Star Gate

Chapter 284: The Terrifying Hou Xiaochen (III)

Chapter 284: The Terrifying Hou Xiaochen (III)

He Yong was an unbridled character completely out of control. His unkempt beard shook as he brayed with laughter. “I’ve been on the road for three days and traveled without stop to get here. It’s a damned shame to not see Yuan Shuo battle the Qimei Staff! Did you get to watch it?!”

“I did, and it was absolutely brilliant!” Hong Yitang called out. “The Five Styles battled the Qimei Staff and the Qimei Staff won by a single move! However, the Qimei Staff King lost his life for it...”

“Really? The Qimei Staff won?” He Yong whooped. “I don’t believe it! Did Old Demon Yuan go easy on him? Hahaha, Sun Yifei did not die in vain. I would think it worth it too if I could witness the splendor of a Summoner of Spirit!

“Kid, are you coming with me?” He looked at Li Hao again. “Silver Moon is not what it once was. Who would dare come and make trouble in those days?

“Whoever came would die!” he barked with laughter. “Whoever didn’t want to die had to cower and call me granddaddy! You had to fight your way upwards and earned the right to stand in Silver Moon only after beating everyone! Wanting to make a stand without killing a few renowned martial masters? Hah!”

He blazed with conceit, as if the glories of yesteryear were still present and this was still his home ground. But bleak undertones lurked within his words. All that the Southern First King could do was reminisce about the past.

“So are you coming with me or not?!” He Yong bellowed. “How come you don’t have any of the fire of a martial master, kid?? They say you killed Qimei Staff’s senior disciple, so I thought you were someone like Old Demon Yuan. Why are you more like the wuss Hong Yitang, who wouldn’t know mettle if it bit him on the nose?”

Hong Yitang smiled ruefully and didn’t say a word.

“Senior, I am a Night Watcher.” Li Hao took a deep breath. “I am a Silver Moon Night Watcher. Directors Hou and Hao are present and I have my duties to take care of. I cannot leave just like this.”

“Don’t give me that fucking bullshit!” He Yong shouted. “You’re looking to those guys?? Hao Lianchuan isn’t worth shit and Hou Xiaochen is a paper tiger. The only thing he can do is posture while he waits for the central region to rescue him. He would’ve fought back a long time ago if he dared fight back—how could he possibly tolerate other people throwing their weight around in front of him?

“This guy killed every martial master he came across when he hunted Silver Moon martial masters!”

“Senior He Yong, some things can not be spoken of erroneously.” Hou Xiaochen frowned.

“Erroneously?” He Yong snorted. “Would I not know about your background given my position in the royal family? You were part of the Skystar Guards when the dynasty formed this army unit, and you were even one of the three commanders! Don’t you dare say that you weren’t!”

Expressions shifted among the crowd when this revelation was laid bare. The younger generation were unaware, but the old guard well remembered the chaos of the martial world during those times.

The Skystar Guards assassinated many martial masters when they were active. Each guard was vicious, brutal, and succeeded with uncountable targets. It reached a point where some martial masters went weak at the knees to hear of this army unit.

Despite the strength of Silver Moon’s martial world, they were raked through the coals by the Skystar Guards. Of them, their most terrifying were the legendary three commanders.

“How is that possible?” Hou Xiaochen responded with resignation. “How old was I twenty years ago? I’m in my early forties now and would’ve been a teenager then. How was I supposed to be a commander for the Guards? Senior He Yong... are you... confused?”

Confused agreement rippled through the crowd. That was true! The Skystar Guards was formed more than thirty years ago. Even the three commanders of a later period held their posts more than twenty years ago. They were disbanded when the Night Watchers were formed. The legendary commanders were rumored to be Dominators back in the day!

A teenage Dominator?


An old demon like Yuan Shuo reached that cultivation level only when he was almost fifty years old.

He Yong was at a loss for words, but doggedly continued, “Don’t deny it! I don’t know why you’re so strong, so you must be one of the three commanders. And if you’re not, you’re the final disciple of one of them!”

“What in the...” Hou Xiaochen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Whatever, I am if you say I am! Also, the Skystar Guards weren’t as infamous as you say. They simply killed a portion of degenerates who plagued the lands and were the scourge of the martial world! See, aren’t the rest of you alive and well? No one cared about proper sparring. Even a demon like Yuan Shuo only killed people during his challenges. He was wanted, but no one did anything to him. The way you put it makes it seem like the Guards were some notorious, crazed killing machines...”

The assembly cast strange looks at him. Er... were you really part of that army unit?

“Don’t look at me like that,” Hou Xiaochen sighed. “Don’t the Skystar Guards count as the predecessor to the Night Watchers? Whoever speaks ill of the Guards is speaking ill of the Night Watchers.”

It was the same concept! One was an official organization of martial masters and the other one of supernaturals. They were all the same, so it would be off if he, a Night Watcher, did not defend the other.

“Let’s stop the mischief, Senior He,” the director continued. “The royal family has kept a low profile for many years. Would they declare war on the three great organizations for a Dominator like you?”

“Who knows?” He Yong sneered. “The royal family has nothing left but their dignity! They will truly have nothing if they lose even that! The three great organizations are powerful, but so do they retain certain strength!”

