight pathsthese are really strange requirements. I kept it in mind and then quickly searched for information about the Jiangcheng 14 bus on my computer.

After searching, I was shocked to find out that there were 11 reported accidents involving the 14 bus route, both big and small, with several lives lost along this route. Moreover, all of the accidents had one thing in common: they always involved the last bus on the 14 route.

No matter who was driving, even experienced drivers would inexplicably make mistakes that led to tragic consequences that could not be undone.

Netizens have various speculations about this. Some say that the 14 bus route is remote and has poor road conditions, and they hope that relevant departments can pay more attention to it.

Others believe that the 14 bus has been using old-fashioned Minsheng brand buses that have been worn out and should have been thrown out long ago, but the bus company has been resisting external pressure to continue using them.

Those holding these two views account for 20%, and the remaining 80% believe that the last bus of the 14 route is not carrying passengers but lost spirits and wild ghosts.

This argument does have some merit, as the final stop of the 14 bus route is the Jiangcheng No.3 Bridge crematorium.

Additionally, the bus company often sends out an empty bus, which doesnt pick up any passengers, to run the entire route at midnight during the Zhongyuan and Shangyuan Festivals. This strange practice has left many citizens confused, but the bus company has never given a direct response, causing rumors to spread that the last bus on the 14 route is specifically for transporting the deceased.

As a local of Jiangcheng, I had heard of this rumor before but never paid it much attention. Like most people, I considered it just a topic of conversation for idle chatter.

If only I had gone to the bus company earlier to ask, I thought to myself. With only four hours before the Underworld Show mission starts, I quickly researched the situation online and set out with my suitcase, heeding Blind Lius advice to walk instead of taking a taxi, to the distant Miyun Mansion on the outskirts of the city.

Why do I need to get on the bus at Miyun Mansion? Is there some hidden reason behind it? I studied the 14 bus route map repeatedly, memorizing the name of every stop along the way. Miyun Mansion was neither the starting nor ending point, just a seemingly insignificant stop on the bus route.

After walking for an hour and a half, I finally arrived at Miyun Mansion before midnight. The place was even more desolate than I had imagined. Weeds were growing everywhere, and the partially constructed resort resembled a mutilated patient lying half-dead on the wasteland.

The building was incomplete, with unused sand and dried concrete piled on the ground. The gate was pushed over, and half of the words Miyun Mansion were buried in the soil.

Miyun Mansion started construction a few years ago, claiming to be the number one resort in southern China. It even appeared on TV. But after all these years, it still hasnt been completed,

I couldnt see anyone within hundreds of meters of me, but there were some scattered lights coming from the small, two-story buildings of the nearby farming families.

After circling around for a while, I finally found the bus stopa lonely iron sign with only the 14 bus route map on it.

The bus only runs once, which is really unfortunate. I checked the time and saw that there were five minutes until midnight. I set down my black suitcase, sat on the curb, and started silently smoking a cigarette.

Will the bus come? Its already almost midnight, so it stands to reason that it should be out of service by now. After a while, the lights in the nearby rural buildings went out, and in the endless darkness, the only light came from the tip of my cigarette.

Forget it, its almost midnight; lets start the livestream! I opened my suitcase, and since I might have to livestream on the bus, I didnt use a camera. Instead, I took out the large-screen cellphone, turned on the camera function, plugged in a mobile encoder, and clicked on the Underworld Show app.

Connecting to the bullet screen

Data is stable. Do you want to start the live broadcast?


Welcome Teletubies died of murder to the livestream room. Welcome Master Tieling Biao to the livestream. Welcome

As soon as the stream started, the audience soared to fifty viewers, and familiar IDs flashed by, but I couldnt feel happy at all.

The murder of Officer Huang of the third year class 2 and The girl who loves handsome and talented men was related to the Underworld Show. In other words, the viewers in my livestream might be using their remaining lives to watch me.

First of all, welcome to the super thrilling live broadcast. Before we start todays show, I have to tell you that not everyone can watch this livestream. Based on my personal speculation, anyone who has watched this live broadcast may face the danger of being killed. Therefore, I urge all viewers to be very careful!! I gave a warning to my viewers because I was worried about their safety, but I didnt mention the deaths of Uncle Huang and Huang Guanxing because I also wanted to stay alive.

For the livestreams to continue on, there must be viewers; hence, the death will never stop.

The host is bragging again as usual, who are you scaring? Please be less predictable and more sincere.

This forced act came out of nowhere, without any foreshadowing. Ill leave a negative review!

Teletubies died of murder donated 99 ghost coins to the Super Thrilling Live broadcast room: Dont you dare say that about the host! Ive watched the hosts livestreams twice and feel that the host is very dedicated and has acting skills comparable to a female lead in a Japanese action film!

Why is the picture quality a bit blurry today? Is it because I masturbated too much and became nearsighted?

Nonsense! My biology teacher told me that there is no connection between your eyes and your genitals. Masturbating too much only leads to your hand getting pregnant!

Wow, I learned something new! Ill definitely wear gloves next time!


As the barrage of comments went by in the live broadcast chatroom, no one really took my words seriously. Shaking my head with a wry smile, I aimed my phone at the bus license plate and said, Today, let me take you on a ride with a veteran bus driver on the No. 14 bus

Oh my god, the host is going to speed! Buckle up, everyone! New driver on board, please pay up!

Beep! Student card!

Beep! Senior citizen card!

Beep! Sorry, your face is too handsome for this device to recognize at the moment!

Everyone, please be quiet. This is not just any ordinary bus were taking this time. I quickly stopped the argumentative veteran trolls who were starting to send memes and explained the situation of the last bus of the No.14 route to my viewers.

As I was giving my explanation, an elderly woman in her sixties or seventies appeared across the street, carrying an iron basin and a bag of paper money. She was facing me, or more specifically, she was sitting at the return bus stop for the No.14 bus.

Where did she come from? I didnt pay much attention at first, but after a few minutes, the old lady began burning paper money on the main street, crying and wailing in a very mournful voice.

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