Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 1104 Abyssal Invasion [Part 6]

Chapter 1104 Abyssal Invasion [Part 6]

Ten minutes before Lux clashed with Daniel…

Iris, Cai, and Aurora, who were currently inside the underground shelter in Barbatos Academy, felt the strong fluctuation of power that came from the Abyssal Gate even though they were deep underground.

Because of this, they also knew that their loved ones were already fighting against the threat that had descended upon their world.

Aurora, who was a Half Succubus, could feel her bloodline reacting inside of her body.

After being embraced by Lux, she was able to control her Abyssal Power, allowing her to hide her horns, wings, and tail.

However, as the power of the Abyss spread itself into the world, she could feel her power stir, threatening to take control over her senses.

But Aurora remained strong, and she put a tight leash on it, preventing it from breaking out of her control.

After a few minutes, she finally regained her calm, and her breathing was no longer as ragged as before.

Iris and Cai, who were aware of her condition, looked at her with concern. But after seeing that Aurora's complexion had now become a bit better, both of them knew that the worst part was finally over.

"Do you think Lux will be alright?" Henrietta, who was also with them, asked. "This presence I'm feeling is truly strong. Stronger than a Saint."

"He'll be fine," Cai, who was in her Boar Form, replied in a heartbeat. "This is Lux we're talking about. I'm sure that Blackfire is currently having a field day, devouring Demigods left and right."

Iris and Aurora, who were also worried about their lover, smiled after hearing Cai's answer.

They knew that with the forces under his command, there would be very few individuals who would be able to hold their grounds against him.

This included the Divine Army of Light, whom Lux had a grudge with.


Somewhere in Elysium…

Aina, who was in her Angel of Vengeance Form, was busy killing Abyssal Creatures left and right.

Asmodeus, who had been tasked to keep her safe, had already summoned Morpheus and Ithaqua, who had summoned a Blizzard, greatly hindering the Lower-Ranked Abyssal Creatures from putting up a good fight.

They didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky, but the strongest opponents that they were currently facing were Calamity-Ranked Abyssal Monsters.

However, this threat was already being dealt with by the Calamity-Ranked Monsters, that Lux had assigned to protect Aina and the Xeno Empire.

"Don't go deep behind enemy lines, Aina," Asmodeus cautioned. "As long as you stay within our formation, we will be able to deal with any variables that might arise."

"Understood, Asmodeus," Aina replied. "How is Lux fairing? You are connected to him, right?"

"You don't have to worry about Master," Asmodeus replied. "He's fine."

Aina nodded before attacking the nearest Dreadnaught-Ranked Monster, who was giving the army of the Xeno Empire a hard time.

Asmodeus looked at his Master's lover with a complicated look on his face. He didn't tell Aina that Lux was currently facing off against a Pseudo-God, which was several times stronger than a Demigod.

The Lich King was very tempted to return to his Master's side in order to help him. However, he resisted this urge. He knew that if something bad happened to Aina, Lux wouldn't be able to forgive him.

'When will this battle end?' Asmodeus clicked his tongue in annoyance as he looked at the Purple Gate that was still spewing monsters into the middle of the blizzard.

Due to Ithaqua's blizzard, they were able to disorient the newcomers and deal a devastating blow to them before they even knew what hit them.

Ithaqua had bestowed its allies with perfect vision, allowing them to see through the blizzard without any difficulty.

Suddenly, Asmodeus' body shuddered.

He could sense that his Master was in great danger. However, when he attempted to teleport to his side, he realized that he was unable to do so.

It was as if some kind of barrier was preventing him from going to his Master's side, and this frustrated the Lich King, who was the main strategist and general assigned to protect the Xeno Empire.

'Please be safe, Master,' Asmodeus prayed, despite knowing that the only Gods that could hear his prayer were Eriol and Max.

This was how worried he was about Lux's well-being as the latter was currently channeling every bit of his strength in order to defend against Daniel's attack, which he called Nuclear Chaos.

Suddenly, a faint ripple washed over everyone on the battlefield. It was very subtle, and only those with strong perceptions were able to feel it.

Aina and Asmodeus had felt it. The Calamity-Ranked Monsters who were fighting to protect the Dwarven Army also felt it.

A few seconds later, several powerful shock waves blew everyone away, not caring whether it hit the Abyssal Invaders or the Defenders in its wake.

This phenomenon happened all over Elysium and Solais, taking everyone by surprise.

Aina, who was in the midst of battle, grabbed her head with both hands because she felt an excruciating pain inside her head, making her scream.

Gathering the power inside her body, she created a protective dome around her, negating the effects of whatever was trying to tamper with her mind.

"Lux," Aina muttered as she looked at Asmodeus with panic. "Something happened to Lux."

