Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 960 Need Some Help?

Chapter 960  Need Some Help?

A screech filled with anger pulsated all over the battlefield as the Calamity-Ranked Roc clashed against Avernus for the umpteenth time.

The Dracolich was pushed back, but the sneer on its face never faded. It was as if Avernus was telling his enemy that even if it was a little stronger than him, the Great Roc's death was still inevitable.

Perhaps the Roc understood what Avernus was implying, which angered it more.

Victor, who was supposed to assist the Dracolich in fighting the Roc, was uncontrollably pushed back by the strong wind currents that rampaged the surrounding area.

Seeing that he couldn't join the battle between the two powerhouses, he shifted his attention to the Giant Eagles and Rocs that served as the Great Roc's lackeys.

The Saint raised his spiked mace and clashed against them, venting his frustration.

On the ground, the Undead were unstoppable.

Countless Skeletons and Zombies swarmed their enemies.

Those who died were soon Animated by Avernus and the Liches. These zombie beasts rampaged and attacked their former allies with a ferocity that rivaled their own when they were still alive.

Aina and Seraphina unleashed bolts of lightning, as well as beams of light from the sky, annihilating the monsters in the center of their formation.

Lux and Asmodeus would then use the Corpse Explosion skill and detonate their dead bodies, spreading death, and destruction to everything around them.

High above the tower walls, Colette pointed at the Half-Elf with a big smile on her adorable face.

"Do you see him?" Colette asked the Defenders around her. "That is my Big Brother!"

The adorable Dwarf kept on praising the Half-Elf, and from time to time, she would throw out comments like "He will be marrying my sister soon. Please come to their wedding, okay?"

prevent them from having any intention of courting her sister.

Fortunately, Lux was too busy to pay attention to Colette, or else he might have choked on his saliva because of the rumors that the little Dwarf was spreading.

He wasn't aware that many hearts were broken the moment they heard that the Warrior Princess of Eternal was engaged to the Half-Elf, who commanded a mighty army that was several times stronger than their own.

Of course, Colette was making all of this up.

She was simply using the opportunity to raise Lux's standing in the eyes of others and prevent them from having any intention of courting her sister.

As the minutes passed, the Beast Tide was slowly losing its momentum as its number decreased exponentially.

Keane, Gerhart, and Cethus were also benefiting greatly from the battle, and to Lux's surprise, Gerhart managed to become a D-Ranker as the battle progressed.

"I'll be harvesting those Beast Cores soon," Lux muttered as he gazed at the Monsters in front of him.

Naturally, he couldn't take everything since Victor and Aina still needed to reward their men for helping defend their territory.

Lux was fine with that, and he planned to share the spoils with a 70/30 split. He would be taking 70, while the Xeno Kingdom would get 30 percent.

Also, he would take the corpses of the strong monsters and add them to his Undead Legion.

As for the rest, the Xeno Kingdom could have them. Monster parts were also an important commodity that could be used to craft armor and weapons.

Once he deemed that it was safe, Lux sent a signal to Colette to open the Gates of the city.

Colette didn't hesitate and gave the order.

A moment later, the Dwarven Army charged forward to clean up the remaining monsters that numbered in the tens of thousands.

The Half-Elf understood that since the kingdom was just newly founded, they needed their warriors to increase their rank by killing monsters.

"Assist them in killing the monsters," Lux ordered his subordinates. "But allow them to deal the last blow."

After giving his order, the Half-Elf took to the skies and joined Victor in cleaning up the Aerial Monsters.

The Saint only gave the red-headed teenager a sidelong glance before continuing his rampage.

Lux narrowed his eyes and summoned Bedivere, Shax, and his Doomsday Gargoyles.

The Giant Eagles and Giant Hawks were decent flying monsters, so he decided to take them all as flying mounts.

Bedivere was a Dragon Knight, but he was capable of taming any flying creature that could be used as a mount.

Naturally, in order to tame these strong-willed monsters, they needed to be beaten up to a pulp first. After that, it was easy to make them submit.

After giving his order, Lux shifted his attention to Avernus and the Great Roc, who were still fighting in the sky.

Avernus' Skeletal Body had several cracks in it, but the flames in his eyes burned brighter than ever before.

"Need some help?" Lux asked through telepathy.

"No need," Avernus replied. "I can do this all day."

