Steel and Mana

Chapter 123 – Verdict of Three

Chapter 123 – Verdict of Three

"Be mindful when installing it! If it falls and breaks, you are wasting precious resources!"

Merlin's voice was echoing loudly within the finished factory building, watching from the ground as workers were installing the 'lightbulbs' around seven or eight meters up in the air. Well, they were not truly lightbulbs, but the idea was similar. After the first tests proved successful, Sasha came up with an idea that was then implemented in all of the factories.

Creating a simple mechanical system, there was now one large lever that, when pulled down, lifted a glass dome from all of the formations installed on the ceiling of every building. In turn, that one action turned the magic off, as the CCs activating them were all installed into that bowl of glass. Pushing the lever up would place them back into place, and when the formation activated, it began producing an intense, white light.

But that alone would not have been enough because the spell created a light beam instead of spreading it evenly. So, it was time to go back to the drawing board and develop a solution that came in the form of a glass bowl. Thanks to the frosted, opal glass dome surrounding the spell, the produced light was evenly scattered around the factory instead of a singular light beam. It took Merlin and Sasha multiple days to properly design the glass domes and their curvature to ensure they worked as intended. They were masterpieces, so watching others handling them from the ground, Merlin felt a bit anxious, fearing that they would drop one and break it apart.

When finally all of them were in place, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Watching them be connected to the mechanism made him proud as he grinned, barely able to hide his excitement. However, when he tried pushing the lever up after everybody was ready, he realized a problem: He wasn't strong enough.

"Um... Kraus..." He mumbled, his face red as a tomato, and it took a moment for the Forgemaster, standing next to the ministers and workers, to realize why he looked so embarrassed.

"Ah, Lord Merlin, you should rest and eat better! A healthy body is important for every Avalonian!" he exclaimed, rushing over and pushing the leaver with two hands, his muscles bulging in the process. The moment he lifted it, all twelve 'lightbulbs' slotted into place, and they came to life simultaneously, filling the factory with a warm, milky-white light.

The following applause and wonder from the workers and ministers present was enough to ease Merlin's embarrassment, happy not many saw his blunder and that they were more awed by capturing daylight in a glass bowl than to laugh at him.


"He did what?" I asked, laughing, looking at Sasha while sitting at the breakfast table with her and Luna.

"He came and asked for monster meat. He also went ahead and looked for Oleg to ask how to train his muscles. I think he is with Pion and Polo right now, asking for advice."

"Because he couldn't push a lever..." I whispered, finding it way too funny.

"Yep." She nodded, looking at me before breaking into a cute giggle. "I told him that we are short on meat, so it is strictly regulated who gets it, and that it is being reserved for our soldiers... So now he says we will have to prepare for winter and hunt down every beast that attacks the walls. He wants to refine the Dragonfire again, making it into a precision spell that kills but doesn't waste meat by blowing them up."

"Haaah, leave him be! He juggles eight to ten ideas at once. The moment he created the recorder, he immediately worked on another plan. At least he is not stuck on Mikan's problem."

"About that, I was playing with the spell of the recorder, and we could manufacture them. If we finalize the deal with our new ally, we can afford to 'waste' a little CC on designs like that."

"Before introducing it to the market, I want everyone to know its uniqueness. First, we will put it in the school and official buildings. Then, we will lend it to the most prominent businesses to demonstrate its usage. Then, we can slowly start selling it after... people have been getting wealthy, compared to how their life was before, so let's give them something that is not easily obtainable."

"Why?" she asked, but Luna answered her, finally opening her mismatched eyes. Last night, because both Sasha and I were at the factory inspecting the working lights, Yuri and Luna were the girls looking after our kids. I could tell she was still half-asleep, wearing her pajamas backward, her hair looking like a bird's nest, and barely able to sit straight.

"When you give them everything..." she began, yawning and opening her mouth so big I could fit my... fist into it. "They won't see the value of it. Give them the world, and they will want the heavens. Leon already gave them a lot! A safe place to live, water coming from the walls and sewers bringing it away. They have a warm home in the middle of winter, one that doesn't let in the cold winds, and they also have access to food anytime they want it. From here on out, anything else is no longer something we can just... give them."


"This is why you read so much, huh?" I smiled happily, making her chuckle and showing a V-sign. "Exactly what she said. Things like this will be available but not given to them. They need to work for it and for themselves to afford it. This will be one of the first items that not everyone will be able to afford. But it will also probably create a new industry."

"Like?" They asked, looking at me while I continued eating my toast and egg.

"It works with CC—with magic. This is one step in introducing magic to the average person so they can experience it firsthand. So, one of its resources is something unique and pricey... Still! They could buy it here in Avalon, as no other country in this world would let people purchase something with CC within, right? What I meant as a new industry is one that would procure, under governmental license, CC and be permitted to trade with it. It would be strictly regulated, and it would be a business for the truly wealthy. As an Archmage, it would be under your rule."

"Mine?" She asked again, pointing at herself, surprised.

