Starforce Warriors

Chapter 132: The Appreciation Of The Big Shots

Chapter 132: The Appreciation Of The Big Shots

"Li Xiaofei, I am from the Ye family..."

"Li Xiaofei, I am Du Yulong, the general manager of Du Family Chain Supermarkets. When would you be available to discuss sponsoring your cultivation resources?"

"Our Qi family can also sponsor you."

"Li Xiaofei, could we exchange contact information? I'm the principal of Petroleum First High School..."

"Li Xiaofei..."

Faces beamed with enthusiasm, and their words were filled with genuine concern. Numerous olive branches were being extended toward him. It seemed as if the whole world had suddenly become friendly to the kid from the slum.

Li Xiaofei was overwhelmed by the attention. On the other side, Xiong Zhigang stood dejectedly as people passed by him without a second glance. He was completely irrelevant to them.

"Everyone, make way, make way."

The young secretary from the city leader's office squeezed in, panting, and said, "The city leader and the commander request Li's presence."

Li Xiaofei finally managed to extricate himself from the crowd with his help. He couldn’t help but take a long breath of relief.

Goodness. This is more exhausting than a life-and-death battle.

He followed the young secretary out of the venue. The young secretary felt a surge of emotions. The last time he had seen Li Xiaofei was just half a month ago in the city leader's office.

Back then, Li Xiaofei was just an unknown student visiting with his principal. When he walked through the corridors of the office building, no one would spare him a second glance. But now?

The young secretary had no doubt that the next time Li Xiaofei appeared outside the city leader's office, at least seventy percent of the important figures waiting in line would recognize him. They would all crowd around and ask for his contact information. That’s what overnight fame looked like.

"We're here. The leaders are waiting for you inside."

The young secretary led Li Xiaofei to a VIP lounge outside the venue and opened the door.

"Thank you," Li Xiaofei said gratefully.

Then he stepped inside.

"Our young star is here," City Leader Tan Zhenwei's loud and cheerful voice greeted him.

Li Xiaofei found Commander Ding Longao, the heads of the five major families, Inspector Li Zhoumin, and others sipping tea and conversing in the lounge. The atmosphere seemed very harmonious, with an air of congeniality.

"City Leader."


"Inspector Li."

"Respected elders."

Li Xiaofei behaved very respectfully, greeting each of the distinguished figures present. Only a fool would put on airs in front of these people.

"Haha, no need to be so formal, have a seat," Tan Zhenwei said, pointing to a nearby chair.

Li Xiaofei sat down obediently. But only half of his bottom was on the cushion and his back was as straight as a javelin. He was radiating vitality and spirit. This posture immediately gained Commander Ding Longao's approval. As a military man, he liked seeing a military bearing in young people.

"Promising young man." The elderly head of the Ye family said with a trembling voice. "Li Xiaofei, your brilliance reminds me of my younger days. Ah, time never stops, and I'm getting old. It's truly something to envy."

"Don't lament, old fellow. New talents emerge in every generation; you can't always be the leading figure of the era."

"Haha, Brother Ye has a heart that refuses to age."

"When one gets old, one must accept it."

The other heads of the major families laughed. They seemed to be casually chatting, but Li Xiaofei could sense the hidden tensions and subtle rivalries beneath the surface.

Li Xiaofei sat quietly, not interrupting the conversation.

"Li Xiaofei, are you interested in joining our Duxing High School?" The elderly head of the Ye family asked with a smile. "You have great potential. Staying at Red Flag High School is a waste. A youth like you only has a few golden years to cultivate. Duxing High School is ranked number one in the city and can provide you with more comprehensive support and help."

"Old Ye, that's not very fair. How can you try to poach someone right off the bat? If Chen Fei from Red Flag High School finds out, he'll fight you to the end." The head of the Du family chortled.

"Indeed, your Ye family poached Xiong Zhigang, a genius cultivated by Chen Fei with great effort two years ago. Now you want to poach young Li Xiaofei as well? You're trying to cut off the roots of Red Flag High School. That's quite unscrupulous." The head of the Qi family added.

"Yes, yes, you're all right," laughed the head of the Zhou family. "So, Li Xiaofei, would you consider joining our Lanshan High School? You can name any conditions."

Each of the family heads extended their offers, showing how extraordinary Li Xiaofei's performance had been tonight. They were all keen on recruiting him.

Li Xiaofei smiled warmly at them. "Thank you for the compliments, esteemed elders. I am very happy at Red Flag High School and enjoy the atmosphere there, so I currently have no plans to switch schools."

"Good, young man, it's commendable to see someone who finishes what they start." The elderly head of the Ye family praised.

The other family heads didn't press the matter further. Given their status, extending an invitation once was already a significant gesture. Since Li Xiaofei had declined, they respected his decision.

After all, he was just a promising young talent, not a mature force. Their initial offers were largely a gesture of goodwill primarily to stay in the good graces of Inspector Li Zhoumin. In the high echelons of power, conversations often carried deeper meanings than what was said on the surface.

"An old man like me can't stay up too late. I'll take my leave now." The Ye family patriarch said, standing up to leave.

The other family heads also took their leave, exchanging polite farewells. Commander Ding Longao also prepared to depart.

"Here is my personal light core signal. If you ever want to join the military, you can contact me anytime. I have high hopes for you," Commander Ding Longao said, patting Li Xiaofei on the shoulder as he left behind his contact information.

It was not the first time Ding Longao had shown his approval of Li Xiaofei.

"Rest assured, Commander. I will cultivate to revive the Great Xia martial lineage and protect my country. I will be dedicating my life and efforts to the cause," Li Xiaofei said, snapping into a crisp military salute.

Whether it was five hundred years ago or now, he had always held a deep respect and admiration for the soldiers of Great Xia. In the past, the army had no need for a martial arts fanatic who couldn't make a name for himself. But now, Li Xiaofei believed he could make a significant contribution to Great Xia's armed forces.

"Excellent!" Ding Longao laughed heartily.

Ding Longao's face was still adorned with a smile as he left. Tan Zhenwei looked at Li Xiaofei with increasing satisfaction. Tan Zhenwei, Ding Longao, and Li Zhoumin were all seasoned veterans of the martial world. Their eyes might not be as sharp as those of legendary figures, but they were certainly capable of seeing through people and situations.

They could clearly see the sincerity and passion within Li Xiaofei when he said he would dedicate his life. How could such a young man not earn their admiration?

"Inspector Li has been waiting for you for a while. Go ahead," Tan Zhenwei said, also giving Li Xiaofei a pat on the shoulder and adding, "Come by my house for tea when you have time."

"Sure, I'll definitely come," Li Xiaofei replied, holding great respect for the white-haired city leader in front of him.

Soon, the lounge was left with just two people.

Li Zhoumin looked at the young man before him with satisfaction.

"Let's talk somewhere else."

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