After saying those words, the Dracolich used its tail to smash the face of the Roc, sending the creature crashing towards the ground.

However, the Roc was able to regain its balance mid-air and flapped its mighty wings, soaring toward the sky.

It then used its claws to shatter the bones on Avernus' chest, sending the Dracolich flying backward.

Avernus roared as he opened his wings wide, stopping himself from flying backward.

"I guess it is time to end this," Avernus stated, not caring that his chest was now in tatters. "Cethus, do it!"

"Yes, Uncle!" Cethus shouted before pointing his spear at the Roc that was flying above his head. "Gravity Domain!"

The Dragon Born didn't hold back and increased the gravity up to five times, taking the Roc by surprise.

The Calamity-Ranked Monster tried to resist, but Cethus' ability was something that could be condensed to target a single individual.

Even though the Roc was a powerful monster, it couldn't ignore the laws of gravity, which were ever present no matter where one went.

The Roc flapped its wings, creating a mighty tempest in order to keep itself afloat, but it was futile. Because of this, it focused its attention on the bastard Dragon Born, who was making its life difficult.

Cethus, who had been glared at by the Calamity-Ranked Monster, felt as if he was about to pee in his pants.

However, he held it in as he shouted with all of his might.

"Uncle! Save me!" Cethus shouted. "I don't want to die!"

Lux and Gerhart, who saw this scene, covered their faces with their hands in embarrassment.

But before the Roc could even attack the Dragon Born whose knees were turning to jelly, Avernus descended from the sky like a burning comet.

The Dracolich's body slammed against the Roc's back, resulting in the latter screeching in pain. However, it didn't end there.

Avernus used his Draconic Claws like a vice grip to grab the Roc's wings and pulled them with all of his might.

The Calamity-Ranked Monster screeched in anger because it understood what the Dracolich planned to tear its wings from its body.

Because of this, it planned to do a death roll in the sky in order to shake Avernus off. Unfortunately for it, the dragon already expected this to happen.

"You can't do a death roll if I do it first!" Avernus roared.

Using its tail to wrap around the Roc's body, the Dracolich rolled in the sky with the intention of smashing its opponent into the ground.

Unable to keep itself floating and burdened by Cethus' Gravity Domain, the Calamity-Ranked Monster could only screech in anger and helplessness as it spun in the air alongside the Dracolich, who had a sinister glint in his eyes.

"Dragon Crush!"

The two Behemoths crashed on the ground, resulting in a force that rivaled one of Eiko's tactical nukes.

A mile-long crater expanded outwards, and a powerful shock wave emerged, destroying everything in its path.

Lux, Cethus, Bedivere, Shax, and Victor were blown away by the shockwave, and they were all sent flying backward.

A giant dust cloud rose to the sky in the shape of a mushroom, making everyone who saw it feel their heart shudder.

When the dust receded, the bloodied body of the Roc that had lost one of its wings lay on the ground.

Avernus' body lay a few meters away from it and was in a very sorry state. The Dracolich's arms and legs had shattered, and one of its wings was also destroyed.

Even so, a triumphant sneer could be seen on its face, proving just what kind of character he was.

A moment later, a Black Coffin appeared beside Avernus, making the Dracolich chuckle.

"He's all yours, Blackfire," Avernus said before using his tail to give the Black Coffin a high five as if both of them were wrestlers playing in a tag team battle.

The Roc weakly raised its head to look at the Coffin that was floating towards it.

Before it could even do anything, the lid of the coffin slid open, and countless shadowy hands grabbed hold of the Roc's body.

The black hands then pulled the monster towards its body, but the Roc wasn't planning to go down without a fight.

It struggled and did its best to resist, preventing Blackfire from devouring it completely.

In the end, Blackfire smacked the Roc's body with the lid of its coffin repeatedly, until the latter lost consciousness.

The Black Coffin then claimed its prize before disappearing from everyone's sight.

Now that the Beast Tide was over, Lux decided to stay in the Xeno Kingdom for two days because he still needed to collect his share of Beast Cores and dead Monsters.

After that, he would leave and look for another Beast Tide or a Monster nest that would allow him to gather as many resources as possible.

He had a plan in his mind and, if he succeeded, the chances of him rescuing his Master would increase as well.

While this was happening, Gaap, who had been imprisoned within the dungeons of the Divine Empire, finally opened his eyes.

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