Strongest Warlock - Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 31: If You Don’t Want To Get Hurt, Offer Us Sweets!

"In the Magic World, there are certain things you must pay attention to whenever you are out doing field work," the Magical Beast Professor, Professor Njal, said. "Sometimes, the most dangerous creatures are not the Dragons, Gryphons, Giant Eagles, Giant Spiders, and other ferocious creatures that make your heart beat wildly inside your chest.

"No. The most dangerous creatures are the creatures that you never thought would harm you. Today, we will talk about Faeries. Ruby, if you please?"

A beautiful fairy with red hair suddenly flew down from the tree flapping her beautiful butterfly wings.

She then hovered beside Professor Njal, and looked at the students with a smile.

"It's that rude fairy," Chloe muttered. "What is she doing here?"

"Maybe she's here for some candies?" Ethan smiled.

Ruby and him had become good friends. Ethan would often visit the garden bringing candies to her, as well as her friends, which they enjoyed very much.

"Now, if you see a Fairy for the first time, you might think that they're pretty harmless," Professor Njal said. "However, they can be very nasty creatures even if you don't provoke them."

"How rude!" Ruby replied as he flew in front of the Professor's face. "You invited me here because you said that you will give me and my friends something sweet. I didn't know that you brought me here to badmouth fairies!"

Without warning, Ruby slapped the Professor's nose making Professor Njal cry out in pain.

This scene made the students laugh. Even Chloe, who hated Ruby, couldn't help but giggle after seeing this scene.

"A-As you can see, Fairies are quick to anger," Professor Njal continued his explanation after rubbing his nose. "It doesn't take much before they start attacking, and believe me when I say that they're more dangerous than fighting a swarm of bees."

"Hmph! I shouldn't have come here." Ruby crossed her arms over her chest. "I'll tell the Ravens to poop on your head whenever they see you on the Academy grounds!"

Professor Njal pretended that he didn't hear Ruby's threats and proceeded to tell his class how to deal with Fairies.

"Although these creatures are tricksters, and easy to provoke, they are also easy to please," Professor Njal explained as he took out a small pouch of candy from his pocket, and offered it to Ruby.

The Fairy immediately took one of the candies from the pouch and started eating happily.

"Some experts in the Magical Beast Profession say that Fairies can tell if a person is evil or not," Professor Njal explained. "But, this myth has been debunked and isn't true. As long as you have no ill intentions towards them, the Fairies will at most, play pranks on you. However, if you wish to harm them then they will group up and attack you with magical spells.

"Make no mistake, Faeries are also powerful magical creatures. They are known to cast strong spells up to the 6th Circle, allowing them to seriously injure Wizards, Witches, as well as other Magical Beasts that wish to hurt them."

"He's right, you know?" Ruby, who had just finished eating a candy, said with a smug look on her face. "If you don't want to get hurt, offer us sweets! We like candies and chocolates, but we are fond of honey as well! Make sure to visit us in the gardens to give your offerings!"

Chloe rolled her eyes at the annoying fairy with whom she didn't see eye to eye. She'd rather give Ruby a Fire Bolt than give her a candy that would make her happy.

"There is also something you need to know about Fairies and that is that they can increase their sizes to match the height of teenage girls," Professor Njal stated. "Of course, they rarely do this. Since you're already here, Ruby, why don't you explain to us why you Fairies transform into teenage girls?"

"Eh? Isn't it common sense to temporarily turn into a human to buy sweets at those candy stores using the money we stole from people?" Ruby blinked in confusion. "Oh! I don't steal money from people! I just accept what they give me. It's what you call a donation, right?

Yes! People donate to us, and we use the money to buy stuff!"

"Um, I'm sure that only applies to the Fairies inside the Academy," Professor Njal. "Wild Fairies don't have a concept of money."

"Eh? Those country bumpkins don't do that?" Ruby smirked before snatching the candy pouch from the Professor's hands. "Well, it's their loss. The Fairies here in Brynhildr Academy live good lives. Although I haven't ventured outside of the Academy, and the Great Eagle Forest, I'm pretty sure that any Fairy would wish to live in this place. There are just so many tasty treats!

Well then, got to go! See you guys in the gardens!"

Lily waved her hand before flying away with the candy pouch following behind her. She had sprinkled fairy dust on it, allowing it to follow her wherever she went.

Since the subject of their lesson had left, Professor Njal then went to explain where Fairies were usually found in the wild, and ways to effectively communicate with them without being attacked.

Overall, the discussion was fun, and most of the students, including Ethan, found Professor Njal's teaching quite easy to follow.

"On Wednesday, we are going to discuss another creature, who is just as notorious as the trickster Fairies," Professor Njal announced. "Unfortunately, they are not easy to befriend, but if you happen to find them, the experience would definitely be worth it. I'm talking about the little green men that we refer to in the Magical World as Leprechauns.

If you are lucky, they might even give you a pot of gold."

Professor Njal ended his class, giving everyone something to look forward to the next time they met.

Ethan, who had no more classes that morning, headed to the Dining Area with Chloe and Nicole.

Along the way, they met one of the Pillars of the First Years, Lily Langley, who had a frown on her face. However, when she saw Ethan and Nicole, the frown disappeared and was instantly replaced by a smile.

"Nicole, Ethan, do the two of you have partners for the Practical Tests?" Lily Langley. "I know it's still a bit early, but I'm looking for partners for the upcoming trials. How about the two of you join my team and we'll form a Trio?"

Chloe, who had been sidelined, pursed her lips together.

She had already asked Ethan to become her partner, becoming a Duo with her. But, Chloe was worried that the pretty blonde girl would find a way to convince Ethan to join her, and break up the foundation that Ethan's cousin, and childhood friend, had worked hard to achieve.

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