“Sure sure, everything you say is right!” Hou Xiaochen chuckled and turned to the other powerhouses. “We’re embarrassing ourselves in front of you. Li Hao’s matter is trifling, the key here is the ruins...”

“Li Hao is no small matter!” Violet Moon snorted.

“How is he not...” However, Hou Xiaochen had no choice but to accept the rebuttal. “Go find Yuan Shuo if you’re of the mind to. The so-called eight families of Silver City? Please, a damned many years have passed and we don’t even know the origins of those stories. Don’t use that as an excuse!

“Everyone, are sky level origin weapons not more valuable than Li Hao?” he asked earnestly. “As for Yuan Shuo... look for him yourself! If you’re really out of ideas, set up an arena and proclaim to the world that Yuan Shuo is martial trash. He may seek you out himself! Isn’t that right?”

Some people blinked. That was... true, those actions might actually draw Yuan Shuo out of hiding. Of course, assuming that he came openly and not in the shadows, executing the organizers without further word for their rudeness!

“I understand if Red Moon has their eye on Li Hao.” Hou Xiaochen turned to the Parity King and Half Mountain. “But you two should not be thus. It’s not appropriate for you to target a young man when you do not grasp anything, correct?”

The Parity King was an imposing middle-aged man. “Director Hou does not need to worry about us,” he said calmly. “We will withdraw if Red Moon withdraws!”

“That’s good!” Hou Xiaochen nodded and focused on Half Mountain.

“I have no particular thoughts,” Half Mountain said coldly underneath his cloak. “Don’t direct your ire at me, Director Hou!”

The two Novas held themselves in check, but Red Hair furrowed his brows.

“You should stay out of it, Red Hair.” As expected, Hou Xiaochen looked at him next. “We can explore the ruins together and split the origin weapons. There is no need to come with so much fanfare for a Li Hao, wouldn’t you say so?”

“You are right,” Red Hair said coldly. “In that case, why repeatedly set yourself against Red Moon on behalf of Li Hao? Silver Moon’s situation is not as good as you think! Hou Xiaochen, are you going to bury the good prospects with your own hands?”

“There’s no reasoning with you!” Hou Xiaochen chuckled ruefully and turned to the cliff faces around him. “Is anyone here from the Night Watcher headquarters? The supernatural organizations got here a few days ago, but where are you? What in tarnation is this?? I am only a Solar, and an injured one at that. Is there any dignity left for the Night Watchers if you still do not show yourselves?!”

No one answered his shouts.

“Is there a need for this?” Hou Xiaochen grew despondent.

“You know, some people want nothing more than open warfare between us.” Red Hair was the epitome of calm. “But we do not wish for there to be open hostilities. Red Moon has never demanded an accounting for you killing the second generation Violet Moon. If you still take a stance opposite to us today, however, Red Moon’s magnanimity will cease to stretch further!”

He was being quite restrained. He first spoke of reason, then of the times. Regardless, taking Li Hao away with him today was the mission that he had to complete.

Red Hair did not want to make an enemy out of Hou Xiaochen. Some people couldn’t wait for the two to fight so they could determine what condition the Night Watcher was in. But... what was the point in that?

Hou Xiaochen sighed and glanced at Li Hao next to him.

“Little fellow,” he whispered. “I told you before that I might not be able to protect you if your value isn’t high enough. See here, a Nova wants you and won’t take no for an answer. No one from upstairs is willing to defend you and your teacher’s run off. Don’t look to Hu Dingfang either—Solars aren’t dependable and Novas will easily do him in.

“I... am in a difficult position,” the man sighed. “What do you think I should do, little guy?”

Li Hao thought for a moment and extended his hand toward the director. Hou Xiaochen smiled and stretched out his hand as well. When the two hands clasped together, an incomparably keen sword qi circulated in Hou Xiaochen’s body. Unfathomably heavy earth aura interspersed with sword intent bloomed next in his body.

Li Hao looked at him, unmoving. Hou Xiaochen answered with a smile as well. Their hands slowly separated.

The director smiled and clapped Li Hao’s shoulder. “Even if you were closer to my heart... it would still be difficult for me to take action on your behalf. But... there’s no helping it since I’m your director! Wouldn’t that be too humiliating to let someone else take you? Who among the Silver Moon Night Watchers would follow my orders in the future, wouldn’t you say?”

“I’ll follow all of your orders, director!” Li Hao nodded.

“Good boy!” Hou Xiaochen chuckled and looked at Red Hair. “Red Hair, Li Hao says that he’ll follow my orders in the future and be a good boy. Don’t make trouble for him. Leave when I count to three and I’ll bring you into the ruins later on. There’s treasure to be had.”

Red Hair glowered ominously!

What kind of tone was this? Was he coaxing a child??

Numerous figures began appearing in the surroundings. The Parity King grabbed the Revolution King and vanished on the spot. Half Mountain immediately disappeared as well. Red Hair frowned, while Violet Moon looked around warily.

“Are you certain that you want to protect him, Hou Xiaochen?”

“One!” Hou Xiaochen raised one finger with a smile.

“Hou Xiaochen...”

“Three!” He suddenly skipped two and blinked out of sight. The Flaming Phoenix Spear that Hao Lianchuan carried disappeared as well.

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