Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 4: To accumulate capital

Chapter 4: To accumulate capital


At for Wu Hao, the most important thing for him to do right now was to earn a quick buck. Then, he would improve his familys economic status.

After all, his parents were already at the retirement age. In addition to their all-year farm works, they seemed to age more compared to their peers.

Since the current him had such ability, of course he would use it to the utmost to make sure his family members lead a better life.

Besides gambling, he could have go to the mountain and hunt for some animals or valuable herbs.

But this method was somehow slow and very troublesome compared to gambling.

For Wu Hao who had such privilege, hunting in the mountain was as easy as ABC for him. Whenever a prey entered within his spiritual perception radius of 30 meter, he would just need to use his telekinesis to control weapon to kill it or just directly caught it with his telekinesis.

However, at most Wu Hao could hunt would be small-size prey like hare and small boar. Furthermore, his harvest must not be in large quantity. If his harvest was too extreme, he was very sure that it would attract unwanted attention from others and eventually brought him more trouble instead.

As for searching herbs, even for the current Wu Hao, it was a no easy feat.

Although he could now easily move around in the mountain, unfortunately he had no prior knowledge about precious herbs at all. He was afraid that even if a valuable herb appeared in his perception radius, he would still not able to recognize it.

Besides that, in Sanjiang city, there was no deep forest. Thus, chances of harvesting valuable herbs were close to zero.

Wu Hao had to forget about this ineffective method then.

In the end, he was back to square one. After all, the best plan was still going to Macao and gamble.

Though in certain cities of Mainland, there were some underground casinos. However, these places were illegal. He could not find his way there even if he wanted to. If he did win some money there, Wu Hao was afraid that trouble would follow him too.

Macao would have been a totally different story. Such place had famous casinos comparable to the international standard of Las Vegas. The number of big and small casinos in Macao were uncountable with just 10 fingers.

Wu Hao did not plan to earn too much money by gambling. His request was not high at all. As long as he won himself a few millions, that would have satisfied him already.

Millions of Yuan for those big casinos in Macao were just peanuts.

Even if he won, the casino would not get him into trouble. Unless Wu Hao won too much at one time, tens of millions or billions of Yuan, then of course he would be in the mark list of the casino management.

The main reason why Wu Hao dared to go to Macao to gamble was because his telekinesis besides spiritual perception.

Although till now Wu Hao had not used his telekinesis in any battle, he had never doubt the lethality of this ability.

As long as any man who wanted to harm him did not exceed 300kg in weight, he need to face huge hurdle of getting close to Wu Hao. That was not even mentioning about inflicting damage to Wu Hao yet.

Also, Wu Hao could use his telekinesis to control any weapon and attack. He had never tested its effectiveness but imagining it would have already horrified anyone.

Let just say a group of men attacked Wu Hao. Before they got close to Wu Hao till their attacking range, a knife or some weapon flied towards them. In this scenario, how many people could actually escape unscathed?

Even if opponent used firearms, that would also very unlikely to hit Wu Hao.

Unless the counterparts weapon was able to produce more than 300kg force power, only large caliber rifles and snipers were able to do so or if he was facing rain of bullets. Otherwise, his security would always be guaranteed.

Thus, it was because of this formidable telekinesis that Wu Hao had such confidence to visit Macau and gain fortune. Otherwise, he would not suggest such idea at all.

Just like that, Wu Hao temporarily stayed in Sanjiang city for the next two days. He started to earn money for the capital to Macao.

Indeed Wu Haos method of getting his capital charged up was simple. Everyday, he would visit some mahjong houses in Sanjiang city. Although Wu Hao did not play frequently, he still knew how to play mahjong.

Moreover, in the mahjong houses, besides playing mahjong, there were still some who played cards. Fight the landlord. That was the card game which Wu Hao had quite a good skill in. During his leisure time, he did indeed like to play that game with his friends. Furthermore, his winning rate was quite high too.

These mahjong houses could be found anywhere in the city. Usually the frequent visitors were those young workers working nearby or residents. Thus, each session of game would usually earn him around hundreds of Yuan or at most thousands.

The aim for Wu Hao to visit such places was not to win money till he got rich. He just wanted to gather few thousands Yuan as capital for his Macao trip.

Thus, by using his perception to cheat, Wu Hao was able to see other players cards.

These 2 days, Wu Hao went to different mahjong houses in morning, afternoon and night. Sometimes he would play mahjong while the other times he would went for his favorite fight the landlord.

Each visit resulted in hundreds or thousands profit. Two days were then finally over. Wu Hao earned himself a total of 5000 plus Yuan. With the previous 3000 Yuan that he had, Wu Hao decided that such money as capital for his Macao trip should be enough.

Thus, Wu Hao decided to quit and stop bullying those ordinary people any more.

Besides that, he went to Macao to earn a fortune. Not gathering capital, burning his money away there. Having these few thousand Yuan should be more than enough.

And also, during these two days, Wu Hao did some research on how to go Macao from there. When he knew that the duration for the pass to be issued require at least 10 days and a lot of documents to be prepared, he immediately decided to scrap off the idea of visiting Macao through a formal channel.

He decided to find a place in the mainland which was the nearest to Macao and secretly flew over there.

During the night, Wu Hao found himself a place without any people to test his flight ability. At the beginning, Wu Hao did not dare to fly at a high altitude.

After all, the feeling of suspended in the air was difficult for him to get used to in such short time.

After two nights of undergoing test and practice, Wu Hao had finally conquered his fear of that feeling. Finally, he was able to fully experience true high-altitude flight.

The current him was able to fly about 500 meter above ground. It was not that he could not fly higher but his telekinesis ability was still somehow limited. For his own safety reasons, he decided to not push himself further.

In case he was flying up high and some unforeseen emergency happened such as his telekinesis being deactivated without his consent, wouldnt he be having a 360 degree free fall all the way to the ground!

Furthermore, the sky was so dark at night. At the altitude of 500 meter, it would be impossible for the people on the land to notice him. Thus, taking the risk of fly higher was not a necessity.

At the same time, his telekinesis and spiritual perception ability had improved yet again after repeating the cycle of training and breathing with the special technique.

However, due to Wu Hao busy earning money, his ability upgrade rate was only half of what it used to be.

This was because during his stay in hospital, he repeated the cycle continuously without even sleeping. Thus, his ability increased at such tremendous rate in a week time.

The next day after winning the capital needed in Sanjiang city, Wu Hao bought a bus ticket to Guangzhou province. Since there were still several hours left as the departure time was at afternoon, Wu Hao decided to stroll around in the mall nearby the bus station.

After wandering for a while, Wu Hao stumbled upon a shop selling military equipment.

Brother, what are you interested in? Come inside and have a look. The shop owner was a middle age man wearing a military camouflage uniform. Noticing that Wu Hao was staring at the display products from outside, he quickly went to greet him with enthusiasm.


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