"Yep. We would also keep a tight control of CC, like other powers in the world, but not THAT tight. People would have the opportunity to create a business that would buy CC from us and then sell it. For now, of course, there will be only one use, which is the recorder. They could record their own voice, music, whatever, but later on, they ought to discover showbuisness~! That is where the real money is... not to mention if some smart people pop up and become able to do what I do, creating new formations and new magical items. Then we will really have a booming industry here!"

"Yeah, that won't happen." Luna chuckled, slurping her coffee and gradually waking up from her stupor. "Your brain is special."

"I can't deny that." I answered, spreading my arms, "I am still writing up the new laws to be introduced regulating the trading with CC within Avalon. For now, I know that leaving the city's premises with them would be a capital offense. Those caught with it would be sent on The Walk, without trial."

"Oh, you are not playing around, nya?" Yuri said, entering the room stretching and yawning, wearing nothing but her cat ears and tail, butt naked from last night. "How will you know they are trying to smuggle it out?"

"We will install detectors at the city entrances. With Merlin's constantly advancing inventions, we can now make them resonate. If anybody tries to smuggle it out, we will catch them. I know that it can't be stopped, evident from how we procured our first batch, but I will do a lot of things to prevent it. I will be kind and give them the option for access, but I will also be ruthless if they abuse my kindness and take it for granted."

"Shit, you are making me wet again... Abuse me, please~!"

"Here we go..." Luna and Sasha said in perfect unison, rolling their eyes. "You couldn't even stay put... doing it next to my kids! You horny woman!"

"Relax, Sacchy, they were already sleeping! Now they are up, hanging off of Mikan's huge jugs, damn, I wanted to make a taste test too, but the two are so fierce! They are not letting those puffy pink nipples be touched!"

"They are like their dad." Luna nodded, glancing at me cheekily, making me lick my lips.

"I see everyone is fired up, eh? Nice to see~! By the way, girls, I was thinking." I countered before my counter was countered. What a power move!

"We did too." They spoke so in sync that I stopped breathing for a moment. What was that? All three of their voices came at the same time, and they were looking straight at me. What did I do? I did nothing. Did I? Did... Did I forget something?! Anniversary. Were there any? Do we even celebrate anniversaries? I don't think I remember doing it. Wait, was I too rough yesterday?

"Y-yes? Go ahead." I asked, trying to remain calm and collected, looking at them questioningly.

"Mikan should be the last," Sasha said, making the other two nod, which made me feel like I was seeing some kind of council agreeing to my sentence. But... sentence for what?

"Last of what?" I asked after shaking my body.

"The last girl you fuck." Yuri declared clearly before being elbowed by Luna.

"Don't say it that way; it can be misunderstood! The last girl beside us! Details, Yuri! The details!"

"I think both of you should just shut up." Sasha grunted, holding her head.

"Wait, wait, waaaaait, I am being lost here, girls! Why are you deciding about this? We... we didn't even interact like, you know... that way."

"Please, we all see how you watch her boobs." Yuri continued, placing her hands on her hips. "She would complete your collection! I have been having a word with the girls, you see. Here is Luna, who is flat as a washboard."

"Hey! I do have tits!" She protested, throwing off her top and pushing her chest out. True, she did have two perky little mounds, but she was far away from something that would start bouncing if she began hopping around.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Yuri continued, ignoring her, "Then there is Sasha. She has a bit now because they are puffed up with milk. Let it dry out, and maybe they will shrivel up..."

"Heeey! They won't! They.. won't... Won't they?" By the end, she sounded worried, looking back and forth between me and Yuri, holding her breasts in her hand and gently squishing them.

"Lastly, there is me. Only one of mine is remaining, and that's neither the biggest nor the softest. Effectively, I have nothing like a tit. So, no wonder you are ogling at Mikan's jugs like a starved kitten. You envy your own son and daughter, aren't ya? So, to not let any big boobed whore come and squirm her way into our harem, we decided that we let you woo Mikan!"

"Yeah, but not anyone after her!" Sasha exclaimed, stomping her foot. "She has to be the last one!"

"Um, then you will have every type; plus, I can sleep in her lap and nestle between her breasts! That would be the best place to read~!" Luna agreed while Yuri stood there grinning as the three looked at me. One was clothed, one was half-naked, and one was not wearing anything... I think my mind was short-circuited momentarily, trying to understand everything that just happened.

"Let me summarize it... You three agreed that if I want to court Mikan and take her as a fourth wife... I am allowed to do so?"

"Yes." They replied in unison.

"I didn't even think about it..."

"Yes, but Yuri is right!" Sasha continued, stepping forward, "She has the most experience, and she is right; boys like big boobs; just look at Arthur! So, what if some nasty woman comes along with big boobs and does something to you? Hmph! If you have one already, we don't need to fear a witch!"

I wanted to say that you are already a witch, but I gulped my thoughts back at the last moment. This was so surreal I barely could hold back my laughter and amusement... but deep down, somehow, I was way too excited. Oh boy... I didn't consider Mikan like that before, but now... I can not help myself but think about her breastfeeding me. I mean, our children... I mean, my children. Shit! My mind has been affected by these three weird witches!

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