Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 1090 Countless Horrors and Heartache

Chapter 1090 Countless Horrors and Heartache

In a field of flowers sat two little girls.

One of the two little girls looked like she was around four to five years old.

Her short pink hair gently fluttered as she busied herself in creating a wreath of flowers for her little sister, who was seated beside her.

Her sister, who seemed to be around two years old, was helping her by handing her one flower after the other. This little girl had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Both of them looked like dolls due to how adorable and beautiful they were.

Not far from them, three adults were looking at the two girls with affectionate expressions on their faces.

One was a young lady who seemed to be in her early twenties, with long pink hair and pink eyes.

She was recording the scene of the two little girls with a magical artifact, which she would store in her personal collection.

Beside her was a red-headed Half-Elf, who was looking at the two girls fondly.

Last but not the least was a doll-like beauty, who was seated beside the Half-Elf as she looked at her daughter with a gentle smile on her face.

A few minutes later, the little girl with pink hair finished the wreath of flowers that she was making. She then placed it on her little sister's head, making the latter clap her hands happily.

Satisfied with her work, she then stood up and helped her sister stand up as well.

Both of them slowly walked towards their parents, who were watching them from the shade of the tree.

A chuckle escaped the Half-Elf's lips as he stood up to walk towards his daughters.

He could have waited for them to reach the tree, but he found his two angels too adorable to resist.

Seeing their Papa walk toward them, the two little girls squealed and walked faster with their hands spread wide.

The handsome Half-Elf scooped up his beloved daughters and peppered their cheeks with kisses, making the two girls giggle and squirm in his hold.

A minute later, both girls kissed their Papa on the cheeks, making him smile from ear to ear.

"Let's go home?" the Half-Elf asked his kids, and the two nodded their heads.

He then walked towards the tree where his two wives were waiting for him with a grin plastered on his face.

"Aurora, Aina, let's go home," Lux said.

"Okay," Aurora replied.

"Mmm." Aina nodded.

The family of five then walked side by side and later turned into particles of light.


Lux slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

The dream he just had was so sweet, making him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Sleeping beside him were two naked beauties, who were sleeping peacefully with their heads resting on his chest.

They were none other than Aina and Aurora, who had spent the night with him.

Although Aurora was also in the room, the only one who went all the way with Lux a few hours ago was Aina.

He understood that Aurora wanted their first time to be special, so he only did foreplay with her and helped her find release.

Looking at the two sleeping ladies beside him, Lux couldn't help but remember the dream he just had.

'A family…' Lux thought.

Perhaps he had the dream due to his lovers' influence.

Valerie and Aurelia were not the only ones who wanted to give birth to his children. All of his lovers did, but he knew that it wasn't the right time to get all of them pregnant.

Ali and Ari, who had also spent the night with him, also made him promise that after Valerie had safely given birth, he would agree to make them conceive his child as well.

But just a few hours ago, Aina also made her wishes known, which surprised him.

Lux thought that getting pregnant was the last thing the doll-like beauty wanted to happen because she was still busy helping the Xeno Empire consolidate the new territories that he had given them.

Although Aina's parents were happy to have new territories under their rule, it also brought a lot of trouble, and not to mention, paperwork.

This made Aina's father, Victor, extremely busy.

When Lux asked if the doll-like beauty was sure of her decision, Aina said yes in a heartbeat.

Because of this, their lovemaking session had become a little rough. But in the end, Lux didn't remove the Everlasting Ring from his finger.

Aina also knew the reason, so she didn't say anything.

Right now, giving birth to a child was very risky, especially in light of the increased activity of the Abyssal Gates.

As the leader of the Guild, Serenity, and the Princess of the Xeno Empire, Aina needed to be in peak condition in order to face the possible invasion that would occur.

Having a baby would not only endanger her but also the child whom she was carrying as well.

As for Aurora, she didn't ask Lux for a child like the others.

She only wished to be by his side and stay with him forever.

Even so, Lux still had a dream where a pink-haired little girl, who had similar features to Aurora, was playing with Aina's baby girl.

Of course, since it was only a dream, he didn't really know if his future kids would truly look like the little girls in his dreams.

However, seeing them tugged his heartstrings, making him anticipate the day when he would hold his children in his arms.

Perhaps feeling lost in his thoughts, he subconsciously rubbed Aina's and Aurora's abdomens, feeling the softness of their skin.

Right now, there wasn't any obvious bulge to them, but in the future, he would certainly make that happen.

Lux, who was still deep in his thoughts, didn't notice that the eyes of the sleeping ladies beside him started to flutter.

Soon, the two of them opened their eyes and sleepily looked at the Half-Elf, who was still rubbing their abdomens.

Since Aina and Aurora were facing each other, both of them gave each other a knowing glance and closed their eyes at the same time.

The sun still hadn't risen, and it was too early to get up.

Because of this, they decided to sleep for a little while longer and return to their dream.

A dream where they were walking side by side with Lux while holding their daughters in their arms.

A dream where they no longer had to fight any wars and could spend their days in bliss with the company of their daughters and the Half-Elf, who had faced countless horrors and heartaches at World's End.

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