Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 1063 Asmodeus’ Compromise

Chapter 1063 Asmodeus’ Compromise

"Please… spare me," King Yvar pleaded. "I promise to refo—khhh!"

Adeline swung her sword, cutting the King's head from his body. From start to finish, there was not a single hint of mercy in her beautiful green eyes.

"Sparing you is akin to letting more innocents suffer," Adeline said in a voice filled with killing intent. "You don't deserve any mercy from me."

Without another word, she raised her foot and crushed the head, turning it into meat paste.

Lennox, Hassan, Kajus, the High-Rankers, as well as the nobles, looked at her in horror, fearing that she might kill them next.

As if understanding their thoughts, the beautiful Elf glanced in their direction and smiled sweetly, causing their restricted bodies to shudder uncontrollably.

Lux had no intention of re-animating King Yvar's Soul, and Blackfire shared the same sentiment.

Both of them had standards, and they didn't want to add a weakling to their ranks.

Asmodeus chuckled as he grabbed King Yvar's soul with his right hand.

He then coated the soul with his necrotic power and hurled it towards the sky. 

The Lich King didn't want to see King Yvar ever again, so he decided to directly send the soul to the Cycle of Reincarnation to be reborn as a pig who would be slaughtered after it was fattened up by its owners.

All the prisoners had been greatly weakened, and their souls were very unstable.

Even the two Saints felt like sh*t and were barely able to keep their eyes open from the pain and exhaustion.

"Do you want to deal with the others, Lady Adeline?" Asmodeus asked in a respectful tone.

"No, Asmodeus," Adeline replied. "I promised Lux that I would only kill King Yvar. As for the rest, I will let him decide what to do with them."

The Lich King bowed his head respectfully. "Understood, Lady Adeline. I will handle things from here."

Adeline nodded and left without a second glance at the people behind her.

Asmodeus then glanced at his prisoners, making them all flinch.

He then summoned a dozen Doom Knight Gangbangers and ordered them to take Lennox, Hassan, and Kajus to different rooms.

Two were Saints, and the last one was a Pseudo-Saint.

At the end of the day, they were still useful, so Blackfire called dibs on them.

Of course, the Black Coffin wasn't in a hurry to absorb them since Ampelos had nicely asked for one more day to enjoy the Prisoners.

Since Blackfire was an understanding and compassionate coffin, it nodded its head and even told Ampelos to enjoy his last day with the Saints, who would soon become its new lackeys.

In the past, it would have been thrilled to capture Saints and devour them without thinking twice.

But, now, Blackfire was only thrilled if it was devouring Supremes, Calamities, and Demigods.

It was even paying close attention to Eiko in the Ford Federation, who was currently singing at the top of her ship, Poseidon, while her Pirate Crew decimated those who opposed their Boom Boom Princess' authority.

Blackfire loved the Baby Slime so much, especially after she gave him three Supremes and dozens of Saints as she continued her conquest to make the Ford Federation her Domain.

Although it wasn't certain, it felt that the Baby Slime also intended to visit the other Island Nations surrounding the Federation.

As to what Eiko planned to do there, the Black Coffin had no idea.

Asmodeus summoned another batch of Doom Knight Gangbangers and looked at the High-Rankers and the Nobles of the Fynn Kingdom with a devilish smile on his face.

"My Master said that I can do whatever I want with all of you. Since you lots have screwed people over, I guess it is only natural that you get screwed in return," Asmodeus smirked. "May all of you have an enjoyable and unforgettable night."

The Lich King left the room knowing that when morning came, the people inside it would be completely broken for good.

Now that all the pests had been taken care of, it was time for them to visit the rest of the Royal Family.

King Yvar had six sons and three daughters.

The King also had a dozen wives and concubines, some of whom had been forcibly taken from their families after they accidentally caught his fancy.

Others were offered by the Nobles who wanted to form a good relationship with their King, who were just as corrupt.

To Asmodeus' surprise, King Yvar's children hated their father to the bone.

He ruled without designating a Queen and treated all of his women, including his wives, as mere tools to give birth to his children.

This caused the ladies to resent him, telling their children that they mustn't follow in his footsteps.

Lux didn't know how to deal with them either, but he ordered Asmodeus to not hurt them since they were also victims of the King, who was now on his way to be reborn as a pig in his next life.

The Half-Elf was the Necromancer of Heaven, making Asmodeus the same.

He was his Lord's Equal, so any powers that Lux gained, he had them as well.

Lux knew that he had the power to change the Fate of a soul, giving him the power to dictate what they would become in their next life.

However, the Half-Elf didn't want to meddle with the natural flow of the Cycle of Reincarnation because he didn't want to play God. 

Asmodeus, on the other hand, was not as kind as Lux. He was willing to play the role of a villain for the sake of his Master.

Also, the Lich King was also thinking of expanding the Fynn Kingdom and annexing the Vahan Empire, which had made things difficult for his Master in the past.

Of course, he wouldn't really do such a thing until Lux approved of it.

'Now, who should I choose as the temporary Steward for this Kingdom?' Asmodeus thought as he reappeared in the throne room of the Royal Palace. 'Should I pick one of the Princes? Or one of the Princesses?'

The Lich King looked at the Golden Statue, which had returned to its original position right behind the King's Throne.

This Golden Statue was the Guardian of the Fynn Kingdom, and it had the rank of a Supreme.

It was what prevented the Vahan Empire from conquering these lands.

Asmodeus also knew that the Stone Giant would have to recognize the temporary ruler of the Kingdom before they could actually rule on behalf of his Master.

'Too bad that one of the requirements is to have the bloodline of the Royal Family,' Asmodeus sighed in his heart. 'If it weren't for that condition, I would have just picked a random beggar on the street and made him King. Those types of people are easier to control.'

After giving it some thought, Asmodeus decided to compromise and choose King Yvar's second daughter to become the Steward of the Kingdom while Vincent's Soul was still recuperating inside Blackfire.

He had personally interviewed Yvar's children, and his Second Daughter was the one that held the most potential to govern a Kingdom.

After making his decision, the Lich King disappeared from the throne room and reappeared beside his Master to discuss with him the arrangement he planned for the Fynn Kingdom.

Which was now under the Half-Elf's complete control.

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