She didn't know why, but the overwhelming headache that she had just experienced was somehow related to the Half-Elf, whom she held dear in her heart.

Asmodeus, who was commanding everyone, stopped moving as if he was frozen in place.

The Lich King, whose heart had stopped beating long ago, felt a heartache that transcended all the pain he had felt in his life.

A moment later, he swayed from his spot, and almost fell on his back.

Fortunately, he managed to regain his control over his body using sheer willpower, preventing him from falling unconscious.

The Lich King's gaze then shifted to the Purple Portal which was slowly decreasing in size with each passing second.

A minute later, the portal completely disappeared, which meant that there would no longer be any more Abyssal Creatures that would descend upon the Xeno Empire.

"Kill all the Abyssal Monsters as fast as you can!" Asmodeus ordered. "Leave none of them alive!"

Asmodeus had decided to return to Lux's side the moment they had annihilated every Abyssal Creature in the surroundings.


Barbatos Academy….

Iris, Cai, Aurora, and Henrietta were all on their knees as they held their heads at the same time.

They were in so much pain that tears were falling down from their eyes. A minute later, the pain disappeared, leaving the four ladies panting for breath.

"Something happened to Lux," Aurora stood up shakily. "I need to go to him."

"Aurora, where do you think you're going?" Iris hurriedly grabbed the young lady, preventing her from going anywhere. "The Abyssal Monsters are still at large. If you go, you will just endanger yourself."

"I must go. Lux needs my help!" Aurora tried to pry away Iris' hand, which was holding onto her wrist.

"Calm down," Iris insisted. "Who is this Lux you're talking about?"

Aurora, who was struggling to free herself from Iris' grasp, looked at her friend in disbelief.

"Iris, if this is a joke, it's not funny," Aurora said as she looked at the Boar beside them. "Cai, tell her that this isn't the time for jokes."

"Aurora, I know that this may sound weird, but I also want to ask you who Lux is." Cai asked, "Is he your friend?"

"Y-You!" Aurora was now getting angry. She could still forgive her sisters if they admitted that they were joking, but after seeing how serious they were, the pink-haired lady was starting to feel anxious inside her heart.

"Iris, let Aurora go," Henrietta said softly. "Can't you see she's starting to get anxious? I'll talk to her, so remain here with Cai."

Iris reluctantly released Aurora because she also didn't understand why she was acting this way. In the end, she allowed Henrietta to take her friend away and stayed beside Cai, who had a very confused look on her face.

"Do you know who Lux is?" Cai asked. "Aurora looks very upset that we seem to not know of him."

Iris didn't reply right away as she pressed her hand over her wildly beating heart. Although she didn't know anyone named Lux, she felt as if she had lost something very important to her in her heart.

Henrietta, who had taken Aurora near the exit of the shelter, looked at her with a solemn expression on her face.

"Aurora, my head is still hurting right now, and I am barely able to recall things," Henrietta stated. "I do remember someone named Lux. However, I can't remember his face. Even so, I can tell that he is someone very important to you. You can go to his side. I will tell Iris and Cai that I took you to the infirmary to calm them down."

"Thank you, Henrietta," Aurora replied before hurriedly running towards the exit of the shelter.

She didn't know why Iris and Cai had completely forgotten about Lux and why Henrietta could only remember his name.

It was at that moment that she remembered the talk she had with her lover after the two of them had finished consummating their love for each other.

"Erase…,' Aurora muttered. "His existence will be erased."

After this realization, Aurora opened her wings and flew in the direction where she could feel the fluctuation of Abyssal Energy.

She didn't know how or when it happened, but her speed had broken through the sound barrier, allowing her to fly at extreme speeds.

Several minutes later, she finally arrived at her destination, and it was a scene of carnage.

All the Abyssal Creatures had been killed, and Lux's summons, including the Calamity-Ranked Monsters, were gathered around a giant block of crystal that was at least thirty meters tall.

Avernus, who recognized Aurora, ordered the creatures to make a path for her.

When the young lady saw who was frozen at the center of the giant crystal, she felt a stabbing pain in her chest as if she was being stabbed by countless knives.

She walked towards the crystal with her hands covering her mouth, and her tears falling down like rain.

Her lover, who had promised to take her to beautiful places in Elysium, was frozen inside the Crystal.

Aurora was very sensitive to life force.

And a single glance was enough for her to tell that the heart of the love of her life was no longer beating.

Lux was no longer breathing, and she couldn't even feel his soul within his body.

A moment later, a wail filled with sadness and pain reverberated in the surroundings as the young lady, who had just felt what it was like to fall in love, broke down in a river of despair and tears.


(A/N: It is at times like this when you should put your trust in me. You are in good hands. This Captain will sail you through this stormy sea without fail. We are at the End Game now